MovieChat Forums > George Bush Discussion > JFK assassin/CIA (Ignore other board “co...

JFK assassin/CIA (Ignore other board “conspiracies”—they are trolling me)

His son orchestrated 9/11, or daddy’s buddies did it on son’s behalf. George W Bush, being a pilot himself, engineered the murder of John Kennedy, Jr. (& family) in the crash off of Martha’s Vineyard as part of his own presidential run as a Skull&Bones rite of passage. Kennedy would have had to deliberately commit suicide and kill his wife and sister-in-law on purpose, otherwise, which makes no sense (fuel valve locked to OFF) as he calmly alerted the air traffic controller of approach a minute before a plunging nosedive.

Despite what is now said about 2020, we all know it was the *2000* election which was corrupted and stolen. Never forget this. Much effort continues to go into distractions of otherwise.

Search your feelings… you know it all to be true, but you don’t want to believe it. You search for benign conspiracies elsewhere to dampen anxiety.

Oliver Stone and Michael Moore (and others) are not liberal attack dogs, they are Bush family propagandists sent to misdirect or muddy the waters of corruption! Their power of influence peaks when their employers have Executive power. They utilize covert CIA tactics. Fahrenheit 9/11 created an image of Dubya and co which was that they were too incompetent to be masterminds. Subterfuge! Stone’s W did the same—humanized them under the pretense of partisanship.

November 22, 1963 was a coup d'etat, and it’s author acquired more and more power within the establishment until he and his heirs were themselves Presidents of the US or presidential prospects.

Check out Project for the New American Century.

Stay away from the Cheney’s, too, America. I don’t care how moderate and lovable Liz Cheney of Wyoming is compared to MAGAphiles. They are corrupted and tarnished!! Move forward with new leadership.

Recent post on JFK board:

Best source:


I dont think anyone from the Bush family had the intelligence to orchestrate anything short of maybe orchestrating how to make nanny change diapers for their special children.


That was part of my point, but that image of them was carefully crafted for them to elude suspicion. They *wanted* to be underestimated. This is what covert operatives do, and why it took even me so long to see it.

And I’ve been studying this for 30+ years.

Check out Dark Legacy (2009)


Im not stupid or drunk enough to study the Bush family. I can study a fucking rock and learn more.


Lunacy promoted by morons.


“We all know 2000 was stolen”

Uh yeah. Those of us who are educated in politics and watched it unfold in real time watched the attempted theft stopped.

At midnight, Gore trailed Bush by 100k votes in Florida, with 100k votes left to count. This was when the media made a call the second time that evening, this time for Bush. And wouldn’t you know it? Gore got 101% of the final 100k votes.

Instead of asking for a state wide recount, they went to court to demand only 3 recounts in the the 3 biggest Democrat controlled counties.

JFK was killed by the same former Soviet Marxist/Communists who took over the media, education, and the Democrat party. The ones who’s mental illness were dealing with today.

As for 911, clearly there were shenanigans involved. WTC7 proves that. Whether the Bush’s were part of it remains to be seen.


Dont forget about the hanging gigachad.




You are desperate to make this an issue of standard party politics and ideology with your talking points, etc, but it’s really not. This is not about the election horse-races.

I’m an old school anti-woke Democrat, sure, but I would never touch anyone of either party with a ten-foot pollster who had anything to do with the Bushes. Like I said, I’m even throwing liberal darlings, Michael Moore and Oliver Stone under the bus. They are not authentic and may be CIA themselves. They report to Bush. The appointed president’s brother in 2000 was the governor of the State in question, and his campaign manager was the Secretary of State of Florida in charge of the election process. Any other historical situation, we would put the pieces together in short order and understand it as coup after coup by criminal masterminds. But we don’t want to believe it could happen here… to us… as victims to their callous whims of power.

