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A serious question about David Bowie's music

Is there anyone out there who likes his music that would've considered themself a "cool kid" in high school and college? Like not shy/awkward at all, good with girls/ played sports/worked out a lot. I'm pretty sure most of his music appeals more to the awkward/outcast/shy people.


By the time I got to my teens it was the mid 80's and Bowie had commercialized/mainstreamed himself a lot already from his 70's look and sound. He probably would have appealed to jocks by that point.

I was an outcast and loved it but preferred heavier music.


Yes! I love his songs Space Oddity, Changes, Ziggy Stardust, Fame, and Let's Dance.
I hope he rest in peace. He died in 2016.


David Bowie is over-rated in my opinion although he does have a handful of good songs.


That's not really an answer to the question.


in the 70s he was big across the board. mainstream pop/rock star, though obviously a bit fey, so was nick jagger & robert plante, etc.


I always had respect for him, but I never listened to him. Recently my dude was playing his last album, and that sounded good. Lazarus in particular.
Boyfriend’s best friend is obsessed with David Bowie. Tattoos of him and shit. She’s really a sweet girl but I imagine she was kinda awkward in school. I don’t think I’ve ever had any “cool kid” friends. I run with the outcasts😁


His 70 stuff was phenomenal


I have all his albums. I was a musician, so had a different kind of cool to the popular kids at school - we had our own thing going on.
