MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I feel like watching some "Children of t...

I feel like watching some "Children of the Corn" flicks, but there's like 11 of them.

Which ones would you consider essential? I don't want to wade through almost a whole day's worth of direct-to-video trash.

I was thinking of maybe just seeing the three titled "Children of the Corn" that are simply the adaption and reboots of the original story and skipping the many sequels/prequels?


I watched a portion of Stephen King's The Stand some days ago. I think I've had enough of cornfields for a while.


I hope it was the 1994 version. The recent remake was horrible!


I’m watching the recent remake this week and I’m enjoying it. There are a few really standout actors and set pieces.

I’ll need to rewatch the original miniseries to make an informed comparison as it’s been ages but I like this new one quite a lot.


I’ve watched a few, they are mostly nonsense. The original 1984 version is the best of the lot (even though the SFX at the ending leave a lot to be desired.)


I kind of figured they would be mostly bad. Maybe I will just see the original then.


Much like the Amityville Horror series we only needed one🤓


HEY GUYS, that was internationally famous rocker Lemmy


Holy cow! That was the beloved adult actor Ron Jeremy!! This is a heck of a cast!!!


Are you sure Beloved is the right word ? Weren't all men neon green from sheer envy ?


Most farmers would have a hard time reigning in a hog like that.


I feel the same way about Pet Semetary. 🙄🙄🙄


The 1st one is the best because without that, we wouldn't have 10 other sequels made


Who else read this as:

"Children of the corn flakes" ?


I started watching the first movie last night and I can confirm that it is both corny and flaky.


Have you ever read the story why corn flakes were invented?


I saw one that was titled “Children of the Creamed Corn” but it was a mess.


There is more true horror in a can of creamed corn than in all 11 of these movies put together.
