MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Is Biden going to change the U.S. for th...

Is Biden going to change the U.S. for the better?

If not Biden, how about Kamala?


Well he'll probably be a one term president and he knows this.

So it will be refreshing to see someone who might not be a poll driven president.



No because Trump sabotaged is so much (and is still going to until he leaves) that it's going to be 4 years of damage control.


Going green to fast will be a mistake. Nobody forced people to quit riding a horse.


Riding horses doesn't threaten the future habitability of the planet. We needed to start going green back in the 80's or 90's. We've already waited decades too long to act. We need to go to renewable energy, wind, solar, geothermal, and nuclear fusion - you don't hear too much about that last one despite major progress being made in recent years. But we have the ability to do this now. It's not the 1950's. We can go to clean sources and meet our energy needs, plus the changeover in infrastructure will provide a major source of employment for the next thirty or forty years, with some of those jobs sticking around long term.

This can be win-win, saving the planet and putting us back at the forefront of new technologies vital to the global economy in the 21st century. The fossil fuel industry is a threat to humanity and has no future. Doing anything other than transitioning away from their dirty energy as quickly as we can manage ... that would be the mistake!


I have a strong feeling that after January 20th life is going to get more expensive and less free.


We are on the highway to hell.


Of course.
