MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the drunkest you've ever been?

What's the drunkest you've ever been?

A few years ago, I decided to get drunk by myself on a whim. I had never gotten drunk alone before this.

I bought a liter of Ketel One vodka and drank the entire thing within a few hours. To this day, I have no idea why I did this. I'm not a big drinker, and hadn't had a drink for months beforehand.

Anyways.. I dont remember the next 24 HOURS, though I probably slept for most of it.

When I woke up, my girlfriend at the time had sent me all these angry texts and tried to call me a bunch and I slept through it. Apparently I called her at like 2 in the morning, and we got into a huge argument because she said something about not believing that ninjas were real and I wasn't having it. I guess I kept telling her she didnt know what the **** she was talking about and gave her my drunk history of ninjas while she kept yelling at me to go to sleep.

I woke up thinking it was Saturday morning when it was actually Sunday, which means I slept through the Twins game I had purchased tickets for a couple days before.

Needless to say I have never done that again. I dont know how close to death I was that day, but I didnt get sick or hungover or anything.

What's your worst story?


Everyone who has been on this board the last two years is aware of my tale of woe. But, for the goes again.šŸ„¤šŸ„¤šŸ„¤šŸ„¤For the old timers on here bear with me while I relate once again ā€œThe Drunk Meets the Funeral Homeā€ not permanently, thank the good Lord! This was first told to our beloved Dewey šŸ˜‡ who is no longer with us....just in spirit.

ā€œAnother tale I will never, ever forget. I have to remember because so many are starting to leave us. There are fewer each year to recount the high jinks. Friends I've had for over 55 years.
Anyhow, another trip to Daytona, but this time it didn't stay in Daytona! We all had drove over on Friday night. It was party time! There's something worse going to sleep's waking up, with a hangover, sand all over you, the salt air and sun beating down on you! Well, you know the old saying, "the hair of the dog". Trouble is it didn't work no how many times I tried it followed by water chasers. Needless to say by Saturday evening I was out of my gourd! They couldn't get me sober. We were headed home, but they couldn't deliver me at the house in the shape I was in. Evening turned into night. Still not sober. They didn't know what to do with me until one of the guys who had graduated got a bright idea. He was planning to go to mortuary school and was at the time working at the local funeral home. You guessed it! There they took me. The gals stripped me down to my undies (I think it was just them. He would never tell me) and plunged me into a tub of ice cold water. I half way remember that part, but I definitely remember the part where he said "The next step is to take her to see the dead." I came straight up out of that water and made a bee line for the door! I was sober! I was sober I think! It ended with me spending the night with my best friend. She had called my mom earlier and told her I had become sick from too much sun. Yeah, right! Too much sun did me in!ā€


šŸ™ˆguuurl, you had me at the drunk meets the funeral home.


šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø You?!! I will never forget (the only thing I remember) flying out of that tub šŸ„¶ and heading for the door. I think I passed out again. šŸ„“


I think I was 15 or 16, so young and stupid, and I was at a party in this kids basement. I think both hash and pot were being smoked, I don't remember smoking it, but it was a hotbox none the less. I was also drinking lemon gin. I was so wasted that when a couple of friends were walking me home I think I walk-puked the whole way. Thank goodness my parents weren't around that night to see me. But I was young enough not to have a bad hangover. Needless to say, that was the last time I was really stupid drunk.


During my first year out of high school, I moved in with a friend whose parents had divorced and he and his mother had a big house to themselves. It contained a large, finished basement with a rec room and bar.

My buddy decided to have a New Year's Eve party in the basement that year. All I can remember of that night is that, it was a lively party and I sat at the bar for awhile, socializing and nursing a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. The next thing I remember was standing at the top of the basement steps, staggering and plummeting head first all the way down and then passing out at the bottom. To this day, I'm amazed and grateful I didn't break either my neck or back during that fall.


Well, you know what they say about drunks passed out in the back seat if the car runs off the road. So nimble! ā€œReally? We ran off the road! Didnā€™t feel a thing!ā€šŸ„“


Yeah, I have heard of that before, kap and at some point having entertained the rationale with that incident. I also have a very faint memory of having recovered from it rather quickly.


