MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do some people panic and others rema...

Why do some people panic and others remain calm?


Regardless of what the situation is, or the harsh reality of it, whether its an emotional matter, various crime, a threat, real life or fictional-depicted situation and even internet forums (yeah, right!), why do certain people remain calm and others panic including start to swear, shout, cry, fidget etc etc etc?

Even if same group say hasn't experienced the situation personally, why are some people nice and calm and others start to greatly or otherwise panic, what is either the truth or the mystery and secret behind it all?


P.S. And I am NOT judging, and please don't just start to label and meme others who do as "selfish" and "wrong" and for the sake of taste and maturity, let's avoid using the s and f and other words of that magnitude, thank you.


It's like anything else. It's part genetics and part upbringing/past experiences.


I agree, but I would like to say that upbringing and experience matter more than genetics. Once you've been through a few nasty situations then you know that you can survive a nasty situation, and if you've seen some bad shit then you learn how other people cope. But if you've lived a sheltered life, then you haven't learned how to deal with bad situations, and are more likely to panic or be useless in a crisis.

And of course, some people like to panic for the sheer drama of it.


Folks are different.



I'm too lazy to panic. Takes a lot of effort to get all worked up like that.


The same person can panic in one crisis situation and remain calm in another. Everyone has bad days for one reason or another (lack of sleep, hunger, high stress at work, financial stress, relationship break up, grieving, suffered an injustice, etc, etc) makes them more susceptible to panic.


This makes sense. To me, anyway.


I suspect there are lots of reasons, including a person's temperament, experience, training, the seriousness of the situation, etc. Some folks are just more level-headed and even-keeled than others.

I'll never forget the time a woman on my work team passed out. It was first thing in the morning and folks were still entering the building. Several of our team members were already there in our work area, doing the usual good mornings, when I notice the woman looked a bit pale and confused. She started to pass out and luckily I was close enough that I grabbed her to keep her from falling to the floor. Instead I was able to lower her onto her desk. I asked one of the other women to call security and ask for medical help. She called, but in her panic she told them the wrong floor. I'll never forget hollering "second floor, second floor, not third!"


I spoke once again with a work colleague of mine who assured me NOT to worry and that all of this, regardless of what side of the opinion one is on, is perfectly normal and understandable.

Granted, there ARE indeed issues in life that are personally troublesome and worrying and many people DO fear them personally and not JUST because of law (although they rightly say constantly that it is a CRIME even if same label can be attached to other lesser things legally-fact-wise speaking) but even here some people can start to panic and worry and others who have the same CORRECT opinion may remain thoughtful and calm. Is that simply tact on behalf of some folks?

We are also sometimes told how in critical situations it might be best not to panic etc like if there is a bomb in the store and may blow up. As horrible and wrong and even in law and morality GUILTY as the would-be bomber would be, in this situation, are we correct to encourage a no panic clause? I think so, yes.

Also, whilst a lot of it IS easy and simple, I have to declare, one of the main reasons I often thought about it for years is that I've had people in my circle who often states various opinions in a matter of fact way, and this often caused me to BELIEVE and think of them as facts and also recite various BASIC motos and dictionary definitions and memes.

Like "no means no", "murder is always wrong", no bullying, you are not allowed to do this and that etc, and generally, of course I agree.

I also sometimes said to people on the internet without being too preachy that I myself am a NORMAL guy yes, but I am also a bit of a rule follower and all. And I want others to relate to it and create right atmosphere. Also, if I have any doubts or questions, please be able to politely EXPLAIN certain things and then agree to disagree if need be. Yes, I am aware of the inevitable sensitivity of a certain situation too, but I also agree in general that murder is also very bad and the other issue yes I don't doubt at


all. Sometimes though, I may get affected or impressionable in a way of "But why DO some people think like this?" even if I don't at all agree or condone them. And sometimes, I just want people to explain. But alright, I get it too.

P.S. If I asked a question on why I PANIC, or why *I* think like this and that or why *I* feel a certain way, about anything and at any time, would anyone OTHER than myself who is a total stranger even BE able to "answer" it? And would their answer be CORRECT? Thanks.


Different people react to different situations in their own way. Some people can't handle emergencies and panic, while others can keep a cool head and focus on fixing the situation. Again, it all depends on the person.




I can't explain this, but for some reason, my mind gets very clear, and I'm suddenly quiet and hyper-aware when there are emergencies about. I guess you could say I have nerves of steel. I see a problem and I think of how I either can solve it or avoid it.

In fact, I had to deal with an emergency at home just today, but I can't talk about the details. It's not for sensitive stomachs. Luckily, I've been solving that problem many times before, so I know how to deal with it.
