MovieChat Forums > Gwyneth Paltrow Discussion > Why was Weinstein so nice to her?

Why was Weinstein so nice to her?

How can I get him to get me an oscar too?


Nobody knows the answer?


She's told a story of Weinstein coming on to her, I can't remember how forcefully, but she told her boyfriend of the time - a certain Brad Pitt. Pitt went to Weinstein and told him, “If you ever make her feel uncomfortable again, I'll kill you.”.
I don't think Pitt has talked about this incident except to obliquely acknowledge it but he's bigger than he looks, very physical and I suspect got the message across.


I'm sure that Pitt can be threatening. Even more so to a fat pig like Weinstein.
If any of this story is true, then good for her and Pitt.

Still, why was Weinstein so nice to her if he didn't actually get any favors from her?


Money? He didn't run the company alone and she was one of the big stars at the time, someone who could open a movie - which gave her and her management team a certain amount of power as well.


I think you are mistaking the cause for the effect here.
She was (barely) a star because of the constant push she was given by miramax.
Her biggest draw became the oscar she was gifted solely by Harvey's hands.
After that, of course she became bankable.

So, thinking that money is the reason why she was pushed so hard is like believing that snow falls from the sky so we can ski on it.


I don't know at what stage she became associated with Mirimax and Weinstein but she came up very quickly. It's only 6/7 years from first TV movie to starring in Emma which I would say made her a star.
She was definitely on a fast track but that's not uncommon - someone with the right face at the right time, plus sufficient talent, luck and drive, will land a series of increasingly larger roles and will either become a star - or the subject of repeated 'WTF happened to ...' threads.
I don't think that necessarily means she was pushed. People write as if Hollywood was one big studio grooming their stars of tomorrow (as the individual studios undoubtedly did in the good old, bad old days) but I suspect the reality is they cast on the ability to deliver a performance and draw an audience.


What you write is all true.
But I also believe that more truth lies deeper than that (unfortunately).

There is no one studio doing the grooming nowadays. But there is a general consensus that forms around the ones that should be pushed forward that is not always based on ability or popularity.
Like money, those are often the mere consequences of a push, not their cause.
It's often a snowball effect where you don't know what comes first, but there is a initial push and there are motives behind that first moment that are seldom public and often shady.

I just know it's quite evident when they start casting the same talentless actress or actor for no apparent good reason, other than "that's the it girl now! We gotta have her!"
I also know that the common response is "whose dick did she suck to get there?"


I guess I'm a little less cynical. You're surly right in some cases and there are people who take advantage of their power. But generally I take the view that there are a large number of talented people out there and (hopefully) most progress without having to make that kind of compromise.


Gwyneth Paltrow was not a nobody country girl trying to make it big in Hollywood. She was the daughter of Bruce Paltrow, who was a Hollywood director and producer.

So I bet she knew the inside of Hollywood and how to navigate, there were relationships and favors she could call upon. I bet that helped.


I bet that your bet would lose.
1 Her father is nobody, not a huge producer nor a powerful one. She was not royalty by any means.
2 She got famous for who she was fucking.
3 Why would HW be a fuck too far? He was notoriously THE guy that could make you a star, she IS a greedy climber, he DID buy her an oscar.

I think the clues speak for themselves...


I don't know what is wrong with you, but that level of hatred towards a celebrity is unhealthy.


I am sure Gwyneth just read your idiotic reply and is very proud of you.


I will just put you in the mental illness basket and of course ignore list.


As if anybody gives a solitary fuck about you.


Spielberg is her godfather. He cast her in her first role in


Spielberg did zero for her career.

Everybody knows the name of who did everything for it.


Pitts a pussy


Well Mr. Heisenberg, why don't you give us the answer yourself? Or is there something holding you back?


Quite obvious what I think the answer is.
And it's Prof. Heisenberg for you.


Ah, ok. What's your professorship about? "Too many Yids"?


You mean too many movies? That is quite possible.



