MovieChat Forums > The Fate of the Furious (2017) Discussion > So what opinion did you have of this mov...

So what opinion did you have of this movie?

Is it better than number 7?


I liked 7 more. Thought the action sequences in that one were more outrageous and the movie was just fast paced. This wasn't bad, has a real bad-ass ending.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.


Very good..miss both Paul Walker (d.2013) and Jordana Brewster (what happened to HER?),though.


At the end of 7, both she and Paul Walker drove off together to have a family.


Better than 6, but not as good as 7 imo.


I like it but need some mo good carz



And wudnt hurt 2 have some nekkid boobies now and then.



Not sure where to rank the movie just yet. I think I want to see an Extended Cut first. There was quite a bit from trailers that was cut. Probably explains why the movie was rumored to be 160 minutes long.

My only complaint I had with the movie was with the mission where Dom turned on the team. They just cut to them escaping with some EMP device and then Dom turns on them and steals the EMP device to bring to Cipher/Charlize Theron.

It would've been nice to see Dom's internal struggle with himself on turning on the others throughout the whole mission. Without seeing that, I felt like him turning felt way too rush and came from nowhere, although Cipher told him she wanted him to turn on the team. But I wanted to see him working with the others and trying to fight with himself on going through with turning on them. Would've made the movie a lot better. Not sure if the actual mission was filmed though. Maybe it was meant to be like that. But if stuff from trailers didn't make it in the actual movie, I wonder what else was cut. Plus the dialogue when they were escaping seemed out of place and that a part of the movie was missing. So maybe it was filmed.


This is basically direct-to-DVD moviemaking going on now. The series ended with Five. The last three have been nothing but cash-ins. I feel sorry for the people who watch this crap.


Are they planing to stop or just keep cranking them out forever? It's even worse than low-budget horror films from the 80s, like Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th, they made so many sequels people lost count.


'direct to dvd movie making' lol . I think that's the correct term. So much repetitive stuff and dialogues that make you cringe. I don't think people care about the story anymore. They just see it for the action


Oh,please---I didn't think that part 7 could be topped, because it was so outrageous and had such bad-ass fights and stunts
that I didn't think it could be topped----but part 8 actually did. It was entertaining, crazy, fun, funny and exciting and fast-paced/action-packed as hell. Really enjoyed this, and it's not hard to see why it's been such a big damn hit---it's got pretty much every damn thing you could possibly want in a big Hollywood blockbuster,plus memorable characters who come of as real and relatable (Tyrese's character had me cracking up almost throughout the entire film, because he kept it so real expressing how crazy the situations he found himself in were, because he acted like any other normal person would react in said situations.) Really enjoyed it, and would recommend it to anyone who likes fast action-paced dramas.


kind of average but entertaining and definitely not better than 7.


If it has a better plot then it has to be an improvement then 7. 7 had no plot for most of the time.


Truly one of the worst films i've ever seen. It was so unbelievably boring. A total cartoon with the action. Even the most ludicrous of action in the previous films had some grounding of plausible physics involved. A million to one, but it ....could happen. There was more believable stunts in Speedracer. That stupid Monster Trucks movie was better than this. Rock is punching people and they're literally flying through steel walls. It was beyond retarded. Statham still has the moves, but this director didn't know how to capture them. Guy next to me walked out an hour in and I was wishing I followed him all the way to the end. Rarely do I feel like I was actually robbed when going to the movies, but this movie beat me up and took my lunch money. And the comedy! What was with the half baked comedy? And a truly thoughtless cheap murder stunt for shock and convenient writing. So schlock. Insulting. The closest this movie got to capturing the spirit of the Fast Franchise was the opening Cuba sequence, and even that was a passionless box checking affair. Just utter shite. The Shaw brothers and their ma was the highlight of this film by a mile. I hope to hell that spinoff franchise they're teasing actually happens. There's still gold in them their hills.


I think you just pretty much reviewed the movie there. Was there anything that stood out positive?


Boring? The only way this movie could have been boring was if you slept through the entire damn thing! Puh-please---the movie was a hell of a lot of things, but it was never boring for ONE second, I can guarantee that.


There was at least 20 minutes of Dom sitting around in a dark shadowy plane brooding.


It seemed way long and Charlize Theron's talked too much.
