

we have had a mini heatwave here this week. had a barbecue on april 15th which must be the earliest ever.


Nice! I just grilled some tuna steaks on the pit earlier.


That sounds like something a right wing nut would say, you Nazi.


I look at the world today and I see us going backwards. We're back in 50's, for women, gays, minorities. There was a point 10 years ago when everything looked bright. Now I'm just really sad for the US. We're just a bunch of people pointing fingers at the people we hate. Here's a tip, live your fucking life, and leave everyone else's life alone.


We all probably have a lot more in common with the average person on the left or right than we ever will with the corrupt politicians who are dividing us.




One of the reasons why I'm not liberal or conservative is because I feel picking a side does more harm than good. People treat their political leanings like a sports team. Both sides are in denial of any wrongdoing. Whenever there's a mass shooting, liberals will point their fingers at conservatives for wanting so many guns being in circulation, then conservatives will blame liberals for these shootings occurring in gun free zones.


That's why I like living in a country that has more than two political parties. Unfortunately, we are more and more straddling the right and left divide. Alberta is a two party province right now.


It's indeed a depressing state of affairs when you put it that way, and more of a systematic and societal concern than purely a political one. Yes, those in power use a culture divide and mounting discontent to widen the gap between the extreme viewpoints, enabling a lot of turmoil in the process.

Taking a step back, though, we can see how decades of cutbacks and profit-driven paradigms have wounded America - in healthcare, education, and economic security to name a few - to produce a population that is downtrodden, powerless, and bereft of information literacy.

Whereas eras in the past have more often than not reached compromises in power circles to maintain and steadily improve the status quo, America seems to be locked in this divisive feedback loop that frames every issue as a battle between white Christian heteronormative hegemony and the "radical left" (whose main policies in any other developed nation in the world would be defined as centrist or center-right).

And I'm sure you've observed how nasty kids can be to each other when influenced by the swill of social media. Imagine them as "functioning adults" in 15-20 years.


The 2 things I can't get passed, guns, and making laws to prevent !% of the population from being happy. Thats what the US is about today. That's what we want to spend out resources on.


Why would you be deleted?


I was going to say something about how disappointed I was in the US today. I could go on, but its politics. I'm just sick of the guns, the hatred, laws just to stop people from being happy. It really sucks to be an American today.


From what I've seen, at least 2-3 realities have emerged.

There's the reality of the internet, where most of the "culture wars" are going on.

There's also tv and movies, which present a reality as far from the real deal as possible. In fact, most of it is very messed-up, and often you end up having to watch older stuff because it's more entertaining and isn't full of PC crap.

And then there's the reality right outside one's home. I like the third one, because there, life is normal, and things are mostly business as usual. So if you get the chance, take a walk outside for a bit, and only use your phone if someone is calling you.

Small wonder some people go on vacation and "unplug" from all internet stuff. It takes a load off of people's minds and is seen as psychologically healthy.


Oh yeah I'm #3 stick my head in the sand and pretend the US isn't a hate filled pile of shit. Nothing's going to change.


There's also tv and movies, which present a reality as far from the real deal as possible. In fact, most of it is very messed-up, and often you end up having to watch older stuff because it's more entertaining and isn't full of PC crap.

You understand those are pieces of fiction presented as a series of moving images with synchronized audio, right? Not every piece of media is going to be tailored to affirm your own biases.


And yet they are tailored to affirm the biases and identities of degenerates.


Again like 2% of the people. How about you ignore them, and live your own life. We need laws to protect you against a shy guy who wants to be a female in a bathroom.


When we have laws devoted to 2% of the population, just to make things difficult for them, thats the problem I have.


Overcome your fear and terror about looking outside of General Discussion. The front page is here:

Click on individual pages at the "In theaters" section, to read posts about new movies, or whatever is Trending at the top. Posts about celebrities' birthdays or deaths cause them to trend.

Politics is a separate section. Avoid it, unless you want to rant. (Piss people off at will.)

Click on "General Discussion" to return here; you will not get lost.
