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What did you watch this week fun-guy? (08/14-08/20) CLOSED

Any of you seen these titles?
Any of you can match my movie watching skills?
And what about reviewing? Can you review? Or rate? Or both?

My week:

The Samaritan (2012 TV): Apparently this is a Samuel L.Jackson I hadn’t seen yet. Apparently this is a film-noir. More of a drama-thriller if you ask me but either way, it ain’t bad at all mainly thanks to the actors. The bad guy was a fun character to watch as he pulled a « Oldboy » move on Foley (Jackson) and again, the actor did a good job. Note: 34 years difference between Jackson and Negga and they make out in the film. 😲 My rating: 6.5/10

A star is born (2018 TV): Ok, the first romantic encounter was a bit weird, with all the eyebrows and nose touching, finger licking and what not. Star or not, I would be freaked out but that’s maybe just me. Otherwise, the way the story unfolds was interesting and the actors did a great job undead. One thing I find crazy, here in Quebec it’s classified as General. It has nudity, drugs and bad language. My rating: 7/10

Moonlight (2016 TV): Starts off very softly, slowly, gradually pulling you in its irresistible force. Just like crack cocaine! Nah, seriously, at that scene with the swimming lessons at the beach I was hooked and my heart melting already. They had to pull a « Hunt for the wilderpeople » (released the same year!) move on me and get rid of an awesome character early on. I won’t spoil who but he won an Oscar for his short, precious role. The rest of the film was good but never as satisfying as those early scenes. My rating: 7.5/10

Undercover boss S6: My wife and I are suckers for this reality show. It may toy with our emotional strings, the wigs/disguises are really bad but eck, we love it. Watched maybe 4 episodes this week. 7.5/10


moonlight 6.5/10


The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958) - love these hammer movies with peter cushing as dr frankenstein. nice how they turned the tables on this one. 7.5/10

Orphan: First Kill (2022) - it holds up well compared to the first one. a nice twist and how the tables can be turned on the villain. 7/10

The Swerve (2021) - some good acting by the lead actress in this low budget movie. i had questions at the end over her motivations. worth the watch. 6.5/10

The Evil (1978) - if you want to watch a low budget haunted house movie from the 70s this would not be a bad choice. some good kill scenes. 6/10




Searching (2018)

Starring John Cho of Harold and Kumar fame. After David Kim's daughter disappears, a local investigation is opened and a detective is assigned to the case. But 37 hours later, and without a single lead, he decides to search the one place no one has looked yet, where all secrets are kept these days: his daughter's laptop. In a hyper-modern thriller told via the technology devises we use ever day to communicate, David must trace his daughter's digital footprints before she disappears forever.

Very good film: 7.8/10.



Hey you!! About time you bring a movie to the table!!!

Searching: 7/10


A Star Is Born: 7/10
Moonlight: 8/10

Don't Look Now (1973) (7/10)
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008) (8/10)
Novocaine (2001) (7/10)
Justice League: The New Frontier (2008) (7/10)
Almost Famous (2000) (8/10)
A Perfect World (1993) (7/10)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) (7/10)
Breathless (1960) (8/10)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997) (7/10)
Rock Dog 2: Rock Around the Park (2021) (6/10)
Amarcord (1973) (7/10)
I Vitelloni (1953) (7/10)


Did you shed a tear at the end of A Perfect World?



Would you like to share it with us?



Fair enough.


Oh c’mon, this is a movie thread and we are your movie friends. Where else will you share the movie that made you cry?

Anyways, I cried both times I watched A perfect world. The first time I was 14 and the second 34.

What’s yours? Homeward bound?


Almost Famous 8/10
A Perfect World 10/10
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World 8/10
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 6.5/10



-Scream 2 (1997)
One of the best sequels in any movie franchise.

-I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
Another summertime favourite. Sad to see Anne Heche, though.

-The Mummy (1998)
No, not the Tom Cruise one. Get the hell outta here!

-Murder by Death (1976)
Just like Clue, these murder mystery parodies just don't seem to be my thing. The humour was corny and there was hardly any story.

TV Series.

-Models Inc. - marathon

-Monk - marathon
ON HOLD. I've been catching re-runs of Who's the Boss and Golden Girls instead

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes


I watched Scream 2 this week too. 6/10, started to go off the rails towards the end.
The Mummy is one of my missus's favourite films (6/10 for me)
Other films I watched this week:
Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers 5/10, some good meta jokes, but fails more than it lands.
Cruella 4/10, had potential but generally disappointing.
Alien vs Predator Requiem 4/10, lighting was abysmal.
Uncharted 5/10, haven't played the games, was on okay adventure, but a little by the numbers.
Sonic the hedgehog 2, 4/10, would have been better without the humans... a shame as the first film was ok.
Untouchable 7/10, second film of the week with Tom Holland in, very good.
Also finished watching Mr Robot series.


"I watched Scream 2 this week too. 6/10, started to go off the rails towards the end."

I actually do agree that logic mostly goes out of the window at the end and it annoys me more and more every time. I do find the finale very suspenseful and entertaining, though.

Your missus has good taste. The Mummy is on my yearly rewatch list and my favourite adventure movie.


Chip N Dale: 8.5/10

Snobisme the hedgehog: 7.5/10


Scream 2: 7/10
IKWYDLS: saw it at the theatre. Due for rewatch.
The mummy: 6/10
I thought I had seen Murder by death but found no trace of it.


It's Murder by DEATH, though.


Oops, yes, I’m almost sure I’ve seen this parody.


Star is Born 2018: 3.5/10 I really did not like it. There were assorted A-grade moments but it was overall a bad movie. Coop did good and Sam Elliot is always great. The other two versions of this were much better IMO.


Gray Man (2022): 7/10. A serviceable action film from Ntflix that is directed by the same guys who did Winter Soldier. The action and plot would sometimes shine with stupid but the characters were well done and the script is good (and often funny).

Gunpowder Milkshake (2021): 2?/10. I like about half of the girl-power action movies out there. Not this one. I can't really rank it because I quit half way through. Lots of actors I love in it too!

Red Notice (2021): 5.5/10. Well. It made me laugh 3 or 4 times. It was like one of the lamer old buddy films but comfy for that reason too. So many movies have done everything this movie tried to do but far better. My younger, less cynical self would probably have given it a 7/10.

Bullet Train (2022): 5.8/10. This movie has several scenes I like a lot. Some characters grew on me. The directing and plot are the death of this movie. Its characters barely save it. They try to foist this director on us via his uncredited credit for John Wick. As is evident from his movies Atomic Blonde and Deadpool 2, we can see what he WASN'T responsible for in John Wick.


Better Call Saul: 8/10. A lesser show than BrBa but still very well done. I was satisfied with the finale overall but hoped for something more interesting from the Kim saga.

Loot: 3/10. I love Maya Rudolph. She and her PA have some funny lines here and there. The show is written by a child. Endured first season for Maya. No more.

Community: 9/10. Started from S1. I'd only ever seen 10 episodes before and liked it. Am enjoying the thorough tour. Funny and comfy.

Sandman: 9/10. This does a pretty good job keeping to the source material. Weaker 2nd half but still great. They nail Morpheus' regal manner and aloof personality. Exceeded my expectations.


Only saw Red Notice and totally agree with you
