Terminator 2

Arnold made money making the movie and I paid money to watch it . I don’t think the pay wage difference there is very fair. He came out way ahead profitability wise than I did . Even now, I bet he still has more money than me. Even if this was the one movie he was in .


Were you paid to watch his movie?


No !! That’s what makes it so bad. Every actor in this movie was paid but I wasn’t


I don't get it. Why weren't you paid? You did watch the movie, right?


The mass media turned against him after his financial success with this movie. They became vicious. Big difference between fair criticism and personal attacks from jealousy. It's as if he became too successful so they decided to destroy him. Similar attack happened to Kevin Costner after his success with Dances with Wolves. Ditto Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez during their first courtship. Media wanted to break them up and viciously attacked them and their movie release.

Arnie deserved the money. He was very bankable because his movies were so successful. He was the only action star whose movies were equally popular with females. Other action flicks would have weak and stupid female characters. Arnie knew to have strong and intelligent females in which female moviegoers would want to see. I always considered him a smart businessman.

Your money was spent on a few enjoyable hours of escapism. Arnie says thanks for your contribution to his wealth.


You nailed it. There is not 1 weak female protagonist in an Arnie movie, and that includes
Sarah Conner in The Terminator. Some of that is due to good fortune. James Cameron wrote an evolving Sarah into his Terminator script, because he is a very smart director. But I also believe that none of us makes his own luck. ‘Luck’ is the intersection of preparation and opportunity. I admire the shit out of Arnie.

However, Gigli was a genuine crapfest and deserved all the opprobrium it received.


I was going to credit James Cameron since he has strong female characters also. But, Arnie has done many movies sans Cameron and they normally have strong woman often POC. I don't believe that's by accident. Arnie knew to appeal to a larger audience with good characters in his movies.

In contrary to mass media rhetoric, Gigli wasn't the worst movie ever made. I thought the main problem was it's incorrect classification as a romantic comedy. It was really a drama with a few funny scenes. It was ok, nothing special. 2 1/2 stars


typical post by keelai the hutt

so you only enjoy schwanengger movies becuase they have female poc in them? so if they have no female poc then you spend your post saying what racist man he is?

and i have news for you keelai the hutt. when arnold was bodybuilder in europe he make comment about black bodybuilder in gym. he says to other body builder around him: "look at that black man. if you give him country to run, he run it down drain". this was heard by many in gym.

arnold was well know for making bad comment about woman. he pull down there tops on movie sers and harass them: http://web.archive.org/web/20010409051640/www.premiere.com/Premiere/Features/301/arnold.html

arnold's father was nazi and arnold say he respect hitler.

arnold is right wing man so that mean he hates lazy woketards like you keelai who sit on your fat ass and blame white peoples everyday in life because your fat and fugly and no one like you


For your illiteracy: RIF.org

No, Einstein. I wrote that Arnie is a smart businessman who knew how to get 50% of the population to see his films unlike others in the action movie category who had a much lower ticket sales from female moviegoers.

Arnie is socially liberal, dolt. The only neo-Nazi is you.


hahahahahahahhaahahah wrong keelai you know nothing about arnold you pathetic woketards hhahahhaah. "socially liberal" hahahahaha.

any arnold fan know he is right wing man his entire life which mean he hate victims like you keelai. he is right wing aryan white man from nazi stalk so that mean you should hate him since you spend your life obsess with calling white man racist everyday on moviechats hahahh

this is what you say before: "arnie knew to have strong and intelligent females"

anrold did not even write these female characters in his film! someone else write them! in most of his film they are just damsel. have you even seen raw deal, red heat, running man, predator? the female in this film must be rescue by arnold all time while he kill everyone!!! this is same thing you see in every other movie hahahahahah. it is not unique. he do none of this

arnold's attitide toward female in real life is bad - people who work on movie set see him abuse femael crew tops and make horrible comment to them - he admit this!! hahahahaha

so you love this aryan right wing man who hates woketards, make racist comment about black bodybuilder and he abuse women crew on his film (and he admit this). why? he should be everythhing you hate you stupid fucking woketards keelai hahahahahah.


You should have said "No" to drugs.


you should have said no to banquets woketard


That was lame.

