He turned 40 in 1987

Basically when his career was just pivoting from action star to blockbuster star.

But 40 is the beginning of the end for most Hollywood actors.

Many go from playing that "30 something", "youngish" character, to suddenly playing a suburban parent with teenage children or young adult children.

So he was on notice.

Somehow he pushed his career as an A Lister into 1994.

Last Action Hero, 1993, was the beginning of the end. It wasn't the movie people wanted.

1994 saw a rebound with True Lies, and people breathed a sigh of relief.

But Junior came out in 1994 as well.

Unlike Twins, this movie didn't have that comedy or feel good vibe. It was a weird trans mocking movie which has aged horribly.

Eraser, 1996, saw a near 50 year old still trying to play an action hero.

The way he runs as bullets fly looked like an old man.

He'd lost it.

Somehow Hollywood hadn't checked his age and thought that he was worth 25 million to appear in 1997's Batman & Robin, playing Mr Freeze.

That was 7 times what George Clooney got, who was hot property at the time.

After this flop, Hollywood was still taking a bet on the now 50+ actor.

He pocketed another 25 million for the 6th Day in 2000.

It was a huge flop.

Thankfully for him, this now box office liability was the only person who could play the Terminator.

He would pocket 29 million for Terminator 3. Thankfully the movie was a success.

2015, he would again play terminator, this time making only 15 million.

Not sure what he got for the last Terminator, but needless to say, the franchise has been his meal ticket.


Get to the CHHOOPPAAAA!!!!!






Going from "Hercules to New York" to one of the most bankable stars in the world .... that's something only Arnold could do :).


Tom Cruise could do it.


No no no . You're missing the point :)
Tom Cruise started with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwa74s8y7z8
Arnold started with this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p3nmyTICo0
Watch both clips, imagine this is the first time you see each actor and ask yourself the question : will the guy in this clip turn out to be one of the most bankable movie stars in the world ?
Odds are clearly in Cruise's favor.
I'm saying that Arnold beat impossible odds(acting ability, age) and I cannot think of another actor who did the same.


Ohhh ok what about Eric Roberts, he did it.






That is an excellent post, almongal, because it is well-reasoned. Let me just add a point: Arnold
had a VERY THICK accent and a gap between his front teeth. He was also Mr. Olympia, and many people have a bias against bodybuilders, mainly pussy men. Cruise was All-American, beaming white privilege. He faced no obstacles whatsoever.


Was being a Catholic an obstacle?


Steven Seagal turned 40 when he made Under Siege.


And his career began its decline.


Neesons about 90 , puts an action B movie out every month


Interesting. I guess growing up with Arnold I never really took his age into account. I always thought the world simply shooed away from his style of action movie, but the truth is he was aging right out of the game. I always thought him running like an old man was from a lifetime of roids abuse. But yeah, maybe he was kind of just an actual old man.


his career basically ends at 6th day for me. he made a couple ok ones later on but he had 2 really solid decades of work. he’s a legend.


I forgot to mention, End of Days, 1999.

He also picked up his 25 million dollar fee for the movie.

It made a modest profit, but received mostly negative reviews.

Arnie blamed the director.


Arnold was getting international attention in the 70s and his movie stardom really started with Conan the Barbarian when he was in his early 30s, followed by The Terminator.