Seriously?! Youā€™ve heard that one before? šŸ˜†


Yeah, what's so funny or hard to believe? I get the impression it's one of those myths out there, like drinking through a straw gets one drunk faster.


šŸ˜± You mean thatā€™s not true? :-)


Which one? The straw or being nimble?


No, no youā€™re right. Iā€™m a bit inebriated and kspksp is making me giggle.


Yeah, I've been suspecting one Mike's too many maybe.


Yeah, yeah. Pipe down GertrudešŸ„“


Coming from a barfly who claims to be a Bill Paxton fan and is actually completely clueless he's been dead for going on three years ? I don't think so.


Whoa, why the hostility man? I never claimed to be a Bill Paxton fan and yeah Iā€™m out of the loop, so what? I wasnā€™t telling you to pipe down anyway, ā€œshut up gertrudeā€ is something we say when youā€™ve had one too many and itā€™s time for bed. Why you gotta be so snotty?


Ok, let me rephrase that then. You seemed to be a Paxton fan, considering your comments about him.

I've never encountered that expression before so yeah, I interpreted it as you getting an attitude and directing that at me, trying to tell me what to do when you were the one admitting to being inebriated. Guess it was just one of those online misunderstandings.


Yeah sorry, Iā€™d of thought the same thing. Itā€™s possible I was struggling to clarify anything last night. Locos are no bueno.


We're cool. Thanks for understanding my point of view.


Mad Dog is bad news lol. Nothing good ever happens!


Yup, lol! That looks exactly like what I had that night. I remember it having a reputation and apparently it still does, hence its nickname.


I've had some doozies but one that sticks out involves me waking up face down on my kitchen floor underneath the open door of my freezer with a rather large bump on my head. No recollection as to how I got there but I imagine I wanted a popsicle, was a little too anxious opening the freezer door and whacked myself in the head with it causing me to fall to the floor where I'd wake up a couple hours later.


3,50 when I crushed my car. Fortunately I was OK.


In the last minute of this video you can see me fall in my own puke in the bushes:



Iā€™ll take your word for it! Thanks, but no thanks!šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


don't be scared, it'S not a gross video. You don't see much. But it's hella funny though.

20 000 people were able to watch it so I think you're Okay


Gee, thanks again! I would say itā€™s gross. This is me about now...šŸ¤¢ thinking of the time I was driving home from work and having to heave! I ripped off my blouse and just let loose into it! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤• After all I didnā€™t want to mess up the interior of my car!

I have this thing about seeing knuckleheads upchucking; Iā€™ve visited ā€œralphā€ too often. The bathroom (loo) floor is so comforting!


I ripped off my blouse and just let loose into it! šŸ¤¢

Lol! That must have been epic!

You did not find my video funny?


I would say zany. I got as far as the mouth opening to heave. Afterwards the spinning, then head first into the puke! šŸ˜œ Is that really you? Wow, big time drunk! And in daylight!


Yes it is! It was morning, after an all nighter and drugs were involved too.


Thank goodness we just drank and smoked cigarettes! Iā€™m so very glad my era didnā€™t involve drugs or weed. We probably would have smoked weed. But, I donā€™t understand the use of hard drugs. My daughter, married for years with 2 adult kids, got hooked on prescription drugs. What a nightmare! The result? It destroyed her marriage after 30 years.

Due to the use of recreational drugs, those of us who need these drugs for medicinal purposes can no longer get them. I can no longer buy pseudoephedrine over the counter so I have to get a script. Damn meth heads! One time I was in line at Walmart waiting to purchase the allotted amount of pseudoephedrine. I started griping about the situation and said aloud where everyone could hear me ā€œDamn meth head manufacturers! I wish as long as no kids and pets are inside the meth labs....the damn place would blow up!ā€

I can no longer get paregoric (tincture of opium) for IBS! There came a time when I couldnā€™t work outside the home. But, after researching I found paregoric was the drug to take for IBS. It permitted me to work half days. No longer. This is how the druggies have had a detrimental effect on us who need the drugs.


Yeah, I know someone who got seriously hooked on prescription pills. Not pretty.

Whatā€™s IBS?


