MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Isn't it hilarious how many kid's movies...

Isn't it hilarious how many kid's movies and TV shows glamorise piracy?

They make pirates seem like good sailors who just dress and talk funny. When I was a kid, I said I wanted to be a pirate when I grew up. I had no idea I was saying I wanted to be a rapist and murderer. Such a random thing too, why are the writers obsessed with pirates?


“why are the writers obsessed with pirates?”

Because they arrrrrr!


Oh, you have to walk the plank for this one Andy!


But then don't simply not all pirates by their own nature "rape and murder", besides, the r word topic isn't even dealt with for the most part in kids shows and fairytales anyways (it's too adult and taboo a topic to be easily like that featured in kids' shows, for one!) AND maybe they don't intentionally glorify them either (in many cases, they were portrayed as simple villains and antagonists, not heroes).

And writers and creators all deal with bad guys and anti heroes maybe even in an obsessive ways too, but it doesn't automatically mean they are on their side, does it? Or DOES it?


P.S. In some films like the Danish "A Hijacking" (2012) the pirates were more portrayed as anti-heroes than villains but certainly NOT err "good guys" either. And they didn't abuse anyone sexually and didn't kill with impunity left, right and center, but they did hold people hostage and demand money and at one point one of them killed someone ACCIDENTALLY. Make of that what you will.


I remember being a bit surprised that piracy still occurs. About 10 years ago I heard about all of these Somalian pirates and was taken aback that any were ever taken prisoner. I thought that legit sailors could just toss the pirates to the sharks or shoot them in the face, I had no idea that they were owed due process!

I bet that most captured pirates are just quickly gotten rid of way out there at sea, who would ever know if everyone just keeps their mouth shut?


A lot of British ex-military work in the anti-piracy field.


I’m sure those guys know how to deal with the bastards.


They have the required skill set.


It’s because Madison Avenue wants to get us all to buy and to wear puffy shirts.




Well, the problem is, because of the Victorians, we ended up with a mythical version of pirates that people see as anti-heroes and a source of fun and adventure on the high seas. The only "crimes" they'd show these scurvy dogs doing were plundering ships, killing their enemies, or blowing up stuff.

But the truth is, history shows us (both past and present) that pirates not only weren't quite as glamorous in real life, they were criminals! In fact if you look at modern-day pirates, not only is their livelihood not romantic, the first thing you wanta do when you see them coming after cargo and cruise ships is get out a rocket launcher! You're not gonna wanta join today's thugs. A lot of people in the past actually didn't like pirates in their heyday. The few who willingly joined a pirate crew (particularly one that was not hired by a king or queen to work for them) never lived to tell the tale, because they either were killed by their fellow crewmates, or died in battle at sea. Or worse, were capture, tried and executed.





You could say the same about Vikings


You mean you don't pirate pirate movies?

Many of us do grow up to be pirates

Pirates may be bad guys but they are cool an if something isbcool it doesn't mabe abhero forbdoing dotterow bad it is

Besides if you jon the Navy you can attack shipping lanes too and be a hero while doing so


Pirates may be bad guys but they are cool an if something isbcool it doesn't mabe abhero forbdoing dotterow bad it is

Ok, I tried. I really tried to decipher this. I got "is cool it doesn't make a hero for doing". That's as far as I got. I couldn't figure out what "dotterow" is. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I believe that should be no matter how bad it is

so long as they arecool your heroes can do whatever they want rape and murder everyone act of being cool outweighs all moral issues
