MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > One of my biggest annoyances in movies.....

One of my biggest annoyances in movies...

The film has just started and we are treated to text on the screen like this:

The year is 2097. After the fall of the Babylon Era, only three remain. In order to counteract the virus, the government has enlisted a group known as NEXUS to obtain the Earth's minerals. Together with the help of Emperor Zorg who was hiding away in a cave, they must find the Soldiers of Eternal Fire to destroy the Platinum Star before it wreaks havoc in 20 years.

Like, the movie hasn't even started. Why are you confusing me like this?


it's usually related to sound


The action scenes are often way too loud and then the dialogue scenes are a bunch of muttering...super annoying


the music is so loud you can't hear the dialogue.


I'm a PT Anderson fan, but he does that a lot. Especially in the last shot of Magnolia.


Funny. I didn't think movies did this anymore. I remember many from the 70s and 80s with that scrolling text. Soylent Green, The Running Man and of course Star Wars.


I've seen some sci-fi movies do it. To be honest, I think they do it to save on budget instead of filming it.


Some of mine are classic ones like when they order food/drinks then leave before it arrives or someone has made a meal but no one eats or finishes it.

And when they use their own accents even though that accent doesn't even exist yet eg Costner's Robin Hood.


With the first point, it's usually followed with someone leaving without locking the door.


I dislike serious period pieces where you can tell when the movie was filmed by what characters say or their haircuts.

Like a WWII movie filmed in the 80’s and the soldiers have mullets.


When a character takes on a new activity/task and is an instant expert. It is quite common with Female characters the "Going Full Rey" phenomenon for example.

There is a show called Heartland which is about horses and a female character who has barely started to ride gets into rodeo and is riding bronc's and winning as if it's no big deal at all. Kind of takes away from the skill required if it is so easy a novice can win so easily.

Not to mention the girl power crap.


If your talking about normal people in movies suddenly being able to fight and shoot or whatever else, I agree.

You know people think everything is fight or flight but another big real world option is freezing up under stress. It happens ALL the time and law enforcement and military train all the time so it won’t.

I remember in The Thing (1982) There is a scene when the creature is about to kill Windows and he’s armed with a flame thrower but does not hit the trigger and the thing kills him. I watched it with a friend and he said “this is so fake. That guy would have burned the monster. He just sat there!” Well, that’s bull shit. A good percentage of people would have been frozen with fear and not just because it was a space alien. The same thing happens if the assailant is a man.


Yeah that is exactly what I mean. The normal person just instantly becoming an expert or with very little training. Even the Karate Kid is over the top despite Danielson going through a bit of training.

Freezing up is something you don't see much of in film and TV. When you do it is usually an older war film and the person freezing up then deals with the coward tag.

I deal with Emergency and Crisis management within my company and we get the people in the branches calling us all the time as well as the call centre's. They shit they do or don't do when there is a crisis going on is just astounding. They also are not trained at all to relay the information to us so we can waste up to 10 minutes at times trying to extract this information from them because they are partially so nervous and partially just don't know what to lead with.


I once read a study that said in WWII there was a higher than you would think number of US soldiers who would not fire their rifles when commanded to. The number has gotten smaller in every conflict where that data is available. They think the number is so small now because of the conditioning of shooting video games growing up. Pulling the trigger is natural. In the 40’s the majority of men with that instinct were Hunters.


I think it also might be due to WW2 being a conscript war and men joining up without much pre-thought. Now you have professional soldiers, men who thought about it and chose to be soldiers even if it was for reasons other than country and duty.

At one point I was going to join the army and I thought about war and combat. Even back then I doubted that I would have any problems pulling the trigger. I wasn't an avid gamer either. To me it was just being honest about what the job was and what would be required of me.


Question: How does someone with your negative mindset, who claims to dislike people in general, end up in Emergency & Crisis Management?
Answer: In the same manner that unintelligible, rude and obnoxious people end up in CSR positions.


Not negative at all just honest. Give me something positive to comment on and I will be very positive about it.

The thing is in my job you can't be nice because otherwise you waste too much time.


If anyone is a fan of brutal honesty (tempered with tact), it's me, but you couldn't seem to handle mine. So, your response looks weak and flaky to me.


Couldn't handle what? You were vague and are most likely another pointless troll. You aren't worth taking seriously.

Fuck it, go play with the other blocked retards.


I wasn't vague at all with my reference of generally disliking people. Funny how your first bs response came very quickly and this one took some time. And yet you still couldn't come up with anything better than a standard, internet, lame insult.

Yeah, with my post count here, I'm "another pointless troll". Your reasoning is laughable. This getting nipped in the bud so early in the game is just something else for me to be grateful for at this time, knowing I don't have to waste any more time on you.


Another annoyance is when two heroes are engaged is some kind of training session and they're going at each other full force with real swords or other are you actually trying to kill your partner?


Edge of Tomorrow. They go at Tom Cruise like they want to murder him.


"Zoom and enhance" ⤵️


I always laugh with these. And they do it with such ease. "Can you enhance the image, Pointdexter?" "Why, as a matter of fact I can."
