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What are your " I remember where I was" moments?

1957 - I was 7 and we stood in our front yard and could see the Sputnik move through the sky at night.

1963 - I was 13 and in the 8th grade the day Kennedy was assassinated. It was announced over the PA that he had been shot and we were sent home.

1969 - I was 19 and in college and we watched the moon landing on TV in our dorm room.

1969 - Just a few weeks later and I was getting up when I heard about the Tate murders.

1987 - Challenger disaster has already been discussed

2001 - I was 51 and on vacation so we sleep late and had just turned on the TV a few minutes after the first plane struck. Like most people, we initially thought I was an accident.


9/11 - working in Financial Services, silently watching the events unfold on the TV screens in a state of shock and horror.

2020 - just before the 1st UK Covid lockdown. We were on a short break in Swanage (Dorset, England) and people were clearing the shelves in the supermarkets. It was like the beginning of an apocalyptic sci-fi film. I felt an eerie sense of trepidation.


A few days before the first lockdown (or a few days before businesses started shutting themselves down. People forget now that business was ahead of government in this), I was doing some shopping...

... and they were playing radio news -- which was obviously about this mysterious new virus -- and you could see everyone had one ear cocked towards the ceiling speakers... and then this woman came in through the door and just stood in the doorway coughing up her lungs. Everyone thought she was about to collapse on the ground...

It was exactly like the beginning of an apocalyptic sci-fi film, yeah.


The optimistic side of me was thinking, ‘oh this will only last for few weeks’, but deep down I was quite scared. That serves me right for watching films like The Road, lol.


I should also mention the shop was in Boscombe, so it already looked like the apocalypse anyway. (Little local comedy there.)



It used to be such a nice place, but now *shudders*


March 30, 1981 - Reagan shooting

My journalism class had a previously-scheduled field trip to one of the local TV stations to observe the evening news broadcast. The purpose was to give us a behind-the-scenes look at what went into producing a half-hour news program. It just so happened that Reagan had been shot earlier that very day. Instead of watching this at home, we were able to see the reports in person as events unfolded.


The following year, I had the privilege and honor of working with his Secret Service team at Kansas State University, where he gave a Landon Lecture. That was also a fascinating behind-the-scenes experience.


That would definitely be fascinating. How many people get to experience events like you and I did?


For years I had a false memory of the Kennedy assassination, I remembered hearing the news at grade school, when in fact I hadn't started school in 1963. Shows you what human memory is worth!

I remember the day the Challenger Space Shuttle blew up, I was going on a deep cave exploration tour in the afternoon. Spent the morning hearing about a disaster in outer space, went to the depths of the Earth thereafter. What a strange day.


I remember when I was a kid going with a neighbor to see the Disney movie The Rescuers. When I got home my dad told me Elvis died.


1997- I was 9 and at a hotel for some family occasion watching TV in our room when Princess Diana's death was announced

2001- I was 13 when 9/11 happened, I found out from a conversation about it I didn't see the news.
