MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tacoma, Washington woman with tuberculos...

Tacoma, Washington woman with tuberculosis to be arrested Friday for treatment

why would she not want to be treated?


I tested positive for TB back in 2008. I wasn’t actively ill or contagious, it was only a latent infection. But I had to take a special antibiotic for 9 months to wipe it out.


how did you get it?


Don’t really know. One doctor thought I was maybe exposed in graduate school because there are many international students and in some countries latent TB infections are common. But that was just a guess. I just remember taking that antibiotic was a pain because I wasn’t allowed to eat anything (other than drink water) for two hours before and after taking it. I was also concerned about passing it to my elderly parents.


that makes sense. you never had any symptoms?


Same here. Towards the end of 2007. Didn't even go for a checkup. I was hospitalised fir a burst stomach ulcer

And during the X-rays, they found out I had early stages abdominal & pulmonary TB

A lucky break in one of the worst periods of my life.


Maybe she's like Typhoid Mary, and needs to earn a living despite her illness, and has an unbenefitted job with no sick leave. Or maybe she's some dipshit who doesn't believe in science or medicine, or maybe she's mentally ill, who knows.

But this is a massive problem with the existence of jobs that have no sick leave or healthcare benefits - contagious illnesses. There are people in the US who literally can't afford to get sick, because if they don't go to work they don't get paid or they get fired. So if they're sick they go to work anyway, and share anything contagious they have with everyone there... and the families of their co-workers, and the people at the grocery store and their families, etc.


why would she not want to be treated?

1. Scared of the medication
2. Will feel lonely if she isolates.
3. Can't afford to take time off of work to isolate for 9 months.
4. She wants to die.


5. Is some kind of conspiracy/anti vax type.




What does "anti-vax" mean?

Most healthy people choose not to take meds, [e.g., for body pain, depression/anxiety, or for whatever], yet because a medicine is labeled "vaccine" it must be taken without question or thought, while anyone for any reason choices to question or decline or are whiling to wait until more data is available, for a given vaccine, must be labeled: anti-vax.

I presume a lot of people chose not to take certain medicines due to harmful side effects, yet those same people are willing to attack others for doing the same regarding vaccines.

I just don't understand the leap of faith when a medicine is labeled "vaccine" that must mean we must take it without question nor concern for one's personal health.

For me, some vaccines are good while others are not due to my medical history.


Anti Vax is more than just CoVid and being opposed to CoVid vaccines, long before CoVid there were people who refused to be vaccinated against things like Polio, Rubella, Mumps, Whooping Cough etc. Vaccines that have been around for a long time and prevent serious diseases.

According to the article this woman was in treatment but left early. She either has some serious mental health conditions affecting her choices, struggles financially and needs to work or she is simply opposed to medical treatments.


I agree mostly with what you've stated in your first paragraph; however, as of 2021, it does include Covid-19 mRNA vax, which I feel is problematic. Definitions were changed for "vaccine" and "anti-vax" from prominent dictionary sources to government agencies and propagated by government officials, news outlets, entertainment personalities, academic heads, and world leaders. Being "anti-vax", as of 2021, means someone who questions vaccine(s), are unable to take a given vaccine(s), and those that choose not to take vaccine(s) for whatever their reasonings may be.

I must agree totally with your second paragraph.

I think should she be treated, but I'm unsure if she should be forced to or not. It hurts my brain about what should be done. I just wonder about government overreach and personal autonomy vs the purpose of society creating a government to safeguard its population from [health] threats.

Granted, my thoughts are off on a tangent. I had to reread the thread to realize it lol


They lumped Covid in the rest of them to try and shame people in to taking the shot. So if you expressed any concerns about the Covid vaccine you were a conspiracy theorist and a science denier.


Covid vaccinations don't present any risks more serious than most other vaccines, the risks they do present are negligible, the protection they provide against serious illness significant. Those taking the vaccines no longer had to worry much about long covid, getting gravely ill, strangling on a respirator, or dying.

The vaccine has been politicized. Everything about covid has been politicized. But the virus never paid attention to any of that.

The only reason covid anti-vaxxers have been able to hold onto their pretense that protecting themselves & others is a strictly personal matter, is because the disease wasn't deadly enough to enough people to generate a mandate to force people to protect themselves, demand the same of their fellow citizens.

Paranoia & conspiracy mongering - feeding on fear, ignorance, the fall-out of a government that lies us into wars (and now cooks up lethal viruses) are now political weapons in full use.

The coming consensus that the virus was a product of gain-of-function research conducted both here in the US (esp. UNC) and at the Wuhan lab, is going to do nothing but erode trust & faith even more.


i doubt anyone would want to work with her and there must be health and safety laws preventing her from a workplace. if she wants to die then just stay home.


I agree, but she won't stay home. She will spread it around and tell other people to stay home if they don't want to be infected by her.


If that's the case and the issue is #3, I feel bad for her.


she has years of coughing up blood in her future. that's what i would be worried about.


Assuming she won't die in a few months.


"Can't afford to take time off of work to isolate for 9 months."

This is the most likely explanation, how many of us could afford to stay home and not work for nine months? I mean I could, some can work from home, but too many people live "one paycheck away from disaster", and wouldn't be able to pay for housing if forced to isolate for nine months, and most families wouldn't want a person with an airborne contagious disease isolating in their home.

There used to be "sanitoriums" where people with tuberculosis could go and stay, away from the general public and their own families. They're all gone, as far as I know.


I agree, that probably is the best explanation. I doubt she wants to die or even wants infect someone else, but not getting paid for 9 months would take a toll on most people.


That would be horrible.. oh wait.

Signed, million man.


She would only have to isolate during the period she is actively sick. At some point during the treatment, even though the 9 month treatment needs to be completed, it should become a latent infection and she would no longer be contagious.
