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What age did you first get glasses

15yo. In high school , pain in the rear.


You were prescribed glasses for a pain in your rear?


Joking aside I first got glasses aged 5.


Lol. I wear tissue paper on my nose to stop them digging in. I look like a goof.


That sounds cute.


I look like I've had plastic surgery on my nose. Not a good look.


I'm really happy for you, I'm a let you finish, but, what is your social security number and a major credit card number?


Around 15.


6 I had a lazy eye too, so they new something wasn't right.


AFAIK I've always had 20/15 vision, but starting in my mid-thirties, while reading menus in restaurants for dinner/supper especially, I needed either more light or had to hold the menu farther from my face and maybe squint to read it clearly. This was the beginning of my battle with presbyopia, or "old eye" literally from the Greek. From what I've read, it typically hits you around or in your mid-forties, so I guess I just got lucky.

I started around +1.25, and every couple years I add +0.25. One thing I didn't learn for a couple years is that there is no difference between "computer glasses" and "reading glasses," except for maybe that faint yellow tint, which you can easily calibrate your monitor to your liking to match the ambient light, but also the magnification level simply corresponds with the focal point, e.g. if your reading glasses are sharp at +1.75, since you typically hold a book closer to your face, your old +1.50 or +1.25s would do fine as your "computer glasses" since their focal point is a bit farther from your face.

So don't toss those readers that have "passed their prime," until you try them with your computer.

I'm still pretty sure past a certain distance I'm still 20/15 ("is that a nickel over there?"), but since I haven't had my eyes checked in almost a decade, I got a check-up in a few weeks for the heck of it.


You say this like we all have them.




Celebrate good times c’mon!!! 🎊
