MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 📺 Favorite scene from a movie/TV show?

📺 Favorite scene from a movie/TV show?

Do you have a favorite scene from a movie or TV show that you really like, or something that touches you, or stays with you for whatever reason? It doesn't matter whether it's a favorite movie or show or whether it's a good movie/show or not. Just something that you remember, especially when someone mentions the movie/show?

I like the birthday dinner scene from Notting Hill, the one with the brownie contest.

I like the comradery of the characters, how it's simply a bunch of friends who get together to celebrate. Laughter and teasing, but it's friendly teasing. Nothing to embarrass or hurt anyone, just having fun with friends they know well.


Great scene from the pen of Richard Curtis. That's some barbed repartee along the lines of his writing in Blackadder!

I'm pretty partial to the alternate ending for Risky Business. It's a sincere and wistful with superb emotional performances.


Interesting. I don't think I've ever seen Risky Business. I'll have to check it out one of these days. Your post makes me wonder how often it happens that endings (or even other scenes) get changed from the writer's version. And what do the actors think when they have to shoot more than one version? Hmm.


Some faves....

The ending of "The Shawshank Redemption"

Michael Corleone knocking off Solozzo and McCluskey in "The Godfather"

Most touching...

Hachi finally seeing The Professor again in "Hachi: A Dog's Tale"

Stunning ending.....



"...I will find you..."


Arthur's Knighthood scene in Excalibur (1981) -
I love this film, and this is definitely my favorite scene in it.


You can see Uryens’ hands trembling when he feels Excalibur’s power while he’s holding it before he knights Arthur. Fantastic film!!!!


I don't watch a lot of British films, but the last scene of The Long Good Friday(1980) is something else.

If you need context(spoiler alert): late 70s London underworld boss is being kidnapped in a very clever way by the IRA to be murdered for stepping on their business. And the scene shows exactly how he feels about the way they did it on his face using no words. Shock-Anger-Admiration-Acceptance-Sadness/fear. Perhaps the greatest piece of non-verbal acting I have seen.


I couldn’t agree with your last statement more. I would only add that the ending score fit perfectly for that moment. Thank you ShogunYonkers for recommending this film to me a few years ago. Love it.


Wow...never seen that before...what a great cast!


LOTS. Here is just one, from I, Claudius. Tiberius is on the Greek island of Rhodes, having been exiled there by Augustus (long story). A ship arrives with news...


I’d like to know how you made it so the link started at the correct spot for the scene? That would be bigger news for me than the message from the ship. 😀


Add to the end of the URL an ampersand, a lower case t, an = sign, and the time desired, in hms (hours, minutes, seconds, you can leave off hours and minutes if need be. YouTube will convert it all to seconds).

You have to find the spot manually, meaning it is something you've seen before and can find the spot by going back and forth in the video until you find it.

Example, note how YouTube will convert it to seconds


Thanks for the detailed instructions and I’ll give it a shot here in this thread.

Can you tell me if the video on the post below starts at 2 min 12 sec? For me it’s starting at 3min 30sec.


In the URL (web address) you have "&t=" twice -- one that says 208s and one that says 2m12s. You need to start with the base address

then add the time stuff at the end.
You are getting close.


Cool. I get it, but I wonder why the web addresses I copied had the extra stuff in it already. I’ll give it a try with another clip.


Street Law (1974)

Opening credits


This could make a good pick for The MovieChat MovieClub!


I love it, but I like to get smoked up before a movie like this. 😀


Im dooowwn!

I’ll try to let you know when we will watch it we never know.
