MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How are women OK with this? So many cont...

How are women OK with this? So many contradictions I don't know where to start.

So basically women are right back to being behind men, complete 360.


She sounds like a man. Is she trans?


Yes, that person is a man. He is the owner of Miss Universe. He was assuring women that the Miss Universe organization will be run by all women and trans women which are men and he is the owner. You can't make this stuff up!


Feminists are among the biggest opponents of this nonsense - men in dresses claiming that they know what it means to be a woman.

Now I'm all for transfools living as they want and not suffering any discrimination.

But don't expect the world to say you're something you're not.

However, beauty pageants are not known for being the most enlightened in terms of women's rights. It's pure objectification.


Agreed but I was just pointing out how silly it is to say the organization is now safe because it is fully run by women when the owners are all men dressed as women. It's a complete clown world.


To be fair though, women are safer with men in dresses than with men in boxer shorts.



Meh, we're not discussing creatures with penises in women's locker rooms. I'm against that regardless of what they call themselves.

But I see nothing wrong with a trannie running a beauty pageant. What if a normal cisexual man ran it? Men probably run most of them. So?


I'm about okay with it as I am willingly injecting cancer into myself.

That's not a woman, though if he kept his mouth shut, he could easily fool anybody. Asian men were always better at the illusion than the other ethnic groups. The rest all look like men in drag with voices that sound like very effeminate gay men.


Bangkok, home of the ladyboy.


Im Okay with not a Woman we are all equals


No. We are decidedly not all equals.


We are equal as in all humans should live under the same rules as far as freedom and justice go but we are not all the same. Men are so much stronger than women and more compulsive about making everything bigger and better. Everything that keeps women safe and makes life easier in today's world was invented or made by a man. Automobiles, the telephone, appliances, sliced bread, buildings, roads, and all the wars fought. Without men, women would be lost and without women, there would be no more men. That is the equal part but we are not the same!


The context here is that fucking Trump used to own the Miss Universe pageant, and allegedly spent a lot of time creeping on the contestants!

They're announcing that the contest is finally safe for contestants.


What's the big deal? I could understand your complaint if the contestant was trans, but if the person in charge is trans, I don't see the big deal.


It's false advertisement. I know you know the point I'm making.



It's also the "blackface" of 2023. What is the difference between a white actor putting on black makeup to play a character and a man putting on makeup to a woman?


Also, are ALL women the same? Aren't all people, no matter what they have in common, different and some people just have different opinions on certain things with not everyone even from one and the same category of people being equally enlightened, no matter if they're right or wrong?


We should be all equal in a perfect world but even then we wouldn't be the same.