Jews supposedly voted for antisemite, Pat Buchanan on the butterfly ballot in several counties. Even he was confused by this and dismissed his own votes. An accident, right? Sure. lmao

You need to look at who has the training, intellect and family heritage for corruption. No matter how folksy they appear, the 20th and early 21st Century saw the rise of one political dynasty in the Bushes, their goals in Cold War, Latin American and the Middle East were all fulfilled and obfuscated by dramatic theatrical events based on terrorism, their puppets took falls in scandals while they themselves maintained a carefully crafted, bumbling image all till this very day with Dubya painting landscapes while sitting in his bathtub.

Their political attack ads show a different side.

In another 1000 years or less when humans are studying this as history alongside Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire, they will have the necessary distance from the situation to understand. No longer will it sound like “lunacy” as it does to us who lived under the thumb of the Bush regime.


Yeah, sure. That's a really mysterious username btw. How old are you, 13?


41 years old. Been on IMDb since 1998, so I was young when I made it. Two favorite Rush songs at the time, one famous, “YYZ” and one not-so-famous, “Anagram”

You provide a rather trivial reply for such a significant topic.


Shush! Don't give away so many personal details. With all that knowledge about 9/11 and JKF you'll have the CIA knocking on your door soon.


Hardy har.

I might be more afraid if the Dark Legacy (2009) doc hadn’t already propagated the theory over decade ago.

Also, George Herbert Walker Bush is as dead as John Kennedy and Allen Dulles. We had a lot to fear from the so-called “Greatest Generation” but they are mostly gone.

Also, I legitimately have a SECRET government clearance myself, and know people who can *hopefully* protect me from retaliation.


I see what you *did* there, Harvey. Fucking idiot.


Being a movie site, I initially thought you were referencing the 1950 Jimmy Stewart classic where he acts drunk and tells everyone he sees an invisible rabbit taller than him named, of course, Harvey.

I thought you were cleverly implying that I’m imagining things.

If that were the case I’d say that if you want to look like an idiot with no intellectual curiosity, then go ahead.

CIA coup is certainly a valid and well-regarded theory, and nobody can discount the well known fact that Bush’s Zapata Oil Rig in the Caribbean were training those Anti-Castro Cubans for invasion and regime change. CIA promised success, failed at Bay of Pigs, Kennedy fired Dulles effectively dumping the responsibility on them. Even as a Democrat, I don’t worship at the altar of JFK. That was indeed a moment of failed leadership! He burned his bridges with various departments much like Trump had the habit of doing. CIA has motive for coup, Bush family is a known war profiteer, so that and Kennedy’s subsequent UN speech about dearmament gives extra incentive. Nixon, who just lost to Kennedy, later appoints Bush as Head of the CIA during his presidency which occurs subsequent a second Kennedy is assassinated. Hoover’s letter confirms it George Bush was CIA. Howard Hunt being in the White House in 70s with his plumber’s unit (for Watergate) lends credence to this since he was CIA and had connections with the Bush family since early days. Hunt was named as a direct assassin at Dealey Plaza, sued the publication for slander and *lost* in court. George Bush was also purportedly witnessed to be in Dallas, Texas on 11/22/63.

Turns out there’s this other dude named Harvey who does *this*. I just seen it before posting this, so I get it now. But using Harvey (1950) instead would’ve been chill as fuck of you.

Other dude’s a troll and lame-o. Gives liberals a bad name with his woke nonsense.


Get a job, Harvey


Sorry, bud. I’m a different generation from all you kids. There is no value in “sock accounts” or whatever they are called. Furthermore, I’m here to enlighten readers and don’t care about my reputation. I form no alliance with Harvey Otto, and I pity any fool with over 1000 posts on moviechat.

The regulars are probably bots, especially Keelai and you.


And the earth is flat, right? Because we never went to the moon?


go sodomize yourself with a retractable baton, dumb fuck. why do you put 2 ambiguous statements in the same post ? you feel smart, dipshit ?


You ever ask yourself why we are inundated with humor and snipes casually referring to outlandish conspiracy theories?

