MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Reaganomics were a failure..

Reaganomics were a failure..

Trickle down economics hardly made it to the bottom. Biden's trickle up economics finally gives Repubs a dose of their own medicine.


The bottom doesn't even belong in the economy. The bottom should be removed from the economy. The bottom are parasites.


Aren't you the bottom?


I have more in the bank that most of the bottom combined, which is easy, since pretty much all of them are in debt and live paycheck to paycheck just to buy drugs.


Trumpites are ignorant, uneducated and poor. Aren't you the bottom?


There are leeches at the top & bottom..


That's literally a dem fairytale, and pure projection. Republicans are now the intelligent voters, while the democrats are midwits with their worthless liberal arts degrees in delusion. Just google midwit meme for your reality check, especially the one on racism.


"36% of registered voters have a four-year college degree or more education; a sizable majority (64%) have not completed college. Democrats increasingly dominate in party identification among white college graduates. Republicans increasingly dominate in party affiliation among white non-college voters, who continue to make up a majority (57%) of all GOP voters."

College-educated people earn more money. Therefore, I reiterate: Trumpites are ignorant, uneducated and poor. Aren't you the bottom?


Again, you missed the part about going to college to earn a bullshit degree. And the College-educated earning more money is a myth, but that's the kind of outdated bullshit you'd expect from a midwit. Someone who can't tell the difference between real facts and spin/propaganda, but have no problem repeating them, like good little parrots. BOK! BOK! We've all heard that in school from our midwit teachers, and you just accepted it as fact, without digging deeper on your own. That would hurt your brain too much. You just willing accept anything that suits your narrative to stay willfully ignorant. Keep going two house mortgages into debt to get a piece of paper that says you're a good little NPC, and believe that blacks are oppression and women are STRONG!


I knew you didn't have a college degree and you're poor! You are the bottom!

This is you:
"The bottom doesn't even belong in the economy. The bottom should be removed from the economy. The bottom are parasites."


I have two degrees (an Associates and Bachelors of Science, plus four after graduate courses for my field, so I can get a masters pretty easily if I needed to). You tried to double down, but as always, YOU'RE A FAILURE. A failure at arguments, a failure at insults, a failure with logic, a failure at life. Someone like that would just give up, but you're a failure at that too. You double down and continue to fail. What a life LOL


Two? Not twelve? If you're going to lie, it should be big!

You've already shown your anti-higher education bias, therefore you're full of it. And your fake degrees are worthless which qualifies you to work in McDonald's as a cashier. You should've come up with a better lie.

I was only pointing out that you're on the bottom, therefore your hatred is self-directed.


JFZ IS a "bottom"...

As in, pitching and catching, if you get my drift...



Very sad for him.


Someone like you has no degrees. Keep on spouting racist nonsense and then pretend to be educated.


"The bottom doesn't even belong in the economy. The bottom should be removed from the economy. The bottom are parasites."

Do you agree with JFZ or do you believe respect isnt limited for only the wealthy?


Wrong Board, moron!


Steal from the poor to give to the rich. Motto of Reaganomics and the pro-oligarch Republicans.




A failure? But the economy was far better in the 1980s than it is now. I could actually afford gasoline, food, and electricity.


The gap got bigger between the haves & the have-nots since that time and the middle class is almost extinct because of trickle down economics.


Better for whom? Layoffs throughout the country as municipalities had to raise taxes and cut services because Reagan wanted rich to become richer. Then, he introduced sin taxes.

The rich began to attack everyone else in the late 70s and introduced their agenda. Huge tax cuts for the rich along with other perks. Fewer unions, wage stagnation, monopolize housing and overcharge rents/mortgages. If you're a reader, this book details the changes made and why the middle-class are struggling today:

Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America: A Recent History by Kurt Andersen


Correct & perpetuated under both Bush administrations & finally Trump's further corporate tax cuts.


Biden has been trickling for years.


Big flop. A scam on America. Isn't that common knowledge now?


Someone just took freshmen economics and got their dose of communist Democrat party propaganda.

Don’t worry, someday you’ll get a job and learn that 70% of what you make goes to taxes.

Hopefully the communist Democrat party hasn’t destroyed the country completely by then.
