MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Historical People Who Should Have Biopic...

Historical People Who Should Have Biopics

Who are some historical people you think should have biopics made about them? (These don't have to be people you personally like, just people you think should have their life brought to the screen.)

Here are some people I think biopics should be made about:

Nikola Tesla
Bob Ross
David Bowie
Dr. Seuss
Aretha Franklin
Eleanor Roosevelt
Sally Ride
H.P. Lovecraft
Evel Knievel
Alice Stebbins Wells


Some of people I chose for the 'Guess the Famous Person Game'.

Sir Francis Drake
H.G. Wells
Chuck Jones


Sir Francis Drake, yes! A movie about him would be awesome!


George Orwell
Willi Munzenberg
Binyamin Ze'ev Herzl
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Adam Smith
Karl Marx
Chris Farley


There's been a few about Marx. One was the movie "The Young Karl Marx" which came out a few years ago. And there was a very good miniseries from the German Democratic Republic in the 1970s called "Marx und Engels: Stationen ihres Lebens". That one's on Youtube with English subtitles, though I don't think all the episodes are up yet. At least they weren't last time I checked. An animated series about Marx was also made in China a few years back, and there were at least one or two movies or series about Marx made in the Soviet Union, but I haven't seen any of those yet.


All your examples, maybe except The Young Karl Marx, are propaganda or pro-communist movies/TV series, I am looking for more objective movie about his life. Although I found propaganda movies intriguing.

I find this in YouTube:

Who do you think can play him?


I'd really like to see a Sally Ride and H.P. Lovecraft biopic. Not at the same time, mind you.

Timothy Leary
Keith Moon
Salvador Dali
Robert Shaw
Dante Alighieri


Eva Cassidy, my favorite singer. The diminutive Irish-American lass could not even get a record deal, because the music studios could not categorize her. She sang folk, pop, Jazz, rock, blues, Gospel, Motown, Country, and she sang it as well as, or better than, ANYONE else. She took Somewhere, Over the Rainbow right away from Judy Garland, and that’s hard to do. Her manager paid to produce her first album, which was released posthumously, because she died of bone cancer at 32. Subsequently, she has sold over 13 million records with her only publicity being word of mouth. Her’s is an inspiring and amazing story of how, every now and then, REAL TALENT prevails in an industry predicated on manufactured “artists” and image and hyperbole and bullshit. Every now and then, one of the good people win, and it’s a true story.


That's a good one. Eva Cassidy was a treasure. I didn't realize that she had died so young. I remember when I first heard her rendition of Sting's "Fields of Gold." I instantly fell in love with it. It's not often that I like a cover better than an original, but this was one such instance where I did. I agree with you, in the music industry, the manufactured and the "flashy" usually gets the fame and fortune. It gives me hope when I see artists like Eva, artists with true talent, receive the recognition they deserve. I would love there to be a biopic about her!


I’d Like to see a biopic about the car racer Senna.
I loved Rush and Ford Vs Ferrari so a Senna movie would be so cool. I know there is a documentary but I like movies better.

So yeah while I’m not a huge fan of car racings in real life I love movies about car racing sooo please Ron Howard make a movie about Senna. He could be portrayed by the Rodrigo Santoyo but I want badly a film about him.

RDJ could also portray Senna


whats a biopic?
oh its a movie.

none then


Empress Theorodra of the Byzantine Empire, wife of Emperor Justinian!

She started life as an enslaved prostitute, and somehow married Justinian, the future Emperor. And she was the most fabulous empress of the ancient world, beautiful, intelligent, and brave as all hell. Justinian was set to flee an uprising and was about to board his getaway ship, but she refused to go, and convinced him to stay and fight for his damn throne.

Hell of a story there, and a great role for a glamazon actress.


Nah, they should just have regular glasses.