Don’t you think maybe someone wants to create a culture of “laughing it off” and “looking the other way?”

Fight the trend!

I’m not saying this is related to Bush, too, necessarily. But it is a powerful form of control to get people to ridicule each other over legitimate questions about the nature of our society.

No people in significant numbers actually believe “flat-earth”, “fake moon landing” and that’s why they come up so much. Their existence, and the notion of a “tin foil hat” is really harming legitimate critical thinking skills.

You need to read some Orwell or something, or people of influence will roll all over you.

Don’t be so afraid to look stupid.


Bush was Hitler's puppet! Hitler has been running the country since 1945! His brain sits in a jar at Area 51, where alien tech transmits his thoughts to world leaders.

I've posted proof on YouTube, but the JooS keep taking it down!!!



It must really terrify you that the world is chaotic and often unpredictable. That a nobody like Oswald could in fact kill a president. I'm glad these delusions are able to calm your mind into believing there is always order in the chaos, but I'm sorry, they are in fact delusions.


Actually, for years I believed the Warren Report and thought Oswald was a lone nut. I’ve argued that case far longer than any other. I don’t have habit of going the conspiracy route with most things.

It was only recently when I began examining for myself weird stuff like the altered medical reports and autopsy photos which lead me to pursue the truth elsewhere. It not only lends credence to the conspiracy angle, but to a very particular “inside job” scenario (not Mafia, not Soviets, not Cubans) which syncs up with the altered parade route, weak secret service presence, convenient fall guy placed in a job at the location by a CIA connection, George de Mohrenschildt.

It’s hard to fathom because in the world we live in now where everyone has cameras on mobile, email, internet and heightened and healthy skepticism of government, we don’t see it as doable. But in the world of the early ‘60s, this doesn’t seem like that complicated of a covert mission, and there was complacency anyhow since the last presidential figures to face this violence were Teddy Roosevelt & William McKinley at the turn of the century. It only requires a few key people with some administrative contacts (Bush) and plausible deniability. If it had went to trial with Oswald, the case may have fallen apart, but the supposed retribution hit by Jack Ruby took care of that and diverted the attention on organized crime.


I'm assuming you'll come up with all sorts of insane explanations for why Oswald owned, and was pictured with multiple times, the rifle that killed JFK. And worked in the same building that the fatal shots came from... and fled, then proceeded to kill a police officer while fleeing.

This isn't even getting into details, just basic fundamentals - the case against Oswald was airtight. People desperately want to believe it was something more complicated, but the evidence simply isn't there. It's about as Occam's Razor as it gets.


I don’t need to. The crux of the case lies in the CIA motive, Oswald’s government-sponsored “defector” status in Soviet Union, and the military industrial complex’s dependency on arms manufacturing which is threatened by JFK disarmament talks—the latter supposedly could overlap with the CIA folks if they know anything about what it means to be a shareholder. Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting conspiracy of hundreds of people. A few shooters (one of which may even HAVE BEEN Oswald, but he seems to not take to being made the fall-guy patsy if that’s the case) and a couple operatives who were working on planting the Oswald stories, doctoring photos, and smuggling the rifle, etc. The, likely, inside man who may have had secret service access, and a high-level leader, such as Bush, with the right Pentagon contacts to alter the parade route and dampen security staffing.

Once you determine that it was an intelligence operation via access to tamper with the autopsy to reframe the evidence, then you realize the objective of setting Oswald up for it is really the amateur task for operatives. They send the B-Team for that mission.

There are so many holes in the basic forensics, which is what you’re caught up on, that it practically invites conspiracy. Perhaps that was just bad luck by investigators, but the FBI or Dallas PD didn’t find a palm print and didn’t test to see if the rifle was fired that day. We have people burning their notes and supressing witnesses— obviously trying to mold the investigation into something easily digestible. The Gargano palm print was eventually found during a subsequent CIA analysis after Oswald was himself shot and his body lay dead at the morgue.

