MovieChat Forums > Oliver Stone Discussion > Has Any Other Filmmaker Experienced Such...

Has Any Other Filmmaker Experienced Such a Steep Fall in Relevance?

I'm not trying to criticize his politics or even the quality of his films. I like many of his movies and I respect his willingness to push the boundaries of mainstream political discourse

But this guy has 3 Oscars and a lot of notable credits under his belt yet nobody ever talks about him among the greats. In fact, hardly anybody ever mentions his name at all

Was he a flash in the pan? Did he burn out? Was he maybe ahead of his time?

I've seen the right wing bias on this website. I want a serious film discussion. Im politically an independent. If I see a right wing circlejerk discussion I'll just delete the thread. Same if it's leftist, though I doubt it lol


I read part of an article(or more likely, a tell all book) where Stone had some key people that worked on most of his early successes(other writers, producers, DOP, etc). Eventually, Stone's success went to his head, he started using, manipulating these talented people in many different ways. For instance, he'd play one against another and then when caught, totally deny it and think because he's Oliver Stone he gets whatever he wants. One by one those talents his team, and Stone has never been the same since.


That's pretty frickin' vague. What are you talking about?


Success went to his head, he had a team that were key to his success..he treated them bad and they stopped working for him that's why his movies started sucking around mid 90's.


I tend to ignore accusations like that, because popular or driven people often get a lot of kickback or gossip and Stone is one of those that if anyone says anything unkind about him it gets picked up in order to dis the Left. I never cared for his movies, except a couple. I like the documentaries, the Putin Interviews, Salvador, the Castro and Hugo Chavez, and his books on the Untold History Of The US with Peter Kuznick. The stuff he did about Ukraine, or produced is good too, filled with facts that upset the BS narrative we get about it today.


i'm not sure if stone was ever out to become one of the next big auteur directors. i think he just made the movies he wanted to make. sometimes they were good, sometimes they weren't good.

personally, i think his most underrated film is any given sunday. probably the best football movie ever. definitely not a conventional film, and another director probably would've tried to weave a more conventional story into it. oliver stone didn't care, and just made it a really raw film.


He's got guts, and if you learn a bit about him, he's lived a real life, he's put himself in situations, such as Viet Nam that he knows what he is talking about. Unlike almost any other writer/director.


Stone is censored. Particularly today for his Putin Interviews, which is actually pretty good. The extent to which the US is propagandizes, especially in this Ukraine business is startling. Few Hollywood directors are as political as Stone or have taken such such risks. They don't get the chance, and when they do they are banned or censored. I don't really care for Stone's movies, but I like his writing and his documentaries. He was way relevant when he made Salvador. The movie industry would be a lot worse without Oliver Stone.


> In fact, hardly anybody ever mentions his name at all

Maybe that is because most Hollywood movies these days are total crap, super-hero movies, remakes, sequels. What directors do get talked about? The ones who make action movies or big fantasy productions. Ridley Scott seems to get a lot of discussion, but his movies are mental most of the time. The Alien series, Prometheus and Covenant, are completely nuts.


He ignores established wisdom on JFK, 9/11 and Putin and promotes conspiracy theories from the lunatic fringe.

He's a useful idiot for Putin, right TrentnQuarantino? Three documentaries full of lies. This is what people think of Stone:


The propaganda force in the US as far as Russia is huge.
That doesn't mean that anything that goes against it is lunatic fringe.
Funny how you Trumpers can even think to use the term lunatic fringe.

* it's kind of chickenshit to address me in a comment that is not a reply to my comment, like like talking behind my back.


I like that he basically only does true stories.


He should try doing a biopic about Bruce Lee since he's such a huge fan of Hong Kong cinema.


His downfall proves that some people are too leftist even for Hollywood, lol.


New movie "Nuclear" is pretty fucking relevant, I'd say.

Documentary by Oliver Stone about how nuclear power is the solution to Global Warming.

Can't wait.

Oliver Stone's documentary, presented out of competition in Venice during the 79th Venice Film Festival , is a long narrative (one hour and forty-five minutes) on how essential and urgent the use of nuclear energy is as an alternative and sustainable energy. Based on the book A bright future by Joshua Goldstein , the work has a dual function: to wake up consciences numbed by thirty years of bad information and demonstrate, data in hand, what we're really talking about when we talk about nuclear energy.
