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Twin Peaks As good as everyone says?

I just spent the last two days watching the original series. I think a lot of the praise goes to the casting. You have a lot of great character actors doing great work, but the plot moved very slowly. I'm happy I watched it, but I think once they realized they had everyone hooked, they just kept trying to stretch everything out.


Yes and no. Yes it was cool back in the 90's, if for no other reason than it was so quirky and different - but I though it got a little too quirky even back then, although I thought the ending was great.

Not sure if I watched it again all the way through I would enjoy it as much - once you know who killed Laura the suspense is over.

The 2017 episodes were just plain terrible - wasted hours of my life I will never get back.


I just wasn't a fan of who killed her...I wanted it to be about his disappointment with her, not some other crap.


No it's an incoherent mess. Lots of style with very little substance.


Yes, but only when Lynch is involved. The second half of Season 2 dips when he disappears to make Wild At Heart, but he comes back with a vengeance for that incredible S2 finale.

Fire Walk With Me is a very good Lynch film and essential viewing on the Twin Peaks journey.

But the main event is Season 3 ‘The Return’. Lynch directs every episode and you just sink into this awesome dream, with moments that will truly blow your mind.


I prefer The X Files but Twin Peaks has its own charm and unique style. I became a huge Sherilyn Fenn fan after it


Not my cup of tea. I don't mind weirdness if it serves a purpose, but weirdness merely for weirdness's sake bores me.


the main event is Season 3 ‘The Return’. Lynch directs every episode and you just sink into this awesome dream, with moments that will truly blow your mind.

This is because LYNCH is an AVANT GARDE ARTIST.


new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them.

favoring or introducing experimental or unusual ideas.

And that means his films mostly deal with SURREALISTIC DREAM like STATES of MIND:

Surrealism - Wikipedia

>>Surrealism was a cultural movement which developed in Europe in the aftermath of World War I and was largely influenced by Dada. The movement is best known for its visual artworks and writings and the juxtaposition of distant realities to activate the unconscious mind through the imagery. Artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes, sometimes with photographic precision, creating strange creatures …

In other words, LYNCH is telling stories very much like the other ones that you find in THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

And the 18 PARTER called TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN that aired on SHOWTIME was also a VERY TRIPPY story.

David Bowie's character was turned into a device that looks like a TEA POT, but we also finally discovered who JUDY was. As fans may recall, BOWIE's character (AGENT JEFFRIES) also shows up after missing for several years, and then disappears again (after also refusing to talk about JUDY). Because wearing that OWL RING also has the same kind of OTHER WORLDLY effect upon you that wearing the other ring has on you in THE HOBBIT and in The LORD of the RINGS TRILOGY.

One of my favorite RETURN scenes is when COOP FLYS into that GIGANTIC SEE THROUGH GLASS BIRD CAGE BOX (where JUDY also shows up when she PECKS to death the couple who were having sex and BITES off their heads).

At the 4:00 TIME MARK in this link you can see COOPER inside of the BOX and then see what else happens to him at the other place. The device on top of the roof of the other place (the purple or lavender looking place with the EYE-LESS woman) also looks like the TEA POT that DAVID BOWIE becomes in THE RETURN.

Agent Cooper's epic journey back to Twin Peak


From the quote at the top of your post it looks like you intended to reply to Drooch.


I often reply back to 2 people with just one post.

But since the QUOTE from DROOCH also expressed the same thing or same point (that movies LYNCH makes tend to deal with DREAM LIKE STATES of mind), I also thought it was relevant enough to include it in the response back to you.

If you watch that first clip, then you can also see HOW those scenes where COOP FLYS into the SEE THROUGH GLASS BIRD CAGE BOX -- before he ends up at that other place with the EYE-LESS woman -- are definitely also DREAM LIKE images.


> If you watch that first clip

Why would I watch something I already know I won't like? OK, you like and even admire Lynch. Fine, you're far from being alone in that. I frankly find him pretentious and boring. Not everyone agrees with you.


