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What did you monkeys watch this week? (09/19-09/25)

It was our birthdays Kowalski and I. And maybe a few others. So let’s sing a long:

Monkey see, monkey do, birthday party for me and you! 🎶

Now, this week on the menu:

Buffalo ´66 (1998 TV)I think you have to appreciate a precise type of mood and humour to enjoy this movie. Hard to explain which type though. It’s slightly absurd, very unique, offbeat and filled with great dialogue like:
Girl: « can I get in the bath with you,? Im cold. »
Guy: « No »
Girl: “But why!?”
Guy: « Because I don’t take bath with people. »
Guy: « I didn’t say I would give you a kiss I said I’d get you hot chocolate”
Girl« Can I get a hug then?»
Guy: « Oh man… »
Not much to complain about except that something bugged me a little bit with the « twist » in the end. Another thing that slightly disappointed was the fact that we kind of expect the guy to snap at any moment but he never truly does and I really expected the ending to be dark but it was the total opposite. ( I thought he would find the girl dead in the hotel room. (Suicide)). Oh and the R rating for nudity and violence is PURE horsecrap. Anyways, this here movie is going to stick with me I know it. My rating: 7.5/10

Word trade centre (2006 Netflix): Recently, a lot of people watched this movie to celebrate the 20th anniversary and I did too. Not sure why I watched it on the evening of my birthday though. It was pretty intense and it made me tear up. My rating: 6.5/10

Godzilla: king of the monsters (2019 Netflix): Sometimes there’s nothing better to take your mind off things than a movie like this. The story was fine by me and the monster spectacle was grand. My favourite part was the Firebird VS the three headed dragon. I love dragons. I got two of them tattooed on my arm, one green one blue. This movie has its fair share of unrealistic moments (even considering the fact that it’s Godzilla) but I think it’s one of the coolest monster movie I’ve ever seen. Now a friend of mine made me realize that this movie is a sequel to another Godzilla movie that came out in 2014 and I was unaware of. I’ll have to watch it, probably next week. My rating: 7/10


Buffalo 66 was funny. Especially the Ben Gazzara singing scene. 7.5/10


Squid Game on NETFLIX


Korean crazy ____________ _________ _ _____ _____


I'm not spoiling it for anyone. LOL.

Go watch it.


I listened to you and already watched the first 2 episodes.


The River Wild (1994) - I didn't like it. It's a PG-13 and a bit light. Felt like a Lifetime movie. Bacon was good as the villlain. 6/10

Agora (2009) - A throwback to the religious movies that were made in the 1950s. This one takes place in Alexandria, Egypt circa 400 CE. Not sure how accurate it is but it was controversial. 7.5/10

One tv series:

The Munsters (1964-1965) Season 1 - Sometimes you forget how funny a series was. This was a great sitcom. Loved the scenes with Herman and Grandpa. 8.5/10


The river wild: been too long and on my rewatch list.


buffalo 66 is #20 on my all time favourite list. 5/5. it's perfect to me.

a woman i used to work with once told me that my personality was a cross between crispin glover and vincent gallo's character in buffalo 66.

happy birthday!

my week:
SLOW MACHINE (2020) 3.5 i quite enjoyed this. but keep in mind i love aimless mumblecore arsing about. your enjoyment of this will surely vary by your tolerance for that sort of thing.

personally i thought it was mostly a blast, while admitting i have no idea how the various pieces of this are meant to fit together.

MON ONCLE (1959) 3.5 it's filled with great gags, of course.

all i can say is that almost 2 hours of this was a bit much for me.

if it had been broken up into 4 or 5 discrete bits, i bet i would have loved it.

as a complete watch, i found it a bit dull i have to admit.

i loved playtime, though, so i don't think i'm immune to the charms of this director & what he does.

ALIEN ABDUCTION (1998) 3.5 chriqui 29.

i guess it's redundant to say 29 times that she's pretty good looking, but i can't let this pass by without saying that 21/22 yr old chriqui looks something like her best here.

and pleasantly enough, i'd also say this is one of the best things i've seen her in so far: a very effective and enjoyable found footage film. i appreciated that it didn't devolve into chaos and running about the way so many ff films do. shame that this isn't widely available, cuz i'd definitely rank it among the better proto-ff films.

