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Men need women, like a fish needs a it!

Go ahead ladies and watch this. It's so true!!!


Considering they can always rely on Rosie Palmer....


I keep seeing this thread trend, and I wonder why.

I can't be assed to watch the video, but, suffice to say, I regard the title as rather pathetic.

Alas, if anything, it's women who don't need *us* men, rather than the other way around, these days.

Still, I'm not a fan of any type of sexism/gender supremacy, whether its coming from men or women, and this OP strikes me as puerile.



It is unfortunately very possible that the decline of the nuclear family can be traced to the rise of dating apps.

Some stats people who were married by 23-38

Millennials 44%
Gen X 53%
Boomers 61%
Silent 81%


The decline of the nuclear family can be linked to the erosion of Christianity, the contraceptive pill and women entering the work force in large numbers.


I think you can add dating apps to that also.

These are essentially stud farms, where women can pick the top tier men ~10% and ignore the rest. The result is that young women are becoming entitled and the majority of unchosen young men are "going their own way" and make videos like this.


That's ridiculous. How else were people meant to meet each other these days, especially since work-based relationships are frowned upon and outlawed in some places?


50% of Marriages end in divorce. Isn't it better that people are more cautious about jumping into marriage early.


I don't think these unchosen young men, who were spurned and ignored on dating apps in their 20's, will be jumping on board the marriage train later in life.

There is some serious women hater anger in this video. The kind not seen in my generation.


Loads of people aged 18-34 can't afford to get married and raise a family these days, not unless they want to be married and beeding while living with their parents.

It's not just social changes lowering the marriage rate and upping the number of divorces, it's also macroeconomics. Low wages, no job security, and iffy access to Healthcare also have an effect.


Capitalism is devouring it's young but hey there's plenty more of them elsewhere and for cheap and they can always live in cardboard boxes ! The Market is never in error, The Market is The Market !


There is no guarantee that the marriage rate will level off at 44%. I see it going lower with Gen Z What will society look like if it is only 24%? Single mothers becoming the overwhelming norm, with legions of "going it alone" Gen Z men, childless and having no stake in the counties future.

NYT had a article recently on a new concept, "Momunes" single or divorced mothers getting together to raise their children collectively in a single house to share expenses, no man needed.


Well, maybe you think a fish mated with a bicycle and got you.


Very interesting, and some truth there.