You got to understand, I’m not a DA evaluating a case I intend to prosecute. I myself have “reasonable doubt” but it doesn’t preclude me from theorizing. History now records that Oswald killed Kennedy from the 6th-flr window, but as any student is taught, History is not always “the past.”


So they "faked" multiple photos with Oswald and the rifle? You realize the photos have been independently studied and verified as legit, literally impossible to fake if you have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Marina Oswald, who took the photos, and George de Mohrenschildt who had a first-gen print are also magically involved in this conspiracy.

Also, mail order information for the rifle which all links perfectly to him. But hey, we're in magical conspiracy land where we can just make up ridiculous assertions on the fly and hand-wave away blatant evidence at will.

Just like they magically forced Oswald to flee and kill a police officer. It's all magical, baby - you have no power here, logic. Incoming wall of text in 5, 4, 3...


George de Mohrenschildt was confirmed CIA, and an obvious handler for Oswald. The mail order rifle was sent to a PO BOX under a phony name, Lidell or something, a name and box that could have easily been tied to Oswald later by planting a key. Marina, Oswald’s wife, was a Soviet citizen accustomed to taking orders. So, George pretends the rifle is his, convinces a partygoer, Oswald, the “Soviet spy” to pose for some pictures. Oswald has delusions of grandeur and does, etc. Not that complicated a frame up job if you ask me. That’s IF the photos weren’t doctored, which you didn’t provide a source for.

How come Oswald, a supposed defector, was able to come back to the States to resume his life without being arrested for treason (and bring his Soviet wife in tow) for good measure?

Face it, if he’s not *the* or a shooter, he was definitely the perfect patsy. Someone else (or maybe you) mentioned Occam’s Razor. In my eyes, the simplest explanation is Oswald was either ordered to USSR as spy and/or allowed back for some rogue purpose. To have him decide on his own to shoot at the appeasor president, and miraculously succeed, is what complicated the analysis away from the “simplest explanation.”

If Oswald had any brain at all, when the president was assassinated mere yards from where the government placed him at a job in the book depository, he *should* be wise, irate and resist arrest. And he was! He didn’t even pretend or play dumb. To him, the poor police officer, Tippit, was representative of all the conspirators coming out of the woodwork to persecute him. It must have felt to him like he was a Jew hiding out with Anne Frank and the SS officers are closing in to execute.

We all have to empathetically try to understand the hypothetical Oswald, as an individual, when we posit he *wasn’t* the assassin. To him, he wouldn’t have had a thought in his mind about the president coming to be murdered that day. He would be just as bewildered as everyone else in the country who never even forgot where they were and what they were doing when they found out the news. However, he would have the added stress of recognizing the cheap frame-up job on HIM! He just showed up at work to do some minimum wage manual labor, there was some parade, bam! How would you feel? Maybe you’re a pacifist civilian, I dunno, but me, I was trained in the Armed Forces as Oswald was, and I’d be in battle mode over a speeding ticket as well. His world was crumbling in.




Dude, are you really bugging me to read your ridiculous conspiratorial essay and bother responding again? No, I don't think I will.


Well, I wanted to bump it back to trending, and I picked someone who engaged positively and provided actual discussion. My apologies if you were annoyed, but you should take it as a compliment.

It’s fine if you don’t agree, but I recommend you sample the films, Dark Legacy (2009) and Dark Legacy II (2014) currently streaming on PLEX and Roku for free.

This IS MOVIECHAT, after all.

One thing is clear. Bush was CIA in operation in Houston, Dallas and the Caribbean in the early 60s, and later appointed the Head of the CIA during the most disgraceful administration of the 20th Century which resulted in the Commander-in-Chief resigning to avoid criminal culpability—and then politically pardoned.

One of the Watergate burglars, Howard Hunt, was also CIA. And nobody seems to know who provided him and his corrupt “plumber’s unit” access to the White House. Spoiler—Duh, it was Bush!

