MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It's is OK to to say that frankensteins ...

It's is OK to to say that frankensteins monsters name is Frankenstein

Sometime if you say this, Internet guy will come along and say 'oh but that is not the monster name, that is the scientist guys name'

But this frankenstein monster is creation of baron frankenstein, he is like his son. They make a comment about this in film called Son of Frankenstein. But this monster guy is bigger than life character, like some super hero or villain, so he will obviously have one name, like Prince, because it suit him more than call him Alan Frankenstein or whatever

Also if you look at this monster guy you can just see from looking him that frankenstein is his name

So you can see why I am right.


I believe the monster saw the doctor as his father so I think it is fair enough to call him by the doctor's surname. Some people just like being pedantic but Frankenstein sounds better than just calling him "the monster".


Yes thank you. sometimes things just make too much sense, so they must be correct.


Also when people made something out of spare parts or junk cobbled together it's often said it's "frankensteined." Of course it refers to the monster and not the Doctor.


Yes very good, more good evidence


I am one of those "pedantic" people, since I never watched the older movies and was never tricked into believing that the monster had a name.
So I don't like it when people call the monster "Frankenstein".


I suppose you have Universal to blame for the confusion, but they even got Victor Frankenstein’s name wrong by calling him Henry!

Those first three movies are great btw but nothing comes close to the book.

It’s just a shame Mary Shelly never gave the monster a name, but Universal or Hammer would have probably ignored it anyway!


Internet guy sucks. I hate that guy.


I don't have notifications turn on, so best way to deal with this sorta stuff

I'll say my 2cents, maybe it will inspire some different thought, if not that's cool also, I'm cool, I'm good, I'm doing my thing.


Then call him Monster Frankenstein or Frankenstein Jr.


Well, in Son of Frankenstein, Ygor says to the main protagonist Wolfe that the Monster's name is Frankenstein since his creator's name is Frankenstein. Also I am in the minority preferring Ghost of Frankenstein to Son of Frankenstein. Though the first 2 are best. Also there is the Universal movie Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man which for all intents was to have the Frankenstein Monster and the Wolf Man fight. Heck, the poster has the monster and the Wolf Man on the cover so it couldn't be more obvious that Frankenstein in the title refers to the Monster.


So if I were the monster's therapist, I'd direct him towards choosing a new name for himself as part of his therapy.

"You're not just Dr. Frankenstein's creation or property!", I'd tell him. "You're a sentient being who would benefit from distancing yourself from the mad scientist you think of as a father figure, and creating a new life rather than obsessing over revenge! A new name, a name you choose for yourself, would be part of that process..."


Good one!


He would just strangle you and throw body on floor




His real name is Jed.