I BLAME SOCIETY (2020) 3.5 more serial killer comedies please.

has a few genuine laughs, perhaps slightly flails around a touch as a satire.

people who have the best lives anyone's ever lived really shouldn't have this level of bitterness and pettiness over people not liking your silly ideas.

THE HOUSES OCTOBER BUILT 2 (2017) 1 this is terrible. even by the widely varying quality of ff films, this is way off on the left side of the bell curve imo.

it has a semi-decent ending, i guess, but it takes an endless amount of time to get there. for a film so bereft of anything interesting, it's far too long. trim this down to 80 minutes and you might have something approaching below average instead of drearily poor.

get lost you boring over-long movie.

AMERICAN MOVIE (1998) 5 if there's a better ode to misguided ambition, i haven't seen it.

some people will say it's not my place to call it misguided, i guess. but c'mon. really.

the saddest, funniest, greatest movie ever made.

i love mike schank.

DIE IN A GUNFIGHT (2021) 1.5 chriqui 30!

somehow, they managed to make her look slightly less attractive than usual by putting her in what i thought was a very unflattering blonde wig for her first scene.

looks great otherwise though.

this director made a film a few years back called animals that i seem to recall was absolutely great - grim, gritty, dark and with real bite.

this is the exact opposite of that. it's all glossy, slick style, bland, uninteresting action and dull characters.

terrible imo.

STREETS OF VENGEANCE (2016) 3 bad parts:
too long for such a silly b-movie.
the lead actress is the least cute girl in the movie.
very lame fight scene at the end.

lots of nudity, lots of attractive women.
a bit of decent gore and violence here & there.

SAY IT AIN'T SOLO (2012) 3 chriqui 31.

she's only in this for 45 seconds or so. but it still counts!

this is amusing. full of famous people. it's not incredibly witty or clever, but it has a few genuine laughs and it's short.

WORKING GIRLS (1986) 4 watching sex workers is my ideal form of entertainment. really, i'm fascinated by anyone who could do that, what their lives are like, how they feel about themselves, etc.

will probably re-watch this with the commentary track soon.

of the many great things about the criterion channel, the fact they post disc extras on their site is one of my favourites.

TAKING CHANCES (2009) 3 chriqui 32.

sideboob at 56:30. i'm 13 years old emotionally. sue me.

her eyeshadow makeup throughout this thing looks fantastic.

incoherent but kind of entertaining.

i'm not even sure why they were against the casino? did i miss something, or did they go from not talking about the casino to doing everything they could to stop it instantly?

but it has a sort of b- cheap tv movie charm that i kinda dug.


BLOODTHIRSTY (2020) 2.5 dreary lesbian makes dreary music. way too much of this was given over to the grey, undistinguished, annoyingly emotional music this woman made.

has a few gross moments that push a few boundaries, that made me a bit uncomfortable, and i'll bump up my rating for that. but jeez it's a droning snore otherwise.

edit: while browsing through the other reviews here, i noticed that someone i follow made the obvious connection that went right over my head. this is raw. someone saw raw and said 'i wanna make that.'

and i love raw. that's a great movie. i don't expect any movie to be as good as raw. i don't blame this for not being as good. i blame it for being grey and dreary and bereft of anything that made me interested. and i hated those stupid songs.

THE BIG TRIM (2021) 3.5 mumblecore is good.

someone may point out to me that this isn't mumblecore. maybe. i dunno. but it felt like it to me, and i enjoyed that.

ZEBRA GIRL (2021) 3.5 like a lot of 'what's real, what's in her head' films, this doesn't quite gel in the most satisfying way. but it does have a fairly solid finish, and it's never less than watchable. i was engaged with it from start to finish. that's more than i get from most i declare it to be firmly ok.

SAINT JOHN OF LAS VEGAS (2009) 3 chriqui 33.

unfortunately we're back into films where she barely appears. she looks perfectly fine in her one scene, of course, and blesses us with a bit of cleavage.

this starts out feeling like it has the makings of a fun, goofy romp, but it sorta loses steam in the second half, and all that anarchic energy that was implied by some of the setup and the cast sorta evaporates.

still mostly fun, carried along by buscemi, who looks like an absolute cadaver, more so than usual even, but is still always funny and charming.


