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What books do you think are overdue for a film adaptation, and why?

Title says it all.

I think many of us have probably read books that we that for whatever reason were never adapted but that probably should've been.

Here's one that comes to mind for me:

Shibumi - Written by a secretive author under the pen name Trevanian, I first read Shibumi many years ago in my teens. It tells the story of a philosophical super-assassin named Nicolai Hel and his struggle against a conspiratorial conglomeration of energy companies. The story itself is good, but the character of Nicholai is the centerpiece. This could make a great thriller is properly adapted. If you haven't read it, you should fix that.


Great Expectations
Carmilla-pre Dracula Vampire Novella
Red Storm Rising-Tom Clancy WW3


Jim Butcher's Dresden Files should have a collection of flicks.


Clive Barker's Weaveworld.


There are several Swedish novels, which I think should have been made into a movie or a TV series a long time ago.
I don't expect that you know any of them though, so I have decided to only mention some works by the same author, which don't have much or anything to do with Sweden, so they could have been palatable internationally and gotten more recognition and funding.

"Ulrike och kriget" and "Ulrike och freden" by Vibeke Olsson is a series of two books about a teenager in Nazi Germany, who loses exactly everything during the WWII and its aftermath.
Of course, it might be hard for many people to root for Ulrike for one big reason: she's a fanatic Nazi. But it's made clear that it's twelve years of propaganda in schools and Hitler Jugend, that has made her what she is. And if only things had been different, she would have just been a normal teenager going to school, taking care of her three younger brothers, and just helping her mother out with all various things. Actually, she did those things anyway. Because even though she was a faithful Nazi, she was more brainwashed into a disastrous ideologi than completely rotten.
Later on, Vibeke Olsson came to write a third "more mature" novel about Nazi Germany called "Molnfri bombnatt".

Vibeke Olsson has also written many novels about people in the Roman empire. They are kind of different from most other works about this era though, which will often focus on the upper classes of Rome and mostly take place in Italy or (if it is a religious work about Jesus and his disciples) Israel.
The only significant exception to this rule, that people in many countries might be more or less familiar with, is "Asterix" comics, where the Romans are antagonists and the protagonists are Gauls, and almost every story start and end in Gaul (modern-day France). But it seems like Vibeke Olsson did something similar.
It is common that her protagonists are poor slaves, and/or they will live somewhere in the northernmost provinces of the empire, which is modern-day southern Germany and Austria.


The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe.


Stephen Ambrose wrote an excellent book about the Louis and Clarke journey that was a real page turner. I had no idea how many details about the expedition were known. I can see them turning it into an amazing adventure movie.


I think they are trying to get one made, but I would say

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.


Cicada Spring by Christian Galacar


