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Actor's they think are draw cards but we don't care?

A topic that came up on the Charlie's Angels 2019 board. They cast Kristen Stewart thinking she was some huge star and draw card but it would seem she is the opposite. So as Hollywood is so out of touch I am thinking about other actors they might think are hot stuff but you see as the opposite?

Kristin Stewart
Tom Cruise - I like some of his older films but asides from possibly Top Gun 2 it's over.
Russell Crowe - for me he is always so pompous and dull.


Aside from the Marvel movies, Chris Hemsworth has had very few hits as a leading man. Rightfully so in my opinion, as I've always found him very bland and unremarkable.


Mark Wahlberg, hands down. I like him, but there’s not a single movie of his other than The Fighter that I actually can say is good or memorable. And even then it’s because Christian Bale steals the show in that movie. Seems like a cool guy but his movies are as vanilla and forgettable as they come.


Not even The Departed?


He was ok in that but the main stars were Matt Damon and Leo. His character just always seemed a little exaggerated to me in the way he portrayed it, although the character was obviously very vital to the story in the end. He also seemed like the 5th or 6th guy on the bill and always seemed to be outshined by the rest of the mega cast. I automatically think Leo or Damon when I think of the Departed.


I hate Mark Wahlberg in movies. He's the only face I hate seeing. And I hate that he's in every movie.


Yeah I see what you mean, I probably think of even Vera Farmiga before Wahlberg in that movie. I think he’s a pretty pedestrian actor myself, but he’s had his moments, most people would say Boogie Nights but I thought he was great in 2 Guns, perfect for that part and surprisingly funny.


I really liked Russell Crowe in Gladiator. Can't remember much else of his stuff. I think he was in the Cruise Mummy movie. Wasn't he the bad guy?
Gerard Butler seems a bit dated. 300 was pretty cool. Can't remember his other movies. I DO remember that females were literally chasing him down in the street after the premier to throw pussy on him! That's gotta be nice! What an ego stroke, right?


I agree with Gerard Butler. Likeable guy but he’s a guy you watch when scrolling through Netflix.


Russell Crowe is in one of my fave Aussie films "Proof" which is quite good. He was good in Gladiator too but slowly he became increasingly boring and pompous as he became more of a star.

Yeah he was in the Mummy which was terrible he played Dr Jekkyl/Mr Hyde, Universal had a whole franchise planned around their monsters. It died with that film.

300 was a good film but after that I think his career went downhill. Yeah an ego boost but women can be really blunt about how they go about that kind of thing. and it is apparently ok because they're women.


Russell fell victim to the same thing that happens to the majority of them. He started believing all the bullshit that's fed to them, trying to keep his acting skills high by maxing his confidence. By stroking his ego. All it really does in the end is detach them from reality and thereby ruin them. Sad, really.
It would have been great to see an exceptional actor play Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde. Maybe it'll still happen some day. Who do you think would do it justice?
Cruise' Mummy wasn't that bad. Unfortunately... it wasn't that good either. Not good enough to return the profit it needed anyway. Oh well.

You were talking about Butler in 300 right? The movie was highly stylized which turned alot of people off but if you went into it accepting it as such it was actually pretty good. I liked it enough to spend the $3.74 in the bargain bin and add it to my collection. I have to say, tho, the bit where he climbs Mt Olympus to deal with the nutjobs and the oracle was bad. Definitely the low point of the flick.

As far the groupies went well... it is what it is. All people can be a bit shallow at times and I don't just mean the women. But it seems both parties knew what they were doing and got what they wanted. Have to admit that the guys were in great shape generally, and being under the spotlight I'm sure his physique was top notch. Use it before you lose it, right? I just think that you can't continue that way for long because you wind up feeling awfully empty inside. That path can lead to dire consequences.


For me what ruined The Mummy was setting it in the modern world, or at least the way they did it. At times it didn't look any different to a Walking Dead episode. I also like the romance of the 1920's era when a lot of Mummy films were set in.

Throwing Dr Jekkyl in was jarring, I know that was the master plan to have all their monsters in the same universe but really, why?

Crowe always had an ego actually which I guess you have to if you want to make it big but yeah he fell victim to his own sense of importance.

I liked 300 the first time I saw it but actually haven't been able to get into it since then. Tried re-watching it a couple of times and although it still looks good, I don't know, just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Not to say it's a bad film though.

I think Butler has that right mix of good looking and non threatening, something about him obviously that women like or liked as it may be. I don't blame anyone for taking advantage of the attention while they have it!


I liked Crowe in “A Beautiful Mind”


I forgot that one. Damn spooky. Supposedly a true story. Can you imagine being so intelligent that your mind invents people to help you cope with it? Didn't the end of the movie say that he kept from going completely insane by accepting the ones that benefited him and getting rid of (or least trying to) the ones that were harming him? It's been a long time, I don't remember exactly.
That is the right movie, isn't it?


Butler is one of the few successful Hollywood actors who genuinely can't act. His range is so limited that he shouldn't do anything other than roar and throw bodies around. He's tried to break out from the action genre but the results were dreadful.


He did a comedy as a bounty hunter after his ex-wife that I liked.


Not actors and not a film but same premise. Down here in Australia they replaced the hosts of our crap "Today" program making all the presenters female, they weren't even particularly well liked presenters just a couple of newsreaders I believe who were promoted to presenter.

Lo and behold how the ratings fell! So now they have sacked their Woke presenters and idea and are bringing back the male presenter to hopefully save the day.

Not sure why they thought these female newsreaders were going to be a draw card.


Jeremy Renner


Yes! But I think they've already learnt that by now.


Ben Affleck
Scarlett Johansson
Ryan Gosling
Anne Hathaway
Robert DeNiro used to be cool, but has lost his appeal.


Gosling is a drawcard.


Of the 3 mentioned, clearly Cruise is the only recognizable face globally and he's really one of the last of A-list stars domestically.

I thought Kristin Stewart was on some fun with needle journey (actually I'm trying to think why the OP would choose her in a top #3 of anything that includes the words: Box. Office. Draw) and Crowe's headlining years ended about the same time he threw a phone at some lady back when W. was still President.

Cruise was a big movie star in the 80's, 90's, toward the later half of his career he went into a small decline but bounced back into the 00's with some major hits working with some of Hollywood's greatest directors.

Outside of the MI franchise, there's really nothing much to work with post 2010. But he's still a box office draw that can draw an opening weekend crowd. He's more of an icon than a box office draw. But yet he's still both. And that's a weird oddity.

Regardless, would I go to see a movie with Tom Cruise in it just for the sake of him being in it? Uh, no.

There's so many "flash in the pans" now on the cover (digital or print) and 2, 3 or 4 years after a fresh reboot/facelift nobody seems to remember their names or even at times recognize their faces.


I know a lot of people who won't see a movie specifically because Tom Cruise is in it, no matter how good it supposed to be. I don't know of any other actor who has that effect.


I know a lot of people who won't see a movie specifically because Tom Cruise is in it, no matter how good it supposed to be. I don't know of any other actor who has that effect.

And that's an excellent point. I have members of my own family that find him repulsive.


I mentioned Kristen because it seems they believe she is a draw card. I don't think she is, in fact I think she is poison. I would agree Cruise would be one of the last fun era of movies star left. Kevin Bacon perhaps to a lesser degree. Like you though I wouldn't see a film just because Cruise was in it, in fact it might even deter me.


I couldn't give two shits about most actors really.
