MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Give me a GOOD movie with good fight cho...

Give me a GOOD movie with good fight choreography

I capitalized good because I recently watched The Raid and was extremely disappointed, good fight sequences, terrible movie.


Enter The Dragon
5 Deadly Venoms
Oldboy *the Josh Brolin remake is quite good too


I really need to see Enter the Dragon. Has it aged well?


Yes, it's still great!
And John Saxon has a prominent role so you could lose your man card for not watching it😉


John Saxon is a boss!


Sho' nuff!


This is hard to do because we all have different opinions on what we think are good movies. So with that in mind I recommend The Transporter (2002). Good movie with good fight scenes and this is the movie that made Jason Statham famous.


Transporter is solid


Good one
Due for a rewatch!
Statham is cool😎


I have to disagree with you here, the 2 movies which made Statham famous are Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch both came out years before the 1st Transporter film.


My favorite is "Iron Monkey" (1993).


the raid would have been my choice if i hadn't seen your post. the raid gets my vote as the best acction film of all time. in fact, i think i'm going to watch it again tonight for the billionth or so time.

but leaving that aside...

perhaps 'the night comes for us?'

it's on netflix, features iko uwais, & has some fantastically brutal action. it also has something of a story, i guess.

or the last mission impossible film, possibly. the story is just along for the ride in that one as well, but it features some of the most astonishing stunts & action i think i've ever seen in a film.


Banlieue 13


Mean Streets


The Raid is one of the best action movies ever, I'm surprised you didn't like it if you're an action fan.

If you haven't seen it, check out "The Man From Nowhere" (2010) It's great, good story and hard hitting action.


i second 'the man from nowhere.' though i remember thinking it lagged just a bit in the middle.


I liked the action in raid it was the rest of the movie I found weak


The Rundown, 2003
