MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you worried about a 'big brother' fu...

Are you worried about a 'big brother' future?

Government tracking. Cashless society. Social Credits system (already used in China based on behavior.)

I feel like covid was a foretaste of this. People's movements were tracked or investigated with the whole 'contact tracing'. In some countries you had to scan in to a place before you entered.

Some places you needed to show your vaccination status on a government app.

We did all these things for 'our own good' because covid was bad (even though it was really only deadly for the elderly so they said we were saving our 'health system' from collapse).

We already live in an era where if you don't have a smart phone, you can't do many things. A smart phone is basically a tracking device.

If things are this bad right now, can you imagine what the integration of technology and government will do to humanity in the next 50 years?


I’m not important enough to care.


You basically just said "if you've got nothing to hide it doesn't matter"


There’s 8.1 billion people on this planet - I’m sure there’s plenty to keep the ‘powers that be’ busy. They’re really not interested in me.


Or so the Chinese would have us believe.


All you do is be aware of what's going on and do what you can.

You don't need your phone turned on all the time, if someone doesn't take cash, don't give them your business, stop replying to bots, etcetera.


It's already here and I believe it may have too much momentum to stop it because not enough people care. Covid definitely accelerated things. Facial recognition (already in use in some US airports), biometric passports (used during Covid), and constant tracking (through your cell or watches) are all being used now. Once we go cashless, which probably will occur within 10-15 years or sooner depending on the crisis, there's no turning back as everyone will be tracked and tagged. Everything you do or say will be monitored and big brother knows best so conform and don't question the ones in charge and their narrative or there goes your career, bank account and means to live as you will be deemed a criminal.

All of these are sold with the slogans of: it makes things more convenient, it protects you and others, and it's for the greater good so people will happily accept this change because there will be some sort of state of emergency to make it seem reasonable at the time. Obviously there are some benefits, but it's scary how we will lose many freedoms and only a handful of people will make the decisions and deem what is right and wrong for the rest of us. That, and imagine when your biometrics and facial profile are stolen by hackers. Seems much more difficult to deal with that type of identity theft.


^^^Fully agree^^^


Facial recognition can end crime, they'll tell us.


Oh yeah 1000%


Given the staggering number of political prisoners the Biden Regime has locked up for the last few years yes its a real concern.


More concerned about a 'big sister' future. Estrogen runs amuck. Everything is decided on feelings.
Your fearless leader:


I don't think it will take 50 years, dystopia is coming much sooner, we must resist, don't give up cash,insist in the use of it or it will be checkmate


We live in a world where our cell phones already record our every move, everything we upload is mined for data, and voice-activated devices in our houses hear everything we say.

Dude, Big Brother is already here, only it turns out that Big Brother isn't the government. He's a capitalist.


nah , i cant wait until the end of crime when everyone has prints and dna on record and tracker chips built in

It seems worth it for the slight risk the gov will abuse those powers and go all 1984
