MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you get seasick?

do you get seasick?

i do not.


Never have. I used to ride ferries on a regular basis and I was always fine.


Never been on the sea, so I don't know. 😜

Actually, no. I've been on boats many times and I'm fine.


Oh, and I had a co-worker years ago who didn't realize she'd get seasick. She went on a cruise with her significant other and had it so badly that they had to leave part way through the cruise. She suffered with it for nearly 3 months afterward. She was so dizzy she walked like she was drunk and had to hold on to walls when she walked.


Jeez, that sounds awful.


Sounds like she has vertigo.


Mrs Neighbor suffers from Ménière's disease, which can give one vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. She never knows when it will hit, and it leaves her feeling sick. She can't look up, as in at the treetops, the roof, etc. She is miserable when it hits. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Tomorrow, Mr Neighbor wants to trim some tree limbs that are hanging over power and cable lines. I'll be on hand to be his spotter since Mrs Neighbor can't do it.


I had sea sickness twice when I was in Belize. Once was on a boat trip and the other happened under water while diving. Puking with a regulator in your mouth is a weird experience.

Had never happened before and hasn't happened since.


I was on boats as a kid, all the way from Conception Bay to Trinity Bay.


So was I. It was so weird for me to be sick. We took the water taxi to the island we were staying on and I was fine. It was just the two times. If I never puke underwater again I will be perfectly happy.


Nah, not at all.

I once took the ferry from Melbourne to Tasmania and it was a really rough trip, Bass Strait is choppy at the best of times but this was next level. My sister was sick as a dog but I didn’t even feel queasy. I thought it was kind of exciting, actually.


Thankfully, no.


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I do not. This came in handy on my scuba diving trip to the Virgin Islands.



I’ve done a lot of off shore fishing in small boats and even over night trips and have never had a problem except one time. On this particular trip the night before I made the big mistake of staying out drinking and then got on the boat early and went out like 40 miles. I got to watch my buddies catch tuna and everything else while I couldn’t even pick up a rod. I would never wish that feeling on anyone and I’ll never stay out drinking all night before going off shore again, ever.
