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How good are you at recalling your dreams?

On 1 to 10 scale?


People are more likely to remember their dreams, and to have them linger through the day, during the time of the full moon because of their intense and vivid qualities.


Interesting, this is the first-time I have known this.


I always experience very vivid dreams, every month during that lunar cycle. Many people do. And it's not just the day of the full moon, which is actually anticlimactic, but the 2-3 days just prior to and also the ones just following it.


1 - i almost never remember dreams. maybe one every two or three months.


I remember reading that choline helps dreaming and the remembering of dreams.


maybe a 3


I'd say about a 3 unless the dream contains something really bad. It's interesting, when I was a teenager I used to keep a journal where I would write down my dreams every morning before school. When I started doing that my dreams became more vivid and memorable. It was as though my subconscious mind wanted to remember them so I could record them.


I'm interested in writing too. I have dreamt of things and attempted to incorporate these into my written fantasies and that could be quite the task for any writer I suppose. What about you? Ever tried to do that?


Yes, I have done that. :) In fact, a story I once wrote was based on one of my dreams. It was about a ghost who haunted a school (she died on the school grounds) and befriended an outcast student.


An excellent example of how a dream led to a classic in literature.


Interesting. That writer was quite clearly gifted.


4 Probably.


I would say 6 to 7 nowadays.


I'd say about an 8. Sometimes I'll go back into the same dream I was having the night before, like it just continues. Weird shit. I also used to lucid dream all the time, not so much lately but every now and then it still happens. It's awesome being able to do whatever you want cause you know you're in a dream.


Amazing. Lucid dreams can be so neat that makes one wish they were real.




1, or perhaps 0. Occasionally when I oversleep I have long rambly dreams that I wake up out of, but even these are forgotten within five minutes.


Ever went to a doctor about this? Maybe they can help bring back some dreams.


Pretty certain there wouldn't be anything worth remembering and there's always the risk of something I don't particularly want to remember turning up.
