MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you think about Tom Cruise?

What do you think about Tom Cruise?

What do you think about Tom Cruise? do you like his movies and what's his best?


i no longer pay attention to him or his movies.


Pathetic Hollywood junkie. Still like his movies, tho.


I think he is a good actor and I like most of his films. I think his best films are:

Vanilla Sky (2001)
Rain Man (1988)
Born on the Fourth of July (1989)


Have you ever seen Abre los Ojos? Because it's MUCH better than Vanilla Sky.


No, I don't think I have seen it. It sounds pretty interesting, so I might have to check it out.


it's streaming on tubitv if you wanna catch it there.

it's been years since i watched either of them, so i don't wanna plant my opinion too firmly one way or the other, but i recall liking both films a lot.


Thanks for the tip. It is also streaming on Prime.


I enjoy his movies. I still like Risky Business the most.


i try not to think about his silly awful cult. but as a performer, i think he's mostly pretty good, i guess. for a long time, he made a lot of movies that i didn't find interested me at all - i would rather do anything else than watch your typical 80s/90s tom cruise block-buster.

but i have to admit when i look at his films from 2000 onward, i find myself digging quite a few of them.

vanilla sky - hated by some, but i recall enjoying it well enough
minority report - great!
collateral - solid fun as i remember it
war of the worlds - has its flaws, no doubt, but still a great large scale spectacle
edge of tomorrow - terrific
mission impossible fallout - one of my favourite actions films of the past 20 years for sure.

as far as big stars churning out wide-appeal product go, i'd say he's doing solid work.


I don't think about Tom Cruise.

Of the 130 films I own on either DVD or Blu-ray, only one stars Tom Cruise.
That one is The Last Samurai.


Very good movie
also, I love the whole 'white bro immerses himself in a totally alien culture and winds up kicking ass' trope

It really cracks me up:)


His odd personal antics aside I find him very charismatic and enjoyable on screen
I love Top Gun and his Mission:Impossible movies were great

And Tropic Thunder of course!
He's seems like a weirdo but we will never forget him


He’s okay....I really like The Color of Money (1986) ... American Made (2017) more recently... Days of Thunder (1990) as a guilty pleasure...