Gross! Irritable Bowel Syndrome. So common nowadays. Why? I believe we can trace a lot of our medical problems to the food we eat.


Your doctor prescribed tincture of opium for IBS?!? That is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. Literally no doctors prescribe that stuff in this day and age. Its a thing of the past. I actually suffer from Ulcerative Colitis, which is 100x worse and I can't even imagine a doctor giving me opioids.

Here is a link for a probiotic that was specifically designed to treat gut disorders. Its not cheap, but it has worked very well for me.

I would also suggest you look into Kratom. It has the same effects on slowing the digestive system that opioids do, except without the horrible side effects.


Padeen, I donā€™t appreciate your reply. My doctor was *not* ā€œincredibly irresponsibleā€ as you deemed him to be. Back in the 80ā€™s I was able to purchase OTC Donnegel PG. Guess what the PG stood for. The druggies started buying it to boil down for the drug. It then became a script. Eventually Donnegel no longer had PG. There was nothing at that time to stop the spasms and I was home bound.

I decided to do research on having a pharmacist make a compound for me using 2 oz paregoric mixed with 8 oz liquid Imodium. I presented this research to my doctor. He was impressed with my research and agreed to writing a script for the compound. I was able to return to my work for half days. I would take 2 tablespoons of the mixture before leaving home. It was the answer to my dilemma of dealing with IBS.

My daughter has IBS, Crohnā€™s, Colitis and would spend most days in agony bed bound near the toilet. I had her try my compound. It was like a miracle for her. She asked for a script from her doctor. She could function again. Later on the Paregoric was taken off the market. The FDA had insisted it be made to the same standards for all pharmaceutical companies. We waited in pain for it to become available again. The oral tab prescribed for us didnā€™t work. My daughter was in worse shape than I was. In order to continue to work I would drink half a bottle of Imodium before leaving the house and not eat all day. Many times I had to leave work. I left grocery carts behind in order to race home.

I went online to check other peoples reaction in not being able to acquire PG. The agony people were dealing with due to no PG was heartbreaking. Eventually PG became available again. But, by that time my daughter became addicted to prescription drugs for the pain. My once beautiful petite daughter became a druggie which destroyed her marriage.

BTW, doctors do prescribe opioids and do prescribe PG in this day and age. It is not a thing of the past. I had no horrible side effects.


I meant it is extremely uncommon to be prescribed opioids or PG for digestive disease such as crohns and colitis in this day and age, due to how addictive and dangerous it can be. It's really no different than narcotic prescription pills. Basically, Paregoric is just watered down opium.

The main goal in treating IBD is to reduce inflammation in the GI tract and get into remission. If you're not doing this, colon removal is a very real possibility. It also raises the risk of colon cancer. Covering the symptoms with opiates is simply not an appropriate long term solution for these diseases. Are you guys seeing a Gastroenterologist? There are many new drugs out there for the treatment of IBD, i.e., Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. If you have a severe case, you should be on Biologics, such as Remicade of Humira.

And concerning Kratom, there is a lot of misinformation online. It is light years safer than opioids, and has the exact same effect on the digestive system, since it works with the same receptors in the brain.


My daughter has had at least 10 colonoscopies. She has been to several Gastro Drs. She has been to the Mayo Clinic. She has been to Tampa. Sheā€™s taken the capsule in order to see beyond what a colonoscopy cannot see. I donā€™t know where you live, but it is not uncommon to prescribe opioids for the pain and they do stop the spasms. That is why Donnegel had stop the spasms. You need to do more research on opioids for the digestive problems. When I was in the hospital back in 2004 for a serious digestive issue, I was given Dilaudid through my IV for pain and to stop the spasms. It works!

When the paregoric was difficult to obtain my doctor prescribed 4 Mg hydromorphon, 30 tabs every 6 months. One would solve my flare ups. I did not permit myself to become addicted. There is nothing available to help my daughter. She also has C-Dif.

Now with the Red Flag drugs being carefully watched, our doctors will no longer prescribe them. We are being referred to a pain management doctor. I asked my doctor ā€œPain management for IBS?ā€
How crazy is that? We can actually get a Fentanyl patch from pain management. No wonder they are springing up everywhere!


