The Vax

The numbers are starting to add up! People in their 50s die left and right.


I suspect a lot of the many unexplained deaths we have been hearing about lately are from the Vax, but not O'Connor's. I would say it's 99% likely to be suicide in her case.


true - she had several suicide attempts over the years. She said how she did it - take a whole lot of pills and and say 'let the god decide' only to then wake up 4 days later - still alive. I'd venture to say that this time she simply didn't wake up.


She had a raging case of Bipolar Disorder and rumor has it that she refused to take appropriate medications to reduce the symptoms.

She'd had public breakdowns and made suicide attempts before, I bet you $100 that eventually her death will be revealed to be a suicide.


UK mortality rates are up for to the vax


And in spite of all those vaccinations, other diseases continue to exist!

Such, as you know, the BIPOLAR DISORDER O'CONNOR HAD.


while i do not equate vaxx status to O'Connor's death in particular (due to her psychological issues and suicide attempts in the past), vaxx/increase in death point was often countered with 'covid is the real reason'. Yet, this is why the most recent data from Australia was particularly fascinating - the increase in excess deaths started in Australia when the vaxx campaign began, but months before covid actually arrived in Australia (and there were no lockdowns in place, so that can't be used as the cause either).


LMAO Porsche911, anti-vaxxers, I shit the lot of you, you bunch of wankers.


I have one family member and one acquiescence die from Blood Clotting & Myocarditis (cardiac arrest) 37 years & 52 years old respectively. Also down the street a man 46 almost died from Blood Clotting. Hes still recovering. All males. heathy !
Families were told "There is no evidence that people are at an increased risk of cardiac arrest or blood clotting in the weeks or months following the Covid-19 vaccine" This is all natural they say.


Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura

Season 1, Episode 5
“Secret Societies”
(December 30, 2009)


An article about her from the Covid Blog published July 30th, 2023 if anyone is interested:


There you have it! The vaccine killed her ( and many others )


I won't jump to any conclusions but I think it's a fair question to ask if someone was vaccinated or not given the hysteria and forced compliance many of us just went though.

Not long ago it seemed that every death was Covid and your "vaccination" status was open to the world if you wanted to do certain things - and now personal medical histories are a big secret or unimportant?
