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the kansas city overdose deaths

a strange story. three guys were watching the chiefs-chargers game at a friend's house and doing a lot of drugs. the bodies of the three were found outside the house two days after the game. all three overdosed at the same time???

the guy who owns the house has checked into rehab.


They were wasted, fell asleep outdoors in very cold weather, were engaged in heavy drinking and foolish cocaine and fentanyl use. It's weird the homeowner needs to defend himself but the Rehab is likely a legal defense ploy.
This way if things go south at trial he can beg mercy for also being a reckless addict but I call bullshit.

Frankly it's weird that if you throw a house party nowadays with a bunch of adults who decide to drink, partake in illicit drugs and wander off for a nap on the freezing patio at night YOU need to legally defend yourself. NOT to mention those guys all look like tough guy sorts. They partied too hard and I hope it was a good bash because it was their last. THEIR fault, they were grown men.


no one noticed the bodies or their cars.


They were all high.
A few guys freeze to death after foolish behavior, just figure they seem like a bunch of dummies.


That is a messed up story. Was that on dateline? Think Keith Morrison would do that one after Mathew Perry's death? Didn't know they were family members. Ive never been to Hollywood or Vegas. I listened to the entire audio-book of Perry's final book.


this happened less than two weeks ago


cocaine and fentanyl? I almost died snorting cocaine when I experimented like when I was 27. (long time ago) Well it felt like I was gonna die/, I had a hard time breathing.


The dead engaged in very risky drug behavior and they were were grown men, adios, too bad and rest in peace.

This is a non-story, a bunch of undisciplined lunkheads slept in the cold after a booze and drug party... in other words a bunch of dummies.

Manage yourself and know your limits morons.


The person who was living there shut himself off from the rest of the world for two days after they died, which looked suspicious to many people. Looks like he might have just been on a bender or recovering from one, though. Addicts will do things like not having any contact with people for two days.


Yup. Panicked and withdrawing from whatever the hell he was on probably caused him to be paranoid and physically sick. Maybe drug charges are in order here but honestly, engage in tomfoolery and you might end up a dead fool.


The butler did it.


I think people are getting confused on the date it happened. I believe it happened on the weekend of the Chiefs Dolphins game because that was when we had below zero temperatures for almost a week.


it was the last game of the season against the chargers on jan 7th.


When Fentanyl was mentioned, I stopped reading.
No drug is healthy, but that stuff is apparently a serial killer. ☠️​ ☠️ ​☠️​

Since it's mainly produced in China, production won't stop. ☻
More education can help!


yep. another fentanyl death. likely laced into one of the drugs they were doing. drugs ain't fun no more.


Dammit, you're right!
The cocaine was probably laced with fentanyl.

We've similar problems here.
Expensive drugs are also mixed with rat poison. ☠️​ 🐀​
Projects are underway to have drugs tested free of charge and anonymously.
So many people have died, especially inexperienced youngsters. 💔​


With fentanyl, I think it's possible.


it's just strange that all three would die at the same time


Checking into rehab does sort of make you look somewhat guilty like you're trying to run from something


the families are having trouble accepting that they overdosed


Cheifs gotta win for the frozen 3


a moment of silence please.


you know that Jackass locked his backdoor hoping they'd exit round front


why would he do that?


an attempt to get them to leave