I'm sorry your daughter is having a tough time. Its a very cruel disease and very unfair. What bugs me is that we don't know what causes it, even though there are a lot of clues. Originally, it mostly effected first world countries and now it is starting to pop up newly industrialized countries, who are adopting more of a Western Lifestyle. Is it our food, medicine or just a glitch in our genes? I don't know!

I've heard of opioid use in a hospital setting, but not as a long term solution as part of treatment. But if it works for you, I guess that's between you and your doctor and none of my business. Just be careful. These kinds of drugs can be a slippery slope for many people. One of my best friends started out with a prescription from his doctor, which led to heroin, which led to his death.

Personally, I'm mostly focusing on diet and probiotics. I eat nothing processed and have given up all grains, bread, potatoes, rice, etc. I mostly eat meat/fish/eggs, squash, fermented veggies, fruit and raw honey. Its called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It's an elimination diet that emphasizes the removal of certain types of carbohydrate-containing foods based on their chemical structure. The governing theory behind the SCD is that complex carbs encourage an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria in your small intestine if you have IBD.

I would also suggest looking into Dr Weston A Prices ancestral diet.


Thanks for the info. I read the Weston A Price food plan. OMGosh! Talk about clogging the arteries! A plaque building diet. Itā€™s no wonder back in the olden days people didnā€™t live long lives.

I am a veggie & rice person. Iā€™ve read people of Asia are more healthy due to their diets. Itā€™s only when they move here and become ā€œAmericanizedā€ in diet they begin having the same medical problems.

Iā€™ve also read due to our non-canine teeth we werenā€™t meant to eat meat, only fish. If so, our teeth would have evolved to be able to tear into flesh.

Iā€™m in a 2nd day flare up of IBS. As soon as I eat the ā€œinvisible man/womanā€ starts socking me in the stomach! This is why when I travel I donā€™t eat. I drink water. Last month I flew to Florida (normally I drive) and without fail someone sits next to me or near me with a cheeseburger. Of course Iā€™m somewhat hungry, but I dare not eat the day of travel.

I need to take a bag to my daughter. I dropped her off at the ER last evening. I just now took a dose of my compound and waiting for the spasms to cease. It began yesterday while at the grocery...I made it home just in time for the evening fun of screaming in agony.

BTW, years ago after giving birth to our first baby I had to remain in the hospital for an extended stay. I had developed an ulcer & Ulcerative Colitis. The treatment? Maloxx and baby food! Good grief! If youā€™ve never had a sigmoidoscopy you donā€™t know what youā€™re missing. Oh, the inhumanity of it!


I just realized we went off the rails! This is supposed to be a fun drunk OP. Letā€™s stop the gross medical stuff. OK? šŸ„“


Yes, we hijacked the thread a little bit. I'm sure people don't want to hear about it haha.


Actually more than a little bit! Iā€™ve got a few more tales in my drunken melee folder. šŸ¤Ŗ


There is no way I would take Kratom after reading about it. BTW, Paregoric is prescribed for exactly my problem.

ā€œParegoric is used to relieve diarrhea. It decreases stomach and intestinal movement in the digestive system.ā€

In other words it stops the spasms.


Alright, since weā€™re sharing. Back when I became of legal drinking age I ran with some kids a few years older. They thought it entertaining to take me out to all the atl strip clubs. One night at a rather esteemed club we were taking tequila shots and my bud bought me a lap dance. Between this girls legs I see my friend across the table giving me the ā€slap her assā€ gesture. Being drunk on tequila, of course I slapped her ass so hard I left a hand print. A few minutes later the bouncer came over and reprimanded me for putting my hands on a dancer. I was never ejected from the club. Iā€™m not proud yā€™all, but I am somewhat a legend for this story.


I drank heavily in college and I could finish off a fifth of vodka on a regular basis. One time I was drinking for probably 12 hours and I honestly don't remember how much, but we were up until morning. I got back to my apartment, somehow I walked there, and slept until 9pm which was something like 14 hours. I was due in at work at 5pm and they called several times, but I never woke up. I called work and begged to keep my job. Needless to say, this is when I realized I had an alcohol problem and it was time to dial it back.
