MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Completely off her rocker.

Completely off her rocker.

That's a mentally ill person right there. God love her. A lot of fuss about her conservatorship thing but it's clear she's not all there.


She is clearly crazy. But also mentally unstable.


There are medications for that; apparently, they are not effective enough or she forgot to take them.


We know she stopped taking her meds since she told us.


This is reminding me so much of the last few months of Anna Nicole Smith's life. She was clearly off the wall and then she was dead. 😒

Spears definitely needs help. I don't know if she's refusing it or if it's not being offered by anyone who truly cares. I just foresee disaster for her and it's very sad.


Yes, she clearly needs help, but is there anyone left she trusts to help her? Obviously she doesn't trust her family, and she shouldn't. And her latest gold-digger is out of there, and I don't know how willing she is to take doctor's advice, after years of having medical care forced on her against her will. I don't know if she has any real friends, and who does that leave? I hope that she has someone in her life that she trusts, but who the hell knows.

None of which, BTW, means that she should be put back under conservatorship. Up to a certain point, she has the legal right to make her own decisions, and that includes bad decisions.


I don't think she should ever be put back under conservatorship, that was horrific. And no, very unfortunately, she cannot trust her family. However, she definitely needs help. I cannot believe she doesn't have one good friend out there who could lend her a helping hand but like you said, who the hell knows?

With social media, we're actually seeing the decline of certain people that we didn't see in the past. In the past we'd read in the newspaper or hear on the news that someone who had been sick/fragile for a while suddenly died. Now we see it up close and personal and it's not pleasant. Like with Anna Nicole Smith. I've never been a huge Britney Spears fan but this is just sad to me.


We are watching Anna Nicole Smith, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe in real time.




I sincerely hope that she has someone trustworthy on her team, a doctor, a friend, a lawyer, somebody! But there's no guarantee that there is, because during the long years of conservatorship her family probably kept her from her friends, or anyone who might have supported Britney and her rights. And since the conservatorship ended, I am not confidence that she's been able to establish or re-establish trusting relationships.

So I hope for the best, but an not confident that the best is actually happening.


You have a valid point there about not forming trusting relationships. Look what happened with Asghari. Her judgment is awful and she seems very headstrong, probably from being a virtual prisoner for so many years. Time will tell what will happen to this woman.


Highly erotic dance. I was moved by it.

It's hard to say whether or not this is mental illness. I could literally post links to hundreds of girls/women doing similar dances on the internet. It's kind of "thing" for girls to post this sort of stuff online. Although at her age, one would think she would be over it by now but she could be desperately trying to hang-on to any sex appeal she might have left.

Hopefully Brit is okay and won't end up in trouble or worse...


We still discuss Britney Spears same dance in hownos OP.

And with your header "Completely off her rocker" you just made it on my 'bully list'. πŸ˜Žβ€‹


Well, after seeing this, I think the only solution is to take all the knives away from everyone, especially the sane people who just want to use knives to spread mayo on their sandwiches. It’s the only way we’ll all be safe. 🀣