David Letterman: Are you here of your own free will? Has someone coerced you into being here?

GP: Do you count Harvey Weinstein as a coercer?

DL: I don't know whether he's in some kind of organized crime now but he used to be like some kind of junior mob kind of guy, right? He was, like, in the mob auxiliary.

GP: That's what they tell me. That's what they tell me.

DL: And now he's a big powerful film guy, right?

GP: Yes, I do all of my movies for Harvey Weinstein. That's Miramax, for all of you. And I'm lucky to do them there, but he will coerce you to do a thing or two.

DL: So Harvey said I'll tell you what, go on and talk about your movie. Is that what Harvey said?

GP: Yeah.

DL: And, in return, what will he do for you?

GP: Nothing.

DL: Really? Well, what's wrong with that equation? As the kids say - you do the math. You know, I'm kind of fed up with Harvey's behaviour.


In Premiere Magazine's "Women in Hollywood" 2000 Special, Johanna Schneller said: "Tell me a Harvey Weinstein story."

Gwyneth said: "Ohhhhh, Harvey. I have a lot of love for Harvey, I really do. But he can be a real pain in the butt."

JS: "Because?"

GP: "Because it's like being in the Mafia. There are always these favors. You're part of the family. It's the Jewish Mafia. And I'm a made woman."


That little tidbit has many interesting info:
1 She clearly has no love for Harvey, needing to say "I really do". You say that only when you really don't.
2 He can be a real pain in the butt. Interesting choice of word.
3 She is fine being part of mafia. Mafia is ok, even more so if it's about race.
4 Being into this racist mafia, she is fine with giving favors.


Perhaps she was trying to play down her hatred for him by saying butt instead of ass, giving it a light-hearted touch.


I really wish she didn't use a term like 'Jewish Mafia'. It invites all sorts of anti-Semitic BS.

I also wonder how 'Jewish' blonde, blue-eyed Gwyneth really is. Someone more ingrained in this culture would, I hope, know better than to propagate such anti-Semitic tropes, particularly around Hollywood, like 'Jewish Mafia'. Someone who'd actually witnessed/experienced anti-Semitism would, one would hope, be more sensitive to such tropes.

Even though Paltrow is ostensibly 'half-Jewish' (albeit on her father's side, and by-and-large Judaism is strictly carried through each generation via the *mother*) has she ever played any Jewish characters, or identified particularly as Jewish? Hasn't she mostly played WASP roles (heck, she even played an updated version of a Grace Kelly heiress character in A Perfect Murder, and in the James Grey film, Two Women, she was the 'shiksa' other woman)?

Anyway, as a STAUNCH ANTI-anti-Semite, it would be so much easier to despise this spoiled rich blonde woman, who has recently been accused of leaving an elderly man with brain damage, after a reckless collision whilst skiing (and, apart from horseriding and yachting, can you think of a WASPier 'sport'/signifier of white privilege than skiing?), if it turned out she was fully WASP. It would be good for Jewish people too, NOT to be tainted by this fucking *princess*.

I SOOO despise the JAP stereotype, but the WASP Princess is a stereotype we can and should ALL embrace with a good conscience (the ONLY people who could possibly complain are spoiled rich gentile white women and, quite honestly, FUCK EM; I'm a FEMINIST, but I don't SIMP for women who embody practically EVERY single possible privilege, save for their gender; NO, I stand up for BLACK women, ASIAN women, HISPANIC women, WORKING-CLASS women, IMMIGRANT women and JEWISH women; in other words, women who know a thing or two about oppression and discrimination, NOT fucking blondey blonderson 😠 FUCK Stacey and FUCK Chad).


Gwyneth Paltrow father Bruce Paltrow was a good friend of the Weinstein brothers from NYC. They shared "DNA"
Bounce 2000 lead role was given Gwyneth Paltrow based on this friendship.

Unsure if the Brad Pitt story is true.


Yes that must be it.
