MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Good conspiracy films

Good conspiracy films

Like Enemy of the State.

Recommendations please πŸ™


The Constant Gardener
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Michael Clayton
The Long Kiss Goodnight


Omg, I totally forgot about The Long Kiss Goodnight! I'll definitely have to look for that one, thanks πŸ˜ƒ


It’s a good one and so underrated. It is also one of my favorite Christmastime movies (like Die Hard).


Such a great movie and Samuel L was so damned fantastic in this movie as was Geena Davis who people forget was a great action star. This is the first movie I thought of when Jennifer Lawrence made her flub about The Hunger Games being the first female-led action film


Wreck-it Ralph (2012)


L.A. Confidential


The X Files


There are quite a few good ones from the 70's all around the 7 mark or more on IMDB.

Marathon Man
The Odessa File
Three Days of the Condor
The Parallax View
All the President's Men

I guess that era really lent itself to spy/conspiracy films.


Eagle eye 2008
The arrival 1996


I enjoyed Eagle Eye when I first saw it, but I thought it was a bit far fetched .... now I'm thinking it could actually become reality! Will need to watch this one again.


I'm cool with movies becoming reality, I just don't wanna see Sean Connery in a red speedo.


Omg I've seen that! What was it called? I was a bit traumatised from it 🀭




Oh yeah! I saw a still from the film, that was enough πŸ˜‚


This feels like being in the same vein as Enemy of the State to me and all the more compelling because it's based on a true story:


I wouldn't say it's one of the greats, but it's become one of those comfy movies I watch once a year or so. Anyway, more or less in order:

Chinatown (1974)
The Third Man (1949)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) (1978? remake is good too)
Devil in a Blue Dress (1995) - one of my all-time faves that nobody seems to have seen
The China Syndrome (1979)
The Fugitive (1993)
Network (1976)
The Wicker Man (1973)
Touch of Evil (1958)
Wind River (2017)
The Nice Guys (2016)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
The Day of the Jackal (1973)
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
The Game (1997)
The 39 Steps (1935)

Lots more if wanted.


You are the top movie reference source on MovieChat. You’re not a prolific poster but you know a lot about cinema. Always great to see your movie recommendations


I take that as huge compliment; thank you. I started rating movies on IMDb around 2000 and have seen a bunch. Two of my passions are cinema and live music. The IMDb advanced search makes it a lot easier to narrow down searches, as well as help me remember what I've seen and liked, which I do need some occasional help with. I also tend to get verbose when making lists, in case you hadn't noticed... :D

I take pleasure in introducing more popular movies to younger people and/or those who may just be getting in to movies, but as fellow movie geeks here have probably noticed, I especially love finding and recommending gems that fewer people may have seen that have begun to fade in the collective "best movie" lists.

And of course it's always nice to hear if one of my recs really spoke to someone, so please feel free to at least drop a note if you find something special.

I'll try to dig up another bunch of conspiracy flicks soon, as those are favorites. Cheers!

[edit] I must acknowledge that there are plenty of folks out there who would put me to shame, so I always look forward to their posts... :D


This post just popped in to my head, and I'd just like to make the offer to feel free to ask for recs any time. Any regular genre is of course fine, but I get a kick out of off-the-wall criteria, like "know any mysteries that take place in outer space? Or thrillers that involve time travel?" Get even more specific than that, or specify a mood, even. I enjoy the "hunt" that would hopefully put a smile on a fellow film fan's face.

