MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any of y'all ever write a book?

Any of y'all ever write a book?

I have.

I wrote a book last year. Its a sci-fi, time/dimension travel epic with some great characters, events, interpersonal relationships and romance. Its over 171,000 words long and it pretty much wrote itself.

I've done multiple edits and re-reads and to be honest, its really good. I'm an avid reader and have done my best to look at it objectively and I've had others read it and the really liked it.

I'd love to get it published but I don't have a clue where to start.


No, only screenplays.


No books. Only short-form writing from me.


I started writing a book on elephants. Someone told me paper would be far easier.




It was terrible!

I needed to put more thought into it, though, find another angle for the type of story I was trying to write instead of just repeating what others had done.

It was my first try, though. Maybe I'll take another stab at it.


Some people seem to be born book writers where others have to learn how to do it, like a craft.


I love to read, but don't think I have what it takes to write a book.

If you think your book is worthy to be published, absolutely pursue it. I can't give you advice on the process, but I've heard self publishing through Amazon isn't a difficult. A digital format available on such a large platform might get more readers.

The description of your book kind of reminds me of John Scalzis "Old Man's War series."


The thing is, from what I understand, it's kind of a one shot deal. If you self publish and it doesn't take off (because its no good or if it is and you don't do it right), traditional publishers won't touch it because its already been published.


I wrote several short stories and a lot of poetry many years ago but I wouldn't consider any of it particularly notable, more of a personal brain exercise because I enjoy writing...I just lack any brilliant stuff to say LOL!

Writers Market is a decent resource, it's available on Amazon for around 20 bucks.
Good luck.


You can self-publish.

One of our local bookstores makes it possible so I imagine one near you can do the same.

You could probably contract the job out to someone else - there are lots of books on Amazon that look like they're self published.

I recently got to see this book in the real world and yikes, if this guy could get his book published, you can too:

Although, I'd spend the coin and get some copyright lawyer to give you come advice about what's involved in securing your rights within your country and abroad.


Good advice. Thank you. :)


I've made a stab at writing a couple of murder mysteries, a couple in everyday settings and another in the Fantasy genre.

Never finished any of them, I always have a hard time finishing big projects.