THE STAY (2021) 2 not very interesting couples weekend away turns into a murderous rampage film.

biggest disappointment: the woman with the red hair was foxy and had quite the nice body, but we never got to see her naked.

it has a little twist i guess, but it's really dull stuff overall unfortunately.

IN THE MIX (2005) 4 chriqui 34.

very weird when you think of how i procrastinate, never follow through on things to the finish line, of all the things i let slide in my phone's been off contract for months, & i keep forgetting to go down & get a new one. i need to make a drs appointment to get my b12 level checked. plus i've got a weird growth on my head that i really should get checked out. been there for months...

i let all that stuff slide.

yet i'm 100% dedicated to watching emmanuelle chriqui.

i've never been a believer in the 'so bad it's good' ethos. either something's good or it's bad. it's fun or it's boring. it kicks ass or it's lame.

but this is so terrible and silly and idiotic that it's awesome. it's like outsider art or something.

i loved it.

WHAT DRIVES US (2021) 3.5 fun doc. life affirming!

i had forgotten that black flag had a woman as a bassist.

SON (2021) 3 solid film that slightly disappointed me in that its setup seemed to promise something a bit special. it felt like it might have an unusual helping of heart and emotion for a shudder film, and, while elements of that are there, they never quite come together in a fully satisfying way.

worth a watch, certainly, but it left me vaguely disappointed with its unfilled potential.

BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS (1970) 5 re-watched with the ebert commentary on criterion.

this movie puts me in a good mental state. i appreciate that.

ENTOURAGE (2015) 0.5 chriqui 35

i knew this was gonna be a low point. honestly, if this had been thought through at all, i would have gotten this out of the way early. like a month ago. that's a good life strategy - get the ugly, hard work out of the way first so you can enjoy yourself later on.

everything about this is awful. all these people are rotten and stupid and if i ever met any of them, i'd be doing everything i could to get away from them within 10 seconds.

& chriqui's character is pregnant, so i couldn't even like looking at her without feeling weird. or weirder.

a movie without one redeeming quality.

someone who's good at the internet, please show me how to hack letterboxd so i can give this film a 0.

KILLER CONCEPT (2021) 3.5 the actress in this movie looks like a somewhat less beautiful catherine keener.

did this really cost less than $1k? it's very professional looking for the most part, some wobbly camera work aside, certainly more so than most of the micro-budget stuff i've watched.

the sound's perfect, it's got a polished score, it has a slick look.

i'm almost going to call bs on this costing so little. unless a lot of people donated their talents to make this into something that looks and sounds like it cost a lot more than $1k.

it's a pretty neat little film, regardless. it's a fairly clever little story, reasonably well thought through, and fairly well acted.

by no budget tubi standards, this is practically a triumph.

HAPPY TOGETHER (1997) 4 there are a lot of cinematic locks that i can't pick. that's a 'me' problem, no one else's. wong kar wai is one of those locks.

obviously i have eyes & ears and can see the craft and care and such things. and i appreciate all that stuff. you really can luxuriate in his films.

but i am a little baffled when people ululate over the waves of emotions they say his films bring out. i've never once felt like i'm inside one of these films. whatever i appreciate in them, it's always as a spectator, as someone enjoying nice colors and skill.

you have to rate it for that alone, and i will. but i sure wish i could feel what everyone else is feeling, cuz it sounds like all of you are really getting something out of his stuff that passes me by.

NINOTCHKA (1939) 4 cute

indecent desires (1968) 4 does watching attractive young women nude or near-nude for 70 minutes sound like something you'd like to see?

i would have liked it more if they were goth girls, but 'be thankful for what you were given' is always a good attitude.

not to sound too much like i have a one-track mind, but someone should absolutely remake this with goth girls.

CLIMATE OF HUNTER (2019) 4 very neat, slightly baffling, occasionally fun, always weird.

has a bit of a feel of 70s vampire films (vampyres, daughters of darkness came to mind a bit), but it also has its own modern, spacey, slightly psychedelic feel.

it's not quite a complete, compelling story, but it's very cool and i had a great time with it.


