MovieChat Forums > Queen Elizabeth II Discussion > Nigerian-born Professor Uju Anya wishing...

Nigerian-born Professor Uju Anya wishing the Queen an excruciatingly painful death


She is entitled to her anger, but it is curious NBC giving her the platform to voice it.


Black privilege.


Slow news day.


Good grief..

The woman is dead.

You'd think she was in the same league as Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Marx, Mao, Pol Pot, ....

She wasn't, not even in the same universe.

She was a good woman compared to all the others.

Carnegie is a first class hateful lowlife, who demonstrates a lack of intelligence with every word she writes or speaks. She apparently cannot differentiate Queen Elizabeth from her predecessors.


QE II was if anything a de-colonizer (as much by circumstance as choice, but a de-colonizer nonetheless). Or closer to the truth, she was a Commonwealther. She had no real say in any of these decisions anyway, so it would be the British people and their government that should answer for any bad things their government did after World War II. I don't think the Queen forced anybody to vote for Tony Blair. That's on them.


She had no real say in any of these decisions anyway, so it would be the British people and their government that should answer for any bad things their government did after World War II.

Yup. That's right. And there are very real grievances arising from Britain's colonial past and more recent, post-colonial/neo-colonial [delete as is your preference] foreign policy that are absolutely worth foregrounding. But the last couple of days have revealed there's a widespread misunderstanding about how a modern constitutional monarchy actually works.


Why isn't this considered hate speech?

Academia never fails to let us know who we should hate.


You can BET she wasn't fired and allowed to keep her job because of her skintone. If she had been white, she would have been thrown out of that college faster than shit through a goose.


Don't worry guys, karma's gonna hit her harder than a missile doing sonic booms. She'll be forgotten faster than the last ungrateful liberal bitch that said something nasty on social media.


Hopefully the Brits will have a Uju Anya bank holliday going forward as nergos needs to be heard.