Do you want another shot, B.O.?



stop eating keelia im sick of your fat ass hahahahahahah


I can't defend his entire past treatment of women, but I do think it had a lot to do with the constant presumption and questioning of his sexuality as a male bodybuilder and his need to overcompensate regarding that, which is why so much of the negative comments he's made about women have been sexual in nature, not him calling anyone a bitch or anything. He may not have been awesome with his turn of phrase, but here are some things he's said about women from this article 20 years ago: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-sep-16-me-women16-story.html

In his interviews and writings, Schwarzenegger frequently has talked of admiring women for their intelligence. In October 1976, he told New Times: “The lady with me has to look good, too. And I definitely want to have one that’s brighter than I. Then I can learn. I like an aggressive woman who can talk and is not always in the background. I can pinpoint her exactly: Candice Bergen.”

In 1986, he told Rolling Stone magazine, “I love American women because they are independent. I like a woman to be smart.”

As for his father's history with the nazis, he recently posted this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsETTn7DehI

So while you may not like Keelai, she has a point, you don't have to disagree with it merely out of spite.


arnold is legend in my counrty. all his movies shown on tv or watched on poor quality video tape. we all raise with his movies since birth. we read his book. we watch his documentary.

but anyone who is life long fan of arnold, and who know all his movie and life story, knows he is flawed man.

and i do not disagree with keelai out of spites. i disagree because that butt fugly woketard is always wrong. she know nothing about arnold or his movie. arrogant horrible woman who talk down to peoples. she praise arnold for depiction of female in his film when he treat female in real life like shit on shoe.

arnold did not choose tough female in his film. or poc female. james cameron or paul verhoeven do that - they take credit for strong female in his film. arnold did not direct or write one single movies in his career. most of his movie feature standard damsels who need rescue while he waste everybody. this is same as james bond and whatever. he is no pioneer for female or poc.

anrold is number 2 action becuase of his treatment of female crew member. sly stallone take number one postion because he is nicer man to female crew.


Fair enough.


I mean to be fair Eraser was his last really good quality movie so, I can't really fault them.


The criticism was when "Last Action Hero Came Out." That subsided a long time ago.

I saw "Eraser" in the theater and thought it was meh even though I liked the cast. "Jingle All the Way" was better and a hoot. Many like "True Lies" and "Expendables".


Sorry. I didn't realize that. I like all those movies you mentioned. It's just that after Eraser he had Batman and Robin, End of Days, 6th Day, Collateral Damage, and Terminator 3. Then he quit movies and became governor of California. By the way I liked Last Action Hero. That one got too much hate.


I enjoyed Last Action Hero even though it had flaws. The harsh criticism was really backlash against his financial success for Terminator 2. Ditto Kevin Costner who was unfairly attacked when "A Perfect World" was released which was a very good film.

Batman & Robin was horrible. That was my #1 most hated movie for years.

Arnie made a few films after he left office.


The mass media turned on him because leftists like you couldn't stand that he had conservative leanings.


yes and this fucking idiot keelai claims he "socially liberal" hahahahah. he is right wing german aryan who praised hitler. he is every woketards nightmare.

arnold would would fire rocket launchers at woketards like keelai if he could get away with it hahha. he despise victims who waste there existance on earth by bitching about race everyday of there woketard lifes.


You're a bigot.


hahahahahahah says the fucking woketard who thinks it funny that a million irish starve to death!!! i saw you cracking jokes about irish you hippocrit while you whine about slaves hahahahah.

your fat ass is on this website everyday of your woketard lifeobsess with race and white peoples acting like you some crusader and you are just as racist as the peoples you whine about everyday hahahahahahahahahah


You're still a bigot.


says the racetard keelai the hutt hahhahahahah

go create your 10 millionth post on race you pathetic fucking woketards hahahahahhahaa


You're trolling.


And you're still a proven liar.


EVERY movie ever made has enormous wage gaps among the actors! The stars get fortunes, and some of the people they share scenes with get minimum wage for actors - scale. The actors who get scale are putting up with the comparatively low wages, because they know if they stand out, their next job will pay a hell of a lot more.

And just so you know, SAG scale is decent money by ordinary-person standards, a grand or two a day. So if wage gaps outrage you, why don't you fixate on industries where the CEO gets a billion a year, and the people who make the product are slave laborers who don't get paid at all? If wage gaps infuriate you, there are far worse industries than Hollywood.


I dont know if I read it here or on Twitter, but the kid actor only got 35k for this movie. That seems very low for such a substantial role.


wtf are u talking about?
you consumed his movie and he got paid. where is the problem?
you wanna be famous for watching a movie? fck off