WRONG TURN (2003) 3.5 chriqui 36!

i guess this is the end of the line. it's been 5 weeks since i started creepily cinematically stalking emmanuelle chriqui, and things are drawing to a natural close. i'd be happy to keep going, but the few remaining things i haven't seen don't seem to be available in the streaming world.

it's been very fun wading through silly comedies and dopey thrillers and things that i ordinarily would never watch. entourage was one of the worst films i've ever seen in my life, but otherwise most were fun, and quite a few of them were legitimately good.

obviously i started this because i like looking at her & i'm more or less smitten with her, but i kept it going because watching all these silly fun movies was a great distraction from the crushing morosity of life.

my only wish is that just once someone would have cast her as a goth girlfriend or something. honestly, if anyone out there can get her cast as a goth, please make this happen.

i'm not incredibly rich, but i've got a few bucks. i'm pretty tight with my money, but i would 100% kick in to finance a short film starring chriqui as a goth.

anyway, this movie is pretty good! has some genuinely brutal kills, and it's properly paced. i like it quite a bit.

UNFRIENDED: DARK WEB (2018) 4 this movie is a very good time.

even though it doesn't have the supernatural elements of the first one, it feels less realistic somehow, with technology being used in a magical way.

but it's still completely entertaining.

i don't understand a lot of things, and why lb users have collectively given this a sub 3 rating is one of them.


And the Chriqui ride is almost over!! So sad.

American movie is on my list.



I just looked up In the mix and I think I saw it as a teen. I think it’s rather cool that you enjoyed it so much. No go get that growth checked right now thank you.


i will!

now that my chriqui ride is over, i have no excuses anymore.


Firebird VS the three headed dragon??

Rodan VS King Ghidorah!


You’re a pro! 👍


Having recently completed StarTrek:TNG & StarTrek:DS9, I’m now wading through StarTrek:Voyager (I’ve just started S3).

With Miss K - Karate Kid marathon; I, II, III done, Next Karate Kid to follow.


Karate kid: 8/10
II: 7.5
III: 7.5
The Karate kid (2010): 7/10


I never realised how family friendly this franchise was. My daughter loves watching these films and has now asked us to sign her up for karate lessons.


No Time To Die - Worst Bond film ever. 1/10
Nobody - Bob Odenkirk is a surprise action hero. 6/10
The Protégé – Decent action film with Maggie Q, Michael Keaton and Samuel L Jackson. 7/10
Dune – Boring let down of a movie. 5/10
Free Guy – Fun movie with Ryan Reynolds, enjoyed it more than I expected I would. 7/10


The protege and Free guy looks very good.


Protégé is great, directed by the guy who directed Goldeneye and Casino Royale, it was alot better than I expected it would be.


Heres everything I can remember from the last month or so .......

Midnight Mass--8.5/10
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation--9.5/10
Mission: Impossible - Fallout--9.5/10
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol--9/10
Vacation Friends--6/10
Don't Breathe 2--6/10
The Wolfman(2010)--7/10
Only Murders In The Building--7.5/10
True Detective Season 1---10/10
American Horror Story(S. 10) Red Tide(E. 1 Through 5)--7/10----Episode 6(The Finale)--2/10
Married With Children Seasons 5 through 11--9.5/10

Currently rewatching The Haunting Of Bly Manor for a 2nd time

Plan on watching in the next month or so ......

What We Do In The Shadows(finish season 3)
American Horror Story(S. 10) Part 2 Death Valley
Evil Season 2(Finish)
Dexter Season 9
Chucky(New Tv Series)
The Lost Symbol(Maybe)
The Queens Gambit( I may Start this series soon)
The Guilty
Gerald's Game
Jack Reacher
Knight and Day
Black Widow
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins
Demonic (2021)
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions


Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation--8/10
Mission: Impossible - Fallout--7/10
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol--7.5/10

I’m currently watching Squid Game and the final season of The Big Bang theory.

Then I plan to watch Midnight mass on Netflix or AHS S3 on DVD or American horror stories on Disney
