MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Joe is going to...

Joe is going to...

announce his bid for re Erection -- so he can continue to fuck us !


He needs to finish unfucking what Trump did to us.


He already did, high food prices, high gas prices, rampant inflation, more mass murders, and a brand new unwinnable war. Joe said small incursions were ok. This small incursion will last many years and cost trillions.


As for the "high food prices, high gas prices, rampant inflation," they came about because of the worldwide pandemic, which Trump, while he was in office, tried to downplay and did little to stop when it first started. Also, the effects of the pandemic were much worse in many countries than ours.

As for the "more mass murders," that's debatable. Mass murders have been around for many years, thanks to the NRA.

The "brand new unwinnable war?" I assume you're referring to Ukraine. I hope you're not swallowing Trump's logic that the invasion by Russia never would have happened if he were still in charge. It would have, because Putin is in thrall to the idea of the old USSR. And we had no choice but to enter this proxy war, as did the EU nations who saw it as a threat to the world order.


Trump tried to halt everything coming in from that region but democrats screamed racism.

Trump got the vaccines that you love so much created in warp-speed. What more could you expect from him with the Left constantly blocking just to spite?

Are all Leftists complete liars??


I'll give Trump the warp-speed operation for starting the pharma companies working on the vaccines. But this was after months of dithering and denying that covid was any big deal. That also included his infamous remarks at a press conference that we should look into drinking bleach to destroy the virus internally.

And no, all leftists are not liars. Unlike the MAGAs, we don't swallow every word that the orange-faced, bottle-blonde, world-class liar Trump utters.


Scamdemic drive by Biden.

The virus was never a real threat this was what Trump was getting at and due to Biden coming in going over the top this is what has cost you.

I don't believe the invasion would have happened the relations Russia had with US under Trump was starting to move in correct direction.

You need to stop listening to mainstream Putin was open to joining the likes of Nato why would you do that if you want to go around conquer countries to try form a empire of the past. (people need to really educate themselves on how Russian system works its nothing like the US and is about strength is other members int he background looking to power grab)


And what is your source of knowledge? Who do you listen to? Oh, of course. It would be your hero, that grifting, lying egomaniac Trump


The "brand new unwinnable war?" I assume you're referring to Ukraine. I hope you're not swallowing Trump's logic that the invasion by Russia never would have happened if he were still in charge.

Almost certainly. Funny that Russia took land during Obama and Biden's presidencies, but did nothing in the four years of Trump. Coincidence? Maybe, but it doesn't seem that way.

Once Biden downplayed the "small incursions" by Russia into Ukraine that were expected by the U.S., he gave tacit approval to Putin that the U.S. would not have a problem with Russia taking some land. It's no surprise that this would embolden Putin.


You are saying things that aren't factual.


The three Joe Bidens that have totally different ear lobes? Rise up and destroy these fuckers.
