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I don’t agree with him on everything, but Ben Shapiro is a genius

It is mesmerizing to listen to him dismantle people with his rapid fire assault of facts and science. I primarily disagree w his stance on abortion, but he’s pretty spot on w a lot of stuff, particularly the transgender issue. All people seem to be able to do is counter him with personal attacks and call him a nerd, but I see very few people - interviewers, audience members, or even actual members of the scientific or medical communities - who are able to keep up with him or genuinely dispute much of what he says.


I listen to Ben every week day. His podcast on YouTube. If I say any more this will belong on the politics board.


Yeah even when you don’t agree w him he’s intriguing to listen to


Why? When you comment something like this it just sounds like internet Tourette's so blurt out so-and-as's a genius. That is proclaimed about more and more people all over the internet everyday. Genius ain't so rare I guess, but make your case. Give us an example, or think about not posting so much.


Being that he's an Orthodox Jew, how do you reconcile this post with your other post regarding religious people?


I just said I don’t agree with him on everything. I think that is a detractor and obviously likely conflicts with many of his views and arguments. I’d be interested to hear how he justifies that.


According to you, no one can justify such beliefs. And he's not simply a believer, he's at the more extreme end of the spectrum of religious people. So if you lose respect for garden variety believers, how does he get the “genius” label?


Considering I previously had no knowledge of his religious beliefs, it obviously has nothing to do with my OP. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s still a genius and most people are stupid. He likely believes for the same stupid reason less intelligent people believe.


You've set a low bar for reaching “genius” status.


Are you part of the LGBT community or just a bleeding heart?


I'm a straight male, an atheist, and a libertarian.

Are you someone prone to giving grandiose labels like “genius” and “masterpiece” in place of simply saying that you like them a lot -- or just someone who writes thirsty posts, in this case, intended to bait LGBT and bleeding hearts, in order to give you the attention that you constantly crave? Both?


Ok so you’re black. If not and I haven’t marginalized you in some way in your eyes then you’re just a contentious douchebag as this post isn’t a troll post at all and I gave a pretty articulate body text to support my claim, absolutely nothing to do with wanting attention.


Wrong again. White. And I'm a douchebag b/c I asked a legit question? I didn't support my view? Or am I just a douchebag b/c I disagreed and corrected your silly, snarky assumptions and countered with my own?
I just must be this or that, huh? You assume so much yet know so little.


I don't know his views on trans people, but I imagine it's something similar to Rowling?


he is an ignorant obnoxious toad.


i occasionally listen to his podcast, mostly because i think he's a good mouthpiece for his views, and i try to get something close to a cross-section of varying views. i certainly don't agree with all he says, but he's a strong advocate for his pov.

i generally think he's on pretty solid ground in his economic thinking, and when he gets onto some religious matters i find him a bit silly - he's had creationists & id'ers on his show, & i believe he's said a few intelligent design-friendly things over the years. i don't listen regularly enough to know his exact opinions, but i think he's not on particularly solid ground on those matters as best i can tell.

i can't help but feel that he showed a little too much concern in playing to his own fan base when it came to the election & trump. in the episodes i've heard recently, i think he's been far too casual about the way trump eroded some basic norms, didn't seem concerned at all about his trade illiteracy, & didn't seem to push back at all on the really silly conspiratorial tweets & lawsuits trumpland has floated after the election. that i find very hard to take, & while doing that may have been better for his bank account, i don't think it will be good for his conscience.


Well he just made the news for objecting to the existence of a lesbian holiday romantic film, called "The Happiest Season".

That isn't genius, that isn't using science or facts to make a point, that's pure bigotry. People loathe him for a reason.


Ben's OK and he's correct more often than a stopped clocked. Not bad. Not great either.