You obviously are sold on lone nut, Oswald, but if you or anyone else are sampling the conspiracy angle, this one has the most merit, and I’ve read ‘em all over the course of 30+ years.

Thanks for your time, and together lets build towards a nation of laws and less corruption, war crimes, subterfuge and murder.



"Bumping a thread is like a shrill cry in the vast wasteland of cyberspace, echoing with the desperate plea, 'Notice me! Validate my existence!' But alas, it often falls on deaf screens, leaving the bumper stranded in a sea of indifference and irrelevance."
John Adams


What!? Ha-ha

John Adams was corrupt af, too, imho.

I am by no means doing this for my own attention and validation, and I didn’t come up with this theory myself.

I just really love the Dark Legacy films, and thought they were well formulated and presented. I’m surprised nobody is talking about them. I don’t stake my life on this theory, but it does have wings.

Everyone I know seems to see Oliver Stone’s film, JFK (1990) as the definitive assessment.

But what if that film was, itself, actual misdirection?

Bush was president himself in 1990, at the height of his powers and influence, and Oliver Stone seems obsessed with the Bush family.

Maybe that is because Stone (and Michael Moore) are the Bush-family propagandists in Hollywood muddying the waters.

So, they told the true story of the absolute-joke-of-a-DA, Jim Garrison, of New Orleans, and his failed case against Claw “Bertrand” Shaw and the homosexual underworld. (Sounds more Right-Wing than Left-Wing to me!) Stone is playing us about his own politics. He included just about every nonsensical tidbit of conspiracy in the blender to confuse the whole thing in the eyes of the masses.

30 years later, and now conspiracy theorists (about damn near everything!) are ridiculed from the heavens.

Well played, Bush.

If he was responsible, I hope he is burning in the inferno of hell.


Among former Presidents, my suspicions fall squarely on LBJ. I read a couple of the Robert A. Caro biographies and Johnson seems capable of it. He was already considered a sort of political wonderkid at the age of 28, and he once spurned the chance of becoming a multi-millionaire oil baron, just because that would bar him from becoming President.

Johnson also abhorred becoming vice-President, but was outplayed tactically into that role by one of JFK's brothers, forgot his name. Nevertheless, Johnson was acutely aware that he was going to die of heart failure (a family heirloom) well before he would reach a ripe age. He was desperate, and he had the resources to do it. And the experience to keep the conspiracy secret.


Too high profile LBJ is, and too concerned about his historical legacy to risk it. To pull the hit off in his own home state, too, seems reckless when there would be much better options.

Johnson also was already seen as a successful negotiator wheeler-dealer type, and wouldn’t want to cheapen himself with such theatrics after already using some shady means in his early political days. He was a man trying to turn a corner—that much is obvious. He has the prestige at this point in his career, so why revert back to a common thug image? He also tried leading a nation into an era with less regional divide, and had angered Southerners by pursuing civil rights and honoring Kennedy with a retention of most of his cabinet.

LBJ is a talker and full of bluster, whereas any hypothetical psychological profile of conspirators would likely point towards more introspective and meticulous individuals—covert intelligence types.

With the Vietnam War not going well in 1968, LBJ didn’t even push his luck and try for a second full term. This gives us further insight into his values, and he doesn’t appear to have any particular allegiance to a “military industrial complex” that Kennedy and Ike were also weary of, but that is certainly not the case with Republican power-players and war profiteers like Bush and his associates that dominated the power structure during Nixon’s terms and beyond.

Johnson, in ‘68, wisely realized that he presided over legislative successes that helped the working man, and was the most consequential post-Civil War president on racial issues. So, he quit while he was ahead. A figure composed of the power-hungry ambition to the level of killing for it would not have relinquished it so easily.

Plus a communist defector in Oswald would not be a Democrats ideal fall guy. Conservatives to this day love the lone nut presentation as it conforms to their worldview of liberals as violent, Marxist types who are maligned pariahs. So, we are looking at suspects that benefit from an Oswald-type.

Not LBJ. No way was he involved.


