MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which Star Wars Trilogy is better: The P...

Which Star Wars Trilogy is better: The Prequels (Episodes I-III) or the Sequels (Episodes VII-IX)?

For me, it's not even a competition of which trilogy is better. The Prequels were way better in every way than the Sequels.

There is no possibly way someone could prefer the Sequels over the Prequels unless you are just completely dead and empty inside and completely incapable of enjoying fun movies.

The Prequels are FAR from perfect and yes they have some flaws, but they are most certainely better than the Sequels.


Yes it's true I am completely dead and empty inside and completely incapable of enjoying fun movies because I think the sequels were vastly better in every microscopic detail to the monumentally inferior prequels that without a doubt sucked donkey's balls, big time.


I too just learned that I was completely dead and empty inside

I think I need a nap to mull this over:/




Which Star Wars Trilogy is THE LEAST CRAP: The Prequels (Episodes I-III) or the Sequels (Episodes VII-IX)?

There, fixed it for you.


The old giant douche or turd sandwich quandary. I'll go with the prequels, I guess.


The prequels


There is no sequel trilogy, there is only the Disney Trilogy.

DT sucks, no one even wants the toys its so bad.


^^ This



Prequels. While flawed, I'd still watch them. The Disney trilogy can go off a cliff and die for all I care.
