MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which one of these girls is your favorit...

Which one of these girls is your favorite?


Am I a horrible person that I'm kind of half hoping some athletic seven footer, the next Shaq, realizes that they were assigned the wrong sex at birth and needs to play in the women's division for basketball?

Of course, being trans has absolutely no effect on how an athlete performs after transitioning. I'm still curious, though. Seems like most of the trans females were kind of mid when they were playing with the males.


Why do you want to know which is our favourite? Do you have a favourite?


Now I get it. Welcome back Ticketsplease.

Signed, million man


what does that mean?


There was a poster named that and he would constantly post about gay and trans people. Kind of what you are doing. Makes me think you guys are closeted because no straight person is obsessed with those topics that much.

Signed, million man


Or people who are tired of the rainbow mafia trying to shove their shit down our throats. They are currently performing trans surgeries on minors all across the United States, you morally bankrupt jackass.


Why do you care so much? It's none of your business what someone else is doing. Spend your time doing more productive things for yourself instead of worrying about other people.

Signed, million man


Dude, you're a piece of garbage.


No, he isn't. He is a good guy.


Edit: I was wrong about Steve. He does not support gender surgery for kids.


I don't support kids being mutilated and most people who are pro-trans don't as well. Kids can be trans without being "mutilated".


So then you dont support little boys having their penises cut off to become a "girl"? Yes or no


I do not support children, male or female, having gender reassignment surgery.


Thank you for the straight answer Steve. I retract my previous comment and I apologize. I am sorry. I genuinely misunderstood your position on this topic.


When your child comes to you and says they don't want to live anymore and the only thing that helps them is transitioning maybe you would understand even with your thick head. In the meantime you can take your morals and shove them right up your ass. You're a piece of trash, go fuck yourself.

Signed, million man


The suicide rate goes up after they "transition" and they can't become the opposite sex. They are then left with a body that no longer functions properly. I would suspect that's why the suicide rate increases.


It's a complicated issue that really goes case by case. You don't know what these people are going through and the decisions they had to make. Trust me no parent wants to have to deal with this. But the sad thing is those that do really have no choice. I don't think little kids should have surgery until they are old enough to know better. But there are rare cases where it might be necessary. Anyways I'm done discussing this with you, I'm just getting angry. Goodbye.

Signed, million man


Just post this trash in politics where you’ll have a more receptive audience.


You another member of the butt brigade?


I miss Ticketsplease.


He was a bore.

Signed, million man


The one that looks like a Viking.


The one in red is the viking, right? She is wearing red to symbolize shedding the blood of her enemies.


The Mountain that rides.


Shield maiden. They dominated the ancient battlefields. Written out of history by the patriarchy.


I see 11 girls in the picture plus one #1, grade A jackass who likes to play "make-pretend."

As for my favorite, none of them, so let's "make-pretend" that Traci Lords circa 1986 is in that picture. She's my favorite.


Where are the moderators ? This guy is obviously yet another obnoxious troll. Get out the bug spray.


People arent allowed to have different beliefs on this board? You must be a leftist. Fall in line or suffer the pitchforks and torches. That's how it works isn't it?


Rightists want to suspend the 1st Amendment when it comes to Palestine and shit all over The Constitution with Trump and his wanting to deport any student protesting against a genocidal state. And a ton of other shit. Get the fuck out of here with this hypocrisy.


The one wearing red. She's like, "screw all you people wearing blue. I wear what I want".


When you say favourite….🤔
