MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Man carries 75 inch TV home by strapping...

Man carries 75 inch TV home by strapping it to his back and riding a unicycle.

I mean if he's got no other option, I'd say this is a win.


I give him points for balls.


I don't think he's got balls anymore. The weight of the TV on his back probably squashed them.


He could have been wearing a medieval steel armor codpiece..?


and a ruptured disc.


Probably a ruptured dick lol!


Staged. Fake and gay


That's what I was thinking.


Staged as in there really isn't a TV there or he's looking for attention?


Staged as in the guy recording is in on it, that he got off the unicycle the second the video ended, and yes, there is no tv in there (but something adding weight).






This video.





Thrilling debate




Yeah, still impressive he could carry it on his back while balancing on a unicycle though.


Betcha that 30 seconds later he stopped and decided to walk home, carrying the unicycle in his hands.

But not until he's proved he could do it!


I don't understand why he couldn't just strap it to a skateboard and walk it home.


Or maybe he untied it from his back and his buddy who was filming the whole thing gave him a ride! But if it wasn't a setup, he probably just walked. He did succeed in actually moving on the unicycle with a huge TV strapped to his back, but very unsteadily, and he was actually slower than walking pace.

I was actually wondering if this was in my home town Target. It's a college town, and some of the young people here are students who don't have transport other than bikes, skateboards, scooters, or even unicycles. Occasionally you see someone transporting something large without a car.


Wow, I didn't even think about the possibility of them being friends. I thought that if this was fake it was just the one guy looking for attention and he used an empty box.




Looks staged. Probably empty box.


I disagree! When the guy finally got on the unicycle, his balance was that of someone who was trying to compensate for an unfamiliar weight, and while he actually managed to ride with the thing on his back, he was moving *very* slowly and awkwardly.

Either way, can you imagine what would have happened if a gust of wind came along?


i hope he lived close by


As an active bicyclist who rides a lot of places and hauls things in his trailer, this is really, really cool to see!


Do you think it's fake as some here are claiming?


No, I do not.

Modern TVs are much lighter than they used to be when they were big and heavy boxes.
And as someone else pointed out, look how he struggles with the balance and movement.

Even though ppl have done fake things in videos, there are still those that are real and I would like to think this is one of them.


I think there was something genuinely heavy in the box, because of the way he rides the unicycle. He's having real trouble balancing, and would honestly going faster and putting less effort if he were walking, as there really were an unaccustomed weight on his back. Sure, he could be faking it, but how many random people are good enough at physical comedy to fake that sort of thing?

Seriously, this could have actually happened in my town, where some college student gets around out town on a unicycle. I think there's very good odds that a buddy of his is filming it, because the whole scenario could easily begin with some guy with a unicycle asking his bros with cars for a ride to the Target to pick up the TV he's bought, and he says "Of course, I COULD get it home on the unicycle...".


Yeah, on second thought I am not sure if he is faking it or not.

I would like to think it is all real but then why is there someone filming him right at the moment he comes out of the store?
And isn't it obvious what he is doing with the rope and with a unicycle like that next to him?
Camera Guy suggests he is going to get an Uber.
Something about that line also seems to try and make it seem real and if that is what he thinks then why keep filming?

It seems real while there are also odd things about it.


If it's fake I still give him credit for being able to do it.


Full credit for being able to do it, because even with an empty box it's going to be hugely challenging considering the airflow issues, and I think the box is genuinely heavy. Dude made my day!

But I really suspect he had a buddy film it. Because no young person does any goofy stunt these days, unless they're going to put it on social media.
