MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies With Someone Being Interviewed?

Movies With Someone Being Interviewed?

I don't mean someone trying to get a job... Someone who's interviewed, mostly likely for being famous, but it could have been a reporter who finds a witness who witnessed something.

"La Dolce Vita" is one.. The foreign press asks this international actress questions about Italy, movies, etc..


well theres that vampire one , even got Interview in the title.

...but a really good film about an interview (of sorts) is "The Man From Earth"
a film that shows that a good story and script can produce a good film on zero budget.


I never saw vampire one with Brad Pitt... Is it a good movie? Lots of interview?


well the interview has many flashbacks which are the bulk of the story , about a 90 / 10 % ratio i guess.
not seen it for 30 years though.

"The Man from Earth" is 100% interview

What s you motivation behind looking for interview movies?
trying to get tips?
being interviewed by the police soon?


Yes the film with PITT is an EXCELLENT story, because it's about how depressed he is from the loss of the life of his wife and young daughter.





So Tom Cruise turns him into a VAMPIRE, and then he also turns another young girl into one as well (thus also giving Brad another new daughter to love).

But after being a little girl for several decades she resents not ever being able to grow up and she murders Tom's character (LESTAT). And then she and Brad travel the world looking for answers to what Vampires are, and they end up in PARIS, where Antonio Banderas runs a theatre and is also the OLDEST LIVING VAMPIRE (about 600 yrs old).

Interview With The Vampire - Contact With This Age

"The world changes, we do not, therein lies the IRONY"

And then after those VAMPIRES find out the girl vampire KILLED LESTAT, they kill her, and poor BRAD is back to being DEPRESSED again from the loss of this 2ND (VAMPIRE) Adopted DAUGHTER.

What's also interesting to NOTE 📌 is how ANNE RICE who wrote the story also had a young daughter who died. So writing the story was also a way to try and bring her back to life again, but of course the effort to do so also fails the same way as it does when Brad's character was given another daughter to love by LESTAT.

There's also lots of other novels that she's written as well that are continuations of the VAMPIRE story. But Brad's character isn't the main character. Lestat is (the character that's portrayed by CRUISE).


> "The Man From Earth"

+1. It's free on YouTube btw.




Came here to say this.


Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains (1982)


Superman (1978) Lois Lane interviews Superman


Clear and Present Danger


Amadeus (1984). Not really an interview but more of a recap of ones life: the aging Salieri talking to the priest who was offering to hear his confession.


Joe Dirt!


