MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > It’s been months, why is this man still ...

It’s been months, why is this man still in hiding?

Do you think he’s being held prisoner against his will by his dominating wife?


He's ashamed. As he should be.


Where else would he be? Like, why does he have to be "in hiding"? What else would he be doing right now?


He said it himself, social media is his bread and butter. He’s had a strong social media presence for years, now nothing.


Ah I guess I didn't realize that. Plus I was thinking in terms of public appearances or something.


I'm assuming he's laying low for a few years, or decades.


He can't bring himself to apologize, b/c he still thinks Rock was out of line. That initial statement was crafted by his people, but that won't be enough. He needed to call Rock personally and immediately, then do a tv interview and apologize without qualifications -- but he just can't do it. His wife's recent words reflect the same problem. They want Rock to apologize as well, b/c they think it cuts both ways when it doesn't.


I will be very disappointed in Chris if he ever publicly apologizes. He did nothing wrong.


He won't. And for all comedians, he can't. The ball has been in Smith's court for a long time now, and all we've heard is the nonsense from his wife that implies that a joke and a physical attack are on the same level.


If he apologises, we all have to stop making jokes. Chris Rock that is-


My totally unfounded suspicion is that he's trying to decide whether to get a divorce! Seriously, he has two options to dig himself out of the whole he hand-crafted for himself: The first is to make a genuine and humble apology to Rock, and the other is to blame Jada and file for divorce. Of course an egomaniac like him would rather blame and divorce a wife than apologize, especially when half the world is blaming her for no reason!

So maybe he's spent the last few months exploring the divorce option, and how big a shitstorm that would be. Jada is nothing without him, just an aging C-list actress, and she's undoubtedly got a warehouse full of open-marriage blackmail material and will use it if he tries to dump her...


He won't divorce Jada, she already said that she hopes these two intelligent black men would reconcile and not go ape shit on each other.


If he won't divorce Jada, it's because she's kept all sorts of interesting information about her open marriage. Sure, he's kept info on her, too, but she's barely working as an actor and is entitled to a fortune in community property, so she has fuck nothing to lose by going scorched earth!

And of course she hopes that Rock will forgive and he and Smith reconcile, without Smith offering a believable or timely apology. What else can save Smith's career?


Cancel him for what he did!!


he is a disgraced cuckold on a leash
