MovieChat Forums > Al Gore Discussion > what would America be like today if Al G...

what would America be like today if Al Gore won the 2000 Election?

Would it be better or worse?


Overall better

But then again I would not have gone to grad school and would never have met my boyfriend


The economy would have suffered during those years, but maybe America would have avoided Obama if he won in 2000, so perhaps it would actually be better right now. It's hard to say.


Global Warming would not exist and no one would know who Greta is.


I do believe that if Gore had won in 2000, there would have been no Obama and no Trump.

Hard to say who, if anyone, would have beat Gore in 2004, but it seems likely McCain or some other Republican would have won in 2008. Unless there had been a strong Republican candidate in '04, but who would that have been? Any thoughts?

Then again, *had* a Republican been elected in '08, then Obama might have run again in 2012 and beat McCain that year but once again, no Trump.

What are others' thoughts on that?


Oh and incidentally, we WOULD still have gone into Iraq after 9/11 with Gore at the helm. That much would have remained the same.


No we wouldn't because 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

Bush Was Warned of Hijack Plot and did nothing.

Before 9/11 John Ashcroft Denied FBI Requests for Fighting Terrorism

During the summer of 2001, mere weeks before 9/11, Attorney General John Ashcroft denied repeated FBI requests for additional funds to fight terrorism; his final letter of refusal arrived at the FBI on Sept. 10. Ashcroft has never explained his reasons, nor has he been held accountable for how his snubbing of the FBI's anti-terrorism efforts may have contributed to the bureau's laxity.

Former FBI Director Blasts Ashcroft For Ignoring Terrorist Threat Warnings

The Bush Administration obstructed terror investigations to do a deal with the Taliban, a pipeline deal to carry oil.

The Bush administration -- the present one, just shortly after assuming office slowed down FBI investigations of al Qaeda and terrorism in Afghanistan in order to do a deal with the Taliban on oil -- an oil pipeline across Afghanistan.
Explosive New Book Published in France Alleges that U.S. Was in Negotiations to Do a Deal with Taliban

Before 9/11, the Bush Administration Curbed FBI Anti-Terrorism Efforts, in Order to Advance Negotiations for a Government Oil and Gas Pipeline in Afghanistan

Bush Administration Deliberately Allowed Terrorists to Attack on 9/11


Well it would be debt free. In 1999 they had several years of budget surplus and the National Debt was projected to be paid off in 13 years, so that would have been 2012. But Bush squandered it.


Well, the ironic thing is that Gore actually did win the majority of votes in Florida when they had a chance to actually count the votes. Typically, Republicans rigged the election and then accused Democrats of doing it.

I am pretty sure better, but the creeping cancer of Republican Fascism would have still crept up on him and America. Me might not have responded to 9-11 so carelessly, or we might not have had 9-11 at all since Bin Laden was known about and ignored by W.. Or things might have gone very similar to how they did go. I doubt Trump would have ever gotten into politics, so that would have made a big positive difference.


That's not ironic, that is typical. Trump got into politics because the media was unwilling to ask Bush tough questions. They knew they were culpable and did an about face the last few years but by that time the fascists were so out of their minds they didn't believe it.

I Still want to know is WHERE ARE THE WMDS? and If our media is so liberal why weren't the downing street memos published in the US?




The outcome of this election was consequential.

We would have never invaded Iraq [so 2,000 + more souls would be alive today and more happy families] and we would have by now electric "pumps" at ever gas station.



The future was possible. You could own an electric car and stop at an old timey gas station and just pump electricity into the vehicle and be on your merry way.

There have been so many very tall skyscrapers erected in the Middle East since then...ours went down.
