MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I love my mom, but she can be such a bit...

I love my mom, but she can be such a bitch and I don’t know how to handle it

I get violently angry at how nasty she can be. It infuriates me because I’m forced to deal with it and accept her for who she is. It makes me resent her even more because she puts me in that position.

She is very impatient and intolerant, gets worked up and talks in a hostile tone over nothing. Growing up was horrible because I would respond with the same hostility, I can’t handle being yelled at like that. It was like a war zone. After I moved out it got better obviously since we weren’t around each other all the time but she still acts the same way often enough that I get extremely angry, I’m literally in a shitty mood for 30 minutes to an hour after getting off the phone with her when she’s bitching about something.

I know I’m lucky to have a mother and I need to cherish her while she’s still around but she makes it very difficult to get along with her, I just wish it didn’t have to be that way and I really resent her for it.


Do you know her personal history? Because nine times out of ten, it could've been that she was abused by her parents or had a rough life. I'm not saying it excuses her, but that it puts her behavior in "perspective."

My father was orphaned at a young age and abused by his half-sister. My mother was bullied by her siblings. When you learn these things about your parents, it makes you more understanding when they lash out or act difficult.


I had a difficult relationship with my mother. I felt like she was never really there for me and only thought about herself. I use to dread when she would go in her bipolar rages and put me down and call me names. I know she had a tough life but now i feel my life is affected by the way i was treated,she is no longer here but i still haven't been able to forgive her.


I have a solution for your problem :). Fall in love with and marry somebody with a sweet, loving, caring mom, and adopt her as your mom. You can forget your biological mother ever existed after that :D.


Lol that’s a terrible idea I love my mom, that’s the whole point I’m stuck


You're a better person than she is.

My uncle is married to some she-demon from Czechoslovakia, and that monster has terrorized his kids and my grandma for years. Now that her kids are grown and gone, only one of them actually keeps contact with her. Her oldest son moved away, became a neurosurgeon, and didn't tell his parents where he lives. The middle son moved away, married a nice girl, settled down, but never calls. The youngest daughter still calls, but she's mostly had to deal with her own life problems for now. I can't decide who I pity most right now: my grandma, for being emotionally abused remotely by this bitch from hell, or my uncle, who has now retired for real from the Air Force, and is now in the thrall of this she-beast.

Hehe, there's a reason he holds a record for flying over 15,000 hours and retired three times from the Air Force. He wanted to stay away from her, and now he has no choice. To be honest, I don't know why he didn't divorce her sorry ass years ago. Hell, the only reason he married her was because she was semi-attractive when she was young, and the sex was good! Nowadays she looks like 10 miles of bad road. I've seen monsters on The Witcher that looked more attractive than her.


a relationship can't survive on good sex alone.


Geez, she sounds like the mom from Boogie Nights. I'm sorry dude.

My mom is nothing but positive and supportive. Dad on the other hand...


You need to learn the art of the snappy comeback. Write them down when you think of them until you have a sufficient number to cover most of her rants and then proceed to use them.

Here's one I used on my mother when she was alive as an example. This was on the occasion of me telling her I'd been diagnosed with a genetic disorder.

Mother - I always thought there was something wrong with you.

Me - It's funny you should say that...

Note that there will be payback but it's worth it.

As further background I finally figured out that my mother always resented me for being some way off perfect because it reflected back on her. She was a vain woman and my existence was a continual slap in the face to her vanity. How could a woman of her quality have produced such an inferior specimen as me ? Of course the idea never occurred to her as to who I inherited the genetic disorder from.


Here’s one I’ve been using so frequently as of late, that Im pretty sure I need to switch it up.

My mom is a constant questioner, so when I hear her interrogating my kids I yell from the other room: “Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!”

The kids like it but my mom, not so much.


Yeah that's a good one. It's minimal and it shuts them up. For a while.


You do not need to love your mother like that.

You don't owe her anything and if she's abusing you, you don't need to take it.

However, if you want to then you must adapt to it. In psych they call this "reframing" and it means looking at something in a new way.

What makes you angry is that you believe your mom can control herself or should be able to. Clearly, anyone doing anything cannot control themselves, that's why they're doing it. They cannot think any other way than they do at the time of their actions.

So, a good way to look at your mom and "reframe" her actions is to look at her as unenlightened, crazy, stupid, petty, immature, unhealthy, a person in need of help, limited, and so forth. This creates a new understanding of your mom.

So, imagine you are talking to a friend, a stranger, a retarded person, and they call you a "motherfucker" in a very serious and threatening tone. If it's your friend what would you think? It would be very shocking and serious. A stranger might be scary but you could play it off that he's crazy. A retarded person might be funny because you know he doesn't know what he's talking about. Same word, but three different ways of viewing it.

So, turn your mom into a retard, and just pity her reactions.

Limit time talking to her.


She’s not abusive, at least not to the point that I could ever not love her limit contact with her. Maybe I misrepresented the situation, she can just be a huge nagging bitch.


By "abusive" I meant subtle abuse too.

Being super annoying and agitating someone a lot is abuse. It's probably not meant to be, but if you're constantly made unhappy around someone, it's a sign. Nagging is a female form of abuse too.

It's like someone poking you over and over.

In addition, you may notice that men don't do too much nagging because they know it might equal violence and is a form of being an asshole.


I would also like to say, you should not listen to your mom, no matter what unless it's a genuinely sound idea that you agree with.

You listen to yourself. Think about what is important to you, what you see as leading to positive logical conclusions, and do that. It is very important that you not be "pussy whipped" by a female.

That is an evil power game they play and they will hate you for it. It will also lead you down a bad path with other women.

It is perfectly fine to get advice from a women who loves and supports you though, as long as she does so respectfully. That is what mates are for to help you when you are confused and down, ans vice versa.

However, women that secretly hate men will try to fuck you up and boss you around as a form of punishment. Do not fall for it.

Start "yesing" your mom and blow her off when she's like this. Do not argue or get upset. As I've said, there is something wrong and her opinion is tainted.


Because you permit her to go there. You haven’t realized it yet...but when she begins her turn into the young child again. You need to learn to be the adult by not giving into her rants. Stop with the back and forth. Keep the calls short and civil. If she starts ranting don't respond with your rants. Just nicely say, “Gee, Mom, I hate to hang up, but...gotta ya!” Then hang up the phone!


Replying to TheAdlerian,

You definitely come across as a first class misogynist! Your comment about MovieBuff being PW by his mother is disgusting to say the least. You do realize he’s writing about his *mother*! “Evil power game they play”? She is *not* his mate!


“... violently angry...” ? It sounds like you give it to her also. As soon as the phone call starts to get “nasty” keep your cool and end the call! “Hate to hang up, but nature is calling. Talk to you ya! Bye” The hostility only lasts as long as you two are feeding it. Don’t let yourself become angry and “in a shitty mood”. You know what she’s like and she ain’t gonna change! And from the sound of it you aren’t either.

To all of us: We are what our parents made us; our children are what we made them. My daughter has not spoke to me in 14 years. I’m mostly to blame. I never liked kids, never wanted kids. I never should have had kids. Too much of my dad in me who verbally beat my brother down unmercifully. But, thank God I also have some of my deceased sweet Mom’s traits. She was as perfect as a human could be. I could have been a better daughter to her. She deserved more than what she got in life. Today, for some reason I found myself talking to her...”It won’t be long now Mom.”


She just needs a good shagging.
