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George Takei Once Discussed with Howard Stern Grabbing Men to "Persuade" Them for Sex

This is how gay men "flirt". Calling is assault is homophobic!

On Saturday, an audio clip surfaced from George Takei's appearance on Howard Stern's radio show last month. The interview was recorded less than two weeks after sexual assault accusations against fallen film mogul Harvey Weinstein were made public. Stern and Takei were discussing the "irony" of the Weinstein case and the audiotape of President Donald Trump boasting about grabbing women's genitals years ago, when Stern asked Takei whether he had ever grabbed a man's genitals against his will.

Takei, a staunch opponent of the Republican president, initially was silent, then said "uh oh" and laughed. Stern asked again and Takei said, "Some people are kind of skittish, or maybe, um, uh, afraid, and you're trying to persuade."

Stern and his co-host, Robin Quivers, persisted, asking Takei whether he ever held a job over somebody for sex and he said no.

Quivers asked if he did "this grabbing at work." Takei said, "It was either in my home. They came to my home."


it's so funny to see these anti trump psychos fall.


Do we really need to make this about politics. He doesn't like Drumpf, so what, a lot of people don't like trump. I assure you hes not the only one.


One thing is not to like it and another is to be a psycho over it.


I don't like Trump; unfortunately, the alternative was even worse. More than worse--horrifying.




As Takei has been a skinny liltte man his whole life and a skinny little old man for decades... the odds are that every single man whose crotch he's grabbed was capable of beating the crap out of him in response.

I'm not pro-crotch-grabbing or anything, but when a man like Takei does it there's no element of fear or intimidation.


That's a novel defense: "he was larger than me your honor so I didn't think sexually assaulting him was technically a sexual assault...."
