Gum Chewers

I have an innate dislike over Gum Chewers. I see a decent looking woman and she's working that chewing gum jaw. Is constantly chomping on gum a turn off or not?


Dear gum chewers:

You are just annoying as anyone else who chews with their mouth open.

No, wait, you're MORE annoying! Peop who are just eating stop much sooner than you do.


I don't care for it. And because of the mess it makes on footpaths and roads it should be banned.


I chew gum very often, usually after meals but often for a good hour or so at a time. It's not until I stop and think of it that I realize what a strange habit it isn't but oh well, it keeps my breath fresh lol


Chewing directly after meals for half an hour helps build saliva production for the mouth. This prevents it from getting dry (bad breath as you say) and providing nutrients that help support teeth by reducing acid levels, which can be a hassle with someone with a medical issue such as GERD.

That said, how do we feel about baseball players chewing on sunflower seeds as shown in such films as "Rookie of the Year" (1993)? The troll doll wearing a Cubs™ jersey looked pretty cool.



Some possible additional benefits?


Thanks for the link.

I'm no help expert, though it seems that chewing gum can be a safe alternative to coffee and energy drinks, absent the caffeine and acidity (better if the gum in question is sugar-free).



What I remember of this study that seems to have been left out of the article is a very basic rationale that makes sense to me, namely, the activity encourages circulation to the brain. You'll notice that in almost any advice given by health professionals, they advocate physical activity to combat a variety of health problems because it's a boon to positive cardiovascular function.

As a somewhat amusing and ironic footnote to this topic, I encountered the expression, "walking and chewing gum" at least a couple of times this past week, uttered by very prominent pundits.


Yes, it's all about staying active in the hopes of not having to be dependent on medication, best case scenario.

Sometimes though, you have to wonder if it's more of "toughing out the pain" and less treating the root of a problem, despite when said advice is built on collective wisdom. I know, healthy skepticism.

Sounds like you've been reading up on President Gerald Ford. He was in better shape than most people alive in his day.

Contrast that with the overblown portrayals of him being represented as a clumsy oaf, which he certainly was not, especially when compared to the average person.



Wouldn't a glass of water do the same?


If you've had too much to drink and are feeling nauseous, chewing gum helps. Advice from experience.


omg yes, it's disgusting.


Tell me about it.... stud!!


Hang on, I just remembered she was smoking in that scene, not chewing gum, but hey, that's pretty gross too right?


what if you're trying to quit smoking? love how my privacy is exploited on these forums


Did you know in Singapore, one is not allowed to chew gum without a medical prescription (dental gum)?

This mostly applies to residents, not as strictly enforced on tourists if they are not staying long-term.

Maybe rudeboymurray, who currently lives there, can chime some input.



Dabney Coleman, Norm Macdonald as Burt Reynolds