The idea was to illustrate how one of my favorite scenes is a DREAM LIKE IMAGE.

Have you seen "BLUE VELVET???"

Did you also find that story "PRETENTIOUS and BORING???"

It's about AGENT COOP (same actor) as a BABY DETECTIVE in training who gets into some very big trouble that's WAY OVER his HEAD.

And the way that he got involved was by meeting SANDY -- who listens to conversations that her father has -- that she hears through the VENT in her Bedroom.

And Since Her father is also a DETECTIVE, she also hears about CRIMES that take place, tells JEFFREY (AGENT COOP) about it, and then he PRETENDS to be the BUG MAN as a way to GET INSIDE of the APARTMENT of DORTHY (who's the BAD GUY's girlfriend).

Anyhow, it's hard to see how anyone could find that story BORING.



I just finished watching the original series and the movie but I haven't seen the limited series that came out a few years back. I don't think it's as good as those people who say it is the best series ever, which was the dominant opinion I had heard before I had watched an episode, the only complaints being that the dvd quality was terrible. But it is still a very good series. This was my second attempt at watching it. The first time I had stopped shortly after the killer had been revealed and I give them credit for not stretching that out longer, which they could have done. This time I stuck around and I enjoyed the whole series, which later hinted at something seen on the X-Files.
The cast is great, especially Kyle MacLachlan, perfectly cast as Cooper. It also boasts I think the most attractive female cast I've ever seen. It is unusual and sometimes funny and horrifying and sometimes just plain weird. It's basically a well produced and acted soap opera. It doesn't always work. Some of the subplots involving minor characters completely peripheral to the main story can be tiresome. I got tired of James, in particular, with the whole James Dean persona. I got a bit tired of Jocelyn and Harry and their whole romance. The series finale is surely one of the finest ever made, though.
The movie is a whole other matter. I watched it. I still don't know what to think of it, except to say it feels incomplete.


YES that ENDING SCENE where COOP looks into the BATHROOM MIRROR and finds BOB looking back at him was EXTREMELY CREEPY !!!

But that's what can happen to you when you go in PURSUIT of something or someone like BOB.

Because whenever you DANCE with the DEVIL, the DEVIL won't change, but the DEVIL can CHANGE YOU.

Twin Peaks tv series - Last scene

In other words, COOP also ends up being like LAURA's father LEELAND (who was also POSSESSED by BOB). And that scene where he MURDERS LAURA's look a like COUSIN MADDY was also one of the most HORRIFIC things that I've ever seen.

Twin Peaks - Murder of Maddy Ferguson

Basically BOB is an EVIL ENTITY who can take POSSESSION of you. And in the movie (FIRE WALK WITH ME) LAURA also refused to let BOB get inside of her (like he did LELAND and COOP) which is also why she's MURDERED.

And then she also goes to the WHITE LODGE and sees the ANGEL. But there's also the BLACK LODGE as well ...


I could never get into it for the life of me; just seriously didn't get the appeal at all.




>>"There is also a legend of a place called the Black Lodge: the shadow self of the White Lodge, a place of dark forces that pull on this world. A world of nightmares. Shamans reduced to crying children, angry spirits pouring from the woods, graves opening like flowers."

>>The Black Lodge was a mythological place referenced in the stories of the Nez Perce tribe of northeastern Washington. It was the name used to refer to a particular extra-dimensional location visited by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper during his 1989 visit to Twin Peaks, which bore the appearance of an endless, red-curtained series of rooms and hallways.

>>The Black Lodge and its opposing counterpart, the White Lodge, originated in ancient legends passed down by the Nez Perce tribes who once inhabited the Twin Peaks region. In the stories, the Black Lodge was the "shadow self" of the White, a place of pure evil through which all souls passed on the way to perfection. During this process, the pilgrim would confront the Dweller on the Threshold, their own shadow self. If this challenge was not met with perfect courage, the lodge would utterly annihilate their soul.[1] While the White Lodge could supposedly be accessed with strong feelings of love, the Black would open to its opposite: fear.[2]
